
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · アニメ·コミックス
788 Chs

Berserker Basaka (1/3)

"What a powerful warrior, I really want to go down and fight him!" Seeing this situation, even the Giant King standing on the high platform was a little itchy.

"How about, with me as a special guest ..."

"Cough ..." the older giant coughed a few times and discouraged, "Your Majesty, mind your status!"

"I am a warrior first and then a king!" The Giant King said discontentedly.

"But, but ..." the old giant thought for half a day before continuing, "But if you do this, in case the guests from afar misunderstand and think that we giants are sore losers..."

"Well, so!" The Giant King waved his hand in discouragement, "Well ~ _ ~, I'll stay in the stands and try not to move."


"Then what more do you want?" The giant king blew his beard and said, "Do you know how painful it is to make a brave warrior miss such an opponent?"

"Under the watchful eye of the God of Elbaf, such behavior is simply disrespectful to the God of War!"

The old giant sighed and forcibly changed the subject, "When meeting such a powerful enemy, Prince Loki will probably be no match!"

"What may be, is bound to be no opponent!" Giant King said frankly, "Loki he has experienced life and death battles or too little, in terms of combat experience is simply impossible to compare with that marine friend."

"According to John, our Marine friend has been fighting the enemy to the death since he was 11 or 12 years old."

The Giant King praised, "Even now in a high position, he has never relaxed his sharpening, I must say, he is definitely a true warrior!"

"Then, shall we hasten to abort this competition, or, perhaps, Prince Loki is not feeling well?" The old giant asked in a hurry.

"Bastard! Do you know what you are saying?" The Giant King glared, "This is a desecration of the battle and a betrayal of the God of Elbaf!"

"But in case of failure, Prince Loki will be deeply hit not to mention ..." the old giant said worriedly, "the clan's expectations for the prince will also drop a lot!"

"No one is immune to failure, and it's better to fail now than when he fails in a life-and-death struggle with the enemy!" The Giant King said carelessly, "As for the expectations of the clan? Since when did the honor of a warrior become pinned on the opinions of others?"

"The honor of a warrior never comes from our proud hearts!"

Seeing that the old giant had more to say, the giant king said impatiently, "Okay, you don't say anymore."

"Don't disturb me watching the game."

Longinus looked a little odd in the field; although the two in the stands had lowered their voices, the giant's loud voice still made it easy for him to catch the conversation between the two.

"I almost thought today's storyline was going to go toward some bad cliche trope, but it's a good thing most of these giants are straightforward to excess."

Longinus sighed a few words in his mind, then turned his head to look at several other areas.

In the first region where Prince Loki took his victory, in the aesthetic view of Longinus, the giant prince did look a little... less "polite".

It's no wonder that even BIG-MOM's daughter is cruelly running away from him.

The second area is Berserker Basaka, who always rushes in the forefront among giants to be crowned as a berserker.

It was also by him that John was defeated.

The fourth area is a giant that has shaken. He does not have an overwhelming advantage in the fourth area; it is almost his limit to go this far!

"Mighty warrior, please accept my challenge, as Oliver!"

The fourth region of the giant strides towards Longinus, Loki, and Basaka did not intervene but instead watched with a solemn gaze.

As stated at the beginning, the mightiest warrior must overcome all the giant challenges.

And Longinus, who took almost half as long as they did in the first challenge, was naturally the strongest one.

"Come on!"

Longinus was standing by, and he certainly knew what kind of attitude would win the Giants' favor.

"Yah!!!" The giant warrior roared and threw the heavy axe in his hand with all his strength.

However, the heavy axe soon flew backward at a faster speed than when it came.

Oliver was heavily smashed and fell to the ground, unconscious.

The giants in the stands just cheered for him for a while and then stopped paying attention, and their eyes were only on the victor.

"Next, it's up to me ...," Loki said before he could finish his sentence, he found that Basaka had roared and rushed out.

"Damn it, obviously I was first!" Although indignant in his heart, but due to the rules, Loki had to wait there with his eyes.

The giant's fighting style is straightforward and brutal; in short, it is slash - slash - slash!

Therefore, it could not be more straightforward for Longinus to anticipate and dodge their attacks' trajectory.

But he did not do so. In the land of giants, where strength is revered, dodging is nonetheless considered a weak act.

So, what he did was to swing his fist and meet it with the wildest stance.

In doing so, he undoubtedly caught the itch of the giants.

Both the onlookers and the defeated and retired giants were roaring madly.

In such a heated atmosphere, Longinus' fist finally was colliding with Basaka's battle axe.

Boom! Boom!

This berserker's strength is not comparable to those giant warriors before; even Longinus was backed up a few steps under the opponent's onslaught.

Basaka, on the other hand, was knocked directly away by that powerful force and smashed headfirst into the ground.

"Hahahaha! Come again, come again!" Basaka quickly "pulled" himself out of the ground, ignoring the blood flowing from the corner of his forehead, and rushed towards Longinus with increasing fury.

Boom! Boom!

Basaka instantly blows away again, while Longinus found that his opponent's power was much stronger than before.

"The heavier the injury, the stronger the strength... Is this the power of an Elbaf berserker?" Longinus scowled at the other party with interest.

Sure enough, Basaka bathed in blood rushed again, the body's aura once again soared a few points.

"It's just a shame that sanity has been lost with it." Longinus leaped forward and stepped on Basaka's thigh, and kicked him toward the small of his back.


Basaka took the pain, roared, and hammered his left hand into his belly with a fist.

Longinus, on the other hand, was like stepping on a trampoline, stepping on Basaka's big belly and flying directly overhead, his right leg landing on Basaka's head like a battle axe, just like hammering nails to nail Basaka now into the ground.

Roar! Roar!

Seeing Basaka's hands holding down the ground, furiously trying to jump out, Longinus then added a few more kicks, leaving Basaka with only one head exposed.

Incompetence raging.

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

Franxiscus_Siregarcreators' thoughts