
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · アニメ·コミックス
788 Chs

Kaido the Wrecking Bastard

No one could have imagined that the three commanders, who all had great fame in the New World, combined with the three's offensive, would have destroyed in the blink of an eye. So much that pirates all had a sense of unreality and wondered if this was the three commanders' plan to show weakness and lure the enemy.

"Who the hell is this Marine? With such terrifying strength, why have you never heard of it?"

"This guy already has the strength of a top-ranked division leader. It's scary!"

"I hear it's a marine named Longinus, a Rear Admiral in the marine headquarters!"

"Eh? Why did I hear those marines say it was an ensign?"

"They must be mistaken. If this kind of monster is just an ensign, why are we still pirates? We might as well all go home and farm!"

Teach, hidden among the pirates, looks at the crowd focus on Longinus with hidden envy, which precisely is what he seeks and aspires to be.

"But it's far from time for me to make my debut!"

"This kind of strength ..." the fighting Sakazuki also twitched at the corners of his mouth, "He's so much stronger than I thought he was. It seems I said unnecessary nonsense last time!"

Just then, there was a tremor from the sea in the distance, as a giant ship was riding the tide.

"What's a top war without my involvement?" A voice burst from the giant ship, and the person who spoke seemed to be unable to wait, standing at the head of the ship and leaping down, surprisingly turning into a divine dragon soaring into the air and riding the clouds and mist.

The battlefield, which had been somewhat silent due to the three commanders' defeat, suddenly erupted into a boil.

"Hey, hey! Am I hallucinating? How could such legendary creatures exist?"

"A lie, right? Such creatures shouldn't exist in reality at all!"

"Trouble! It's the Beast Pirates coming, and the divine dragon flying in the sky is their captain, Beast Kaido!"

"This guy once hit the marine headquarters on his own, and although he was defeated and captured, he eventually escaped because ... he's simply a monster that can't be killed!"

"Whitebeard, you're doing a beautiful job for an old man!" The giant dragon roared with a voice like a flood of thunder.

"Kaido, what are you doing here, you bastard? It is a war that belongs to my son!" Whitebeard snapped coldly.

"Destroy you and the Marine Corps together, of course!" The dragon in the sky suddenly bulged its mouth, and its fiery spit sprayed towards the battlefield where Garp and Whitebeard were.

This maniacal approach made pirate and Marine in the arena widen their eyes. Even if it was a mythical creature like a dragon, it was too arrogant to provoke the world's strongest man, Whitebeard, and the marine hero, Garp, at the same time.

"Gekishin!" Whitebeard combined the power of vibrations with Haoshoku Haki, and the mighty might shook the entire arena, shattering the atmosphere up and spreading, actually devouring Kaido's breath completely.

"Genkotsu Meteor!" Garp, on the other hand, stomped on Geppo at top speed and blasted a punch into the jaws of the dragon.


Kaido roared in pain, and the huge dragon head slammed down, knocking Garp into the sea.

"Vice-Admiral Garp!" The surrounding Marine shouted in unison, and well, Garp quickly leaped out of the sea.

"Kaido, my fist doesn't taste good, does it!"

"Garp, you're something!" Kaido's figure shifted, transforming into a terrifying giant man with horns on his head, a naked (harmonious) upper body, a purple top hanging from his waist, and an aura like that of an ancient demon god. "This boring world, only this kind of top-notch war, can make my blood boil."

The corners of Longinus' mouth twitched as he watched Kaido as if he were acting as his screwball stick, rigidly turning the fight between Garp and Whitebeard into a three-person melee.

The plan had been to draw those pirates into the scene one by one, but now with the addition of Kaido as a wrecker, it made the situation more and more complicated.

The good news is that this headquarters has no intention of dispelling the other pirates' wait-and-see attitude through one or two wars, and just like yesterday's test, the two sides aren't fighting any real matches in this war today.

The Marine had its ideas, and the Whitebeard Pirates had their concerns as well, and the probability was that if both sides were crippled, it wouldn't be the Marine that would be unlucky in the end.

After all, it is the war between peers that is the most vicious.

Of course, the only one not in the plan would be Kaido, the wrecker!

Wait a minute. Kaido, the wrecker? Something doesn't seem, right?

Just as Longinus was thinking this, a green flame attacked, radiating the healing scent of life.

Longinus flashed by in an instant and smiled at the birdman floating in mid-air, "I hear Commander Marco's flame is regenerative. Is this an attempt to heal my wounds?"

"Idiot, it means to extinguish the flame of your life forever!" Marco's eyes were half-closed, and he looked like he was awake.

Longinus looked around the battlefield and noticed that both Kuzan and Borsalino had gone to deal with the Hundred Beast Pirates' big cadres, so it was no wonder that allowed Marco to be free.

"What? Is it to ask for help from the other Vice Admirals?" Marco's wings reshaped into arms and fell above the ice.

"Idiot, it means to confirm that no one will disturb the fight between us!" Longinus smiled calmly.

Marco was stunned. Was this an imitation of his speech? The slouched eyelids all fiercely widened a few points, "Are all the newcomers so arrogant nowadays?"

"It means confidence!" Longinus said, quickly stomping out on the ice.

"Tekkai - Busoshoku - Go!"

Longinus combined Tekkai and Soru, covering his right fist with a coat of Busoshoku Haki that made even the air pop with an unbearable sound between short lunges.


Marco's entire body is wrapped in a blue flame, not a solid flame, has no temperature, and cannot burn objects, but it can ignite life.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The encounter between the two did not have the apocalyptic disaster of Logia that could quickly destroy the sky and earth. Still, the inner strength was such that the ice around them shattered into the tiniest particle state.

Longinus was not wrong in his previous assessment, Marco was indeed stronger than him, but it was in the ability to heal injuries quickly with Marco's fruit abilities, as long as they didn't kill him in one blow.

In contrast, however, Marco's attacking aspect was much weaker, so that in a short time, the two instead showed an evenly matched situation.

"What a pain in the ass! Can't see the weaknesses at all, and it doesn't seem easy to beat you in a short time." Marco sighed lazily.

Longinus pushed his opponent back with Rankyaku, and the bruising that had been isolated with Busoshoku Haki gradually dissipated on his arm, "Your flames are the real trouble."

"If you don't use Busoshoku isolation, you'll burn up all your life energy over time, and if you use Busoshoku, you'll consume your Haki too fast, which means that it's best not to drag out a fight with you for too long."

Longinus said with quite a headache, "But your blue flame can heal its wounds again, and unless you are defeated with overwhelming force, you will eventually be defeated as you are dragged into a war of attrition!"

"It's terrible! So quickly, you can see it all!" Marco said with a "scared" look.

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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