
Mansion of Time: Watching Season 1

The UA family find themselves in a mansion after they agreed to watch a show about their lives. But they don't know what they will see.

Parvez_Kanok · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Izuku Midoriya: Origin

"Before we get started. There's something you'd like to know," Everyone turned to look at Giselle. "It is quite impossible for everyone to be the main character of a show. So you will be watching a certain hero's life, from childhood to his future."

"Who's so important that we need to watch this show? Let me guess, it's going to be me because I'm going to surpass All Might." Katsuki said, grinning maniacally.

"Wrong, you angry Pomeranian. It's not about you. Get that through your thick skull." Giselle said, looking disgusted. Aleister smiled, shaking his head.

Katsuki had a vein bulging out of his forehead. The students laughed or snickered while Izuku was fighting back laughter. Mitsuki smiled to see that another person was tired of Katsuki's shit. Inko was laughing and Masaru put his hand to his head. The teachers looked amused.

"The hero whose life we will be watching is Izuku Midoriya." Aleister said with a smile. Everyone looked at Izuku in shock except All Might, who smiled at the boy.

"M-me?" Izuku stuttered.

"HOW THE FUCK IS DEKU A MAIN CHARACTER?!" Katsuki looked enraged. The majority of the students rolled their eyes to his reaction but they were wondering the same thing.

"Bakugo! No foul language!" The class rep exclaimed.

"So Excuse me, but why is that Class 1-A loser getting any spotlight at all? He's just a-" Neito started to say before Aleister glared at him and quickly shut his mouth before he ended up like Katsuki.

Aleister sighed. "If you had not noticed, Izuku Midoriya is and always will be a light of hope amongst you. His skills have resulted in your belief in him. He has changed your lives for the better, whether you agree with it or not." Aleister said, nodding to Izuku.

Izuku felt tears in his eyes. He didn't feel embarrassed or shy. He felt happy that he was acknowledged for being a hero and that his friends cared about him and believed in him. Ochako put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's true, Deku. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have made it into UA. I would have not met you and been able to meet everyone else. You have changed my life for the better and I never got to thank you properly." Ochako smiled at Izuku, who was blinking away his tears.

"Young love," Giselle sighed dreamily. "Remember when we first started dating, dear?"

Aleister chuckled as Toru and Mina tried not to squeal. "I remember it like it was yesterday. I don't think we kept our hands off each other." Izuku and Ochako widened their eyes, looked at each other and covered their faces with their hands, blushing madly. Everyone laughed except Shoto watching the two blush.

"Four things before we start. First, there are five seasons in the show. The first season has thirteen episodes. The second, third and fourth seasons have twenty-five episodes. The fifth season is undecided on how far it will go but you will be watching it. You will be watching six episodes a day. Before the last episode, you may talk among yourselves about what you have seen and what you would have done differently. We will watch the final episode of the season after a two hour lunch break. Second, you will also be watching three movies. Third, I will pause it at certain moments due to the effect of the shock that you will be feeling as you watch or if you take too long for your talks because I cannot afford for you to miss any important information. If any part is too much for a certain individual to watch, I will not stop you from leaving the theater and taking a breather. Finally, we were originally going to have Mr. Monoma, Mr. Tetsutetsu and Ms. Kendo with Class A and Ms. Hatsume. Then we were gonna have Mr. Shinso and the rest of Class B appear before the viewing of the second season but we thought it was best that you all know why the petty little rivalry between your two classes started. Mr. Shinso desires to join the hero course, so he is here to see what heroes in training have gone through." Aleister explained.

A silence filled the room as everyone took in what they heard. Izuku was starting to get nervous but Ochako looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and felt that he could face the world with her by his side.

"Shall we start?" Giselle asked.

"Yes!" Everyone in the room said confidently.

"Let's begin." Aleister said as he pressed play on his remote.

The first images are a shot of an apartment building and leafy green trees. The sound of cicadas. A child crying in the background. A little boy with messy green hair with a pattern of freckles on each cheek. He was crying as he stared forward.

"Deku is that you? You're so small and cute." Ochako smiled as the boy next to her was blushing.

"You're so cute when you were little. I want to pinch those little cheeks!" Ashido exclaimed.

"Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry, Kacchan!" The camera zoomed out as a child Izuku stood, defending a crying boy on the ground. "If you keep on hurting him," he went into a fighting stance. "I'll uh… I'll stop you myself!"

"At such a young age, you had such heroic traits." Iida said, nodding his head.

"My my. Even at a young age, Midoriya wanted to help people." Midnight acknowledged.

Child Katsuki and two other kids stared at child Izuku before smirking. One child grew red wings from his back while the other child extended his fingers. "You want to pretend to be a hero?" Child Katsuki asked, before slamming his right fist into his left palm, causing an explosion. "You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku." Izuku flinched back as the three kids rush towards him. The cicadas continue, a bruised and beaten Izuku is laying in the sand of the park looking dazed, the voice of teen Izuku begins to narrate.

Aleister paused the show.

Mitsuki glared at her son in her seat. "Katsuki…" The anger was clear in her voice. She was ready to hurt her son for bullying the boy he called his friend. Inko put her hand to her mouth in shock, realizing that her son lied to her when he said he fell on the ground while playing that day.

"Such arrogance for a young child." Momo says, shaking her head.

The teachers frowned at the scene, now aware of the history between two of their students and that Katsuki called Izuku quirkless. All Might stared at the screen, rage burning in his eyes as he watched his successor lay on the ground. Izuku put his head down as he fought back tears. The students turned to glare at Katsuki, who ignored the looks directed at him.

Ochako stood up abruptly. "What is the matter with you, Bakugo? Why would you hurt Deku just because he wants to defend his friend? Did you lose your humanity or something growing up?"

Tenya stood up as well. "I agree with Uraraka. That is no way for a future hero to behave."

The students from class B grumbled that it was wrong for him to hurt someone he called a friend.

Katsuki ignored Ochako and Tenya. "Shut it extras! I don't give a shit if you think what I did was right or wrong. Deku was not my friend." Katsuki growled and turned to Aleister. "Hey suit bastard. You didn't say anything about showing the past."

"Katsuki Bakugou. Do not call me 'suit bastard'. Consider this your last warning." Aleister said with surprising calmness. "You would not listen to me. Several times, I tried to tell you that in order to see the future, we will need to see the past. You refused to listen. So I felt it was unnecessary to tell you what will be happening. You might want to take the time to show some remorse while you still can. Let us continue." Aleister pressed play.

"Here's the sad truth. All men are not created equal. When I was four years old, I learned that some kids have more power than others."

Aizawa looked at his problem child. The boy found out at a young age in such a terrible way how the world really worked. Nezu's smile shifted to a thin line as he realized the same thing. "It is a sad but true revelation. I hope all or most of you have learned this in a way that was not as violent." The teachers looked on sadly.

A foot splashed in a puddle, 14 year-old Izuku running down a street in a black middle school uniform. "But that won't hold me back. If anything, it pushed me to do better." Izuku narrated.

"There's that signature Midoriya smile!" Mina exclaimed, causing Izuku to blush once more and smile. But his smile melted when he realized what day was being shown.

A giant stood in the middle of a railroad, roaring while Izuku stopped running, staring in awe at him. The image froze, outlining his form, a caption appearing 'Izuku Midoriya'. A huge crowd had gathered, watching the giant. The screen cut back to the villain, then pulled back to show he was standing on an overpass above a sign for "Tatooin Station". Izuku gasped from behind the police line being set up to prevent bystanders from getting too close, though there was still a crowd past the policeman with a megaphone. "Wow. That's one huge supervillain!" Izuku exclaimed.

An opening plays.

"That guitar riff with All Might is so cool." Denki said in amazement.

"Hey look, it's us." Toru said excitedly as Class 1-A was shown in their hero costumes, along with their names.

"Hey Midoriya, why do you look so sad?" Itsuka asked, seeing Izuku walk with his head down.

She was only greeted by silence. Then she heard sobbing from the seat he shares with Ochako. Everyone turned and saw that Izuku had a blanket covering him, his head in Ochako's lap as she whispered comforting words while she played with his hair.

"I don't fe-feel like answering th-that. You'll s-see why in a bit." Izuku said between sobs. His friends wanted to ask him what was wrong, but Ochako glared at them and they turned back to the screen.

Class A flinched, seeing Shigaraki reach towards the camera.

"Who's the man with the hand on his face?" Neito asked, making Mei, Hitoshi, and Class B wonder as well.

"I think the show will reveal his identity." Itsuka said.

"It's the fight with the villains at the USJ." Hanta pointed out.

"Don't tell me we're going to have to watch that happen again!" Minoru cried out.

"All Might's fight with that Nomu!" Eijiro said. "Oh man, I can't wait to get to that part again. It was so manly!"

"Mr. Aizawa, you looked so cool fighting all those villains just now," Mina praised him.

Aizawa shrugged. "I'm your teacher. It's my responsibility to protect you all. I was just doing my job, but thank you, Ashido."

Everyone quieted down as the intro song wound down to an end, showing the whole class posing in front of the school in their costumes. Mina took out her phone and took a picture.

"So this show is about Class A." Tetsutetsu grumbled.

Itsuka put her hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Sinclair did say that the show was based on Midoriya's life. It's no surprise that it would show his class as well."

"The first incident was in Qing-Qing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light."

The students chuckled seeing the terrified father, who was looking at a baby radiated in light.

"After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these quirks. Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams, a reality." All Might in his hero form and costume was shown, walking down a dark hallway. "The world became a superhuman society, with 80 percent of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness."

The students and parents cheered while the teachers smiled except Aizawa who simply rolled his eyes, seeing All Might.

The villain roared, striking an electrical tower. "It was an age of heroes."

"Imagine explaining this to people who don't even know quirks exist. They would compare this to a comic book." Hanta said.

"Nice comparison, Midobro." Eijiro smiled then remembered that Izuku was laying down in Ochako's lap.

"Deku said thank you, Kirishima." Ochako said, looking at Eijiro. The redhead nodded.

"Aleister and I were from a time when quirks did not exist." Giselle said nonchalantly.

Everyone except Izuku turned to look at the hosts in shock.

Aleister sighed and paused the show. "Giselle dear, you can't say something like that and not expect a reaction."

Giselle looked at her husband with a smile. "I'm an impatient gal, Aleister. There's no reason in letting them have the fun."

"So how old are you two?" Minoru asked.

Giselle pretended to be hurt by Minoru's question and gasped dramatically. "You can't just ask a lady her age."

"You're such an actress," Aleister said. "In our world, we lived during the twenty-first century."

"That was two hundred years ago." Momo stated.

"Correct. I worked as a fashion designer and Aleister was a CEO of a robotics company. So being quirkless in our time was not a big deal." Giselle said.

"Hush Giselle. We're wasting time talking about outside stuff. Moving on." Aleister unpaused the show.

"Oh nice, way to go Death Arms." A civilian cheered as the silver-haired hero in yellow and blue caught the electrical tower. "The Punching Hero. I wish I had a quirk that made me super strong."

Ropes of water began to appear controlled by a hero dressed as a firefighter. "Everyone please stay back. This area is far too dangerous."

"Whoa, the rescue specialist, Backdraft, is here. He'll make sure we're okay."

"Why are the police so incompetent? Why is Backdraft doing crowd control?" Aizawa asked, narrowing his eyes at the screen.

"This guy must be pretty desperate to go full monster in a city. Do you know what happened?" A man in a suit asking the guy next to him.

"Just some amateur. Stole someone's bag and got himself cornered." the man next to him said.

"A quirk like that and he's just a petty thief." The man in the suit said as Izuku was making his way through the crowd.

The pros stiffened. People always looked at the quirk, not the person. They both know that the quirk does not make the person.

"I got held up. Train's out, another villain. I'm not sure when I'll make it into the office." A man in a suit said into his phone as Izuku walked to the front of the crowd.

Aizawa muttered something about problem children and crowds. Present Mic patted his shoulder sympathetically.

A shadow jumps over the crowd. A group of schoolgirls squealed in excitement. "It's Kamui! We're your biggest fans!"

"I hope I get that type of recognition and appreciation when I go pro." Denki said as he watched the new hero fight the giant villain.

"Yeah. Popular heroes get all the girls." Minoru agreed.

The students either snorted or gave him sideway glances. The teachers looked on in disapproval while Aizawa and Nezu wrote it down as 'things they need to talk about'.

Izuku made his way to the front where he reached Backdraft's barrier. "This is going to be good!" he exclaimed. "It's Kamui Woods! He may be new but he's making a big name for himself!"

"You look so happy, Deku." Ochako smiled down at her best friend. "You got a front seat at the action."

"It was my first time seeing a villain fight up close. I didn't want to miss it." Izuku whispered.

"One look at that dopey grin and I know what you are," stated an older man who had some kind of star-shaped antennae protruding from the top and sides of his head. He grinned at Izuku and pointed at Izuku as he lightly accused him of being, "A fanboy!"

"Sort of." Izuku said, looking away shyly.

"That's Midoriya for you!" Mina exclaimed as most of the students chuckled, stating how obvious it was.

"The guy's right." Tsuyu said. "He knew what you were in an instant."

All Might chuckled at the onscreen version of his successor.

Kamui Woods ran towards the villain. The giant villain tried to swat Kamui but he dodged and jumped on the villain's hands as he used his arm to extend and latch onto the villain's other wrist. The villain threw Kamui but he landed on top of one of the trains. "Assault, Robbery, Illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil!"

The students laughed as they heard Kamui's attempt at a catchphrase, even Izuku gave a little smile. Present Mic snorted and Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"That's so dramatic." Mina laughed as she held her sides.

"Remind me to think of better material when we go pro." Denki said to Minoru.

"Only if you help me with the same." Minoru said.

"Is Kamui always this wound up?" Midnight asked, turning to All Might.

All Might shrugged. "He took his job seriously at the Kamino Ward raid."

"There, His special move!" Izuku exclaimed, pointing at Kamui.

"Come on Tree Man. Show us something flashy." the man said to Kamui.

"The Pre-emptive…"


"Lacquered Chain Prison!" Both Kamui Woods and Izuku exclaimed as the hero launched his ultimate move.

"Careful Midoriya. Your inner fanboy is showing." Hanta said as onscreen Izuku repeated along Kamui.

"Canyon Cannon!" Kamui Woods' ultimate move was interrupted by a sudden flying kick from a giant hero who burst into the scene at the last second, knocking the villain off the overpass. Izuku, the older man, Death Arms and Backdraft looked at the newcomer. She stood up in front of the downed villain, the show's "camera" centred on the curve of her butt.

Lines of men with cameras suddenly appeared beside him. "Money shot. Money shot. Money shot."

"Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero," the giant woman states with a breezy, dismissive tone. "Hi everyone. I'm Mt. Lady, and you don't need to worry about this bum anymore," she greeted, winking and emphasizing her giant butt at the word.

"Money shot. Money shot. Money shot."

Izuku started going through his backpack as the older man was blushing at the sight of the new female hero.

"Midoriya, you never told us that you were at Mt. Lady's debut!" Minoru shouted.

"Didn't she traumatize you during your internship with her?" Denki asked.

"It doesn't matter. She's still hot. I thought you would understand, Kaminari." Minoru narrowed his eyes at the electric user, who simply shrugged.

"Ladies, what lesson do we take from this vulgar display?" Momo asked with a look of discomfort.

"Don't do exactly what she did during her debut." The girls said in unison.

"Wait, she's getting all the credit?" Kamui asked as he stood there as Mt. Lady waved at the crowd, shrinking down.

"Poor Kamui. He wanted his chance to shine. But Mt. Lady took it away from him." Midnight shook her head. 'That skank, Takeyama. Always taking the spotlight and attention for herself.'

"... explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments were stuck to figure out how to reform laws with quirks in mind, courageous people started performing heroic acts to keep our city safe, protecting us against villains who abuse their powers for evil. With overwhelming public support, heroes found an official place as peacekeepers overseen by the government. Those who performed the best got all the fame and glory. Their careers depended on their ability to stay in the spotlight." A yellow light illuminating Kamui Woods on his knees, while a purple light lit up the face of Mt. Lady.

"What is with that face?" Mina cringed. Minoru flinched and covered his eyes.

Izuku stood in front of the crater that the giant villain made when he got kicked by Mt. Lady. "Gigantification huh? Well she's definitely got the looks and attitude to be a crowd favorite and her quirk is really showy. But it will be kind of hard for her to get around much in the city without damaging lots of things. That means she might not be very useful." Izuku muttered as he wrote in his notebook.

The students and teachers looked on in astonishment as the onscreen Izuku muttered up a storm while he took notes.

"So that's the famous Midoriya muttering. I heard it once when I told him about the final exam but I never actually understood what he said." Itsuka said.

"I always knew you had an analytical mind, Midoriya but I didn't know you processed things that fast. You saw Mt. Lady only once and you had her all figured out." Momo said to Izuku.

"It's just a hobby of mine, Yaoyorozu. It's nothing big." Izuku said.

"So Mt. Lady could've stuck to a rural area but she decided to come to the city for fame and glory." Mina said.

Most of the students shrugged as if they were not surprised by that.

"What's that, fanboy? You taking notes over there? You want to be a hero too, huh?" The older man encouraged Izuku. He turned to look at the man. "Yes! More than anything!" Izuku said with a big smile.

"Now that's a smile that can win a girl's heart." Setsuna said and the girls nodded in agreement.

"Aww. Where have you been hiding that smile, Deku?" Ochako asked with a blush on her cheeks, rubbing her finger against Izuku's cheek.

"It's the first time that someone believed in me being a hero." Izuku said, a small smile on his face.

Ochako felt her heart shatter. But that didn't matter now. He needed her like she needed him. She leaned down and pressed her forehead against Izuku's. "You are a hero, Deku."

Izuku sighed happily. Ochako knew it wasn't enough to ease the pain in her heart but she cared about Izuku and that was more important. He was going to see his past again. She needed to be there for him.

A title card popped up: "Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin"

"So this is your origin story, Midoriya. This seems like private information." Iida said, looking at his best friend.

"Are you sure you want us to see this, Midoriya?" Tsuyu asked.

Izuku whispered something to Ochako. She smiled as he whispered in her ear.

"Deku said he's okay with what you will see. He trusts all of us with his secrets."

"Midoriya, you truly are a special person. Thank you." Fumikage said, bowing his head.

The scene transitioned to Aldera Middle School. A teacher in the front began speaking, "So, as third year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests but why bother?" The students in the front activated their quirks. "I know you all want to go to the hero track." The teacher threw the papers into the air. The students started using their quirks.

"He still should have handed them out." Aizawa scowled.

"I guess nobody taught them about quirk usage in class." Present Mic said, shaking his head.

"Yes, yes. You have some very impressive quirks. But no power usage in school. Get a hold of yourself."

"Hey teach." Aldera Katsuki interrupted the teacher with his feet on his table.

"Don't lump me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal. But these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted up D-lister."

"So Bakugo's always been like this. No surprise there." Kyoka said as the boy's class jeered at him.

"You think you're better than us Katsuki?"

"Let's go. I'll take you all on."

"You got some impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA High."

"He's going to try for the national school? That school has a .2 acceptance rate. It's impossible to get into."

"He got in somehow so I guess he was Big Brain Bakugou back in middle school also." Denki said.

"Shut your mouth Sparky!" Katsuki shouted.

"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me," Katsuki said with a prideful look on his face as he stood on top of his desk. "I aced all the mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance of getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself, and be the richest Hero of all time! People all across the world will know who I am and it all starts with UA High."

"Good luck being popular with that attitude." Tetsutetsu grumbled.

"Arrogant much, Bakugo?" Toru asked.

All Might shook his head. 'Young Midoriya is right. He really is prideful to a fault.'

Aizawa narrowed his eyes at the scene.

"Oh yeah Midoriya, don't you want to go to UA too?" The teacher asked bluntly.

Izuku put his head down, wanting to disappear. Katsuki's form went in white as he was frozen in shock. The whole class started laughing at him.

"Midoriya, you're kidding right? There's no way that you're going to get into UA without a quirk."

The eyes of the students widened at the exclamation and looked at Izuku while Hitoshi looked at him in realization. Even though they were discriminated against for different reasons, he and Izuku were alike. Izuku was bullied in middle school for being quirkless while he was feared for having a quirk that seemed villainous.

"Wait what? Midobro, you have a quirk! We saw it at the Sports Festival. You did all that insane stuff against Todoroki and in combat training with Bakugo. What the hell man?!" Eijiro exclaimed.

"Midoriya, you have one of the most powerful quirks in our year." Setsuna said, disbelief in her eyes.

"Guys, I don't want to talk about it. Just please, keep watching." Izuku begged his classmates.

Everyone turned back to the screen.

"Well.. actually they got rid of that rule. I could be the first one."

Katsuki exploded Izuku's table, breaking it in half. Izuku was blown away, landing hard on his rear end while the blond raged.

"Katsuki!" Mitsuki yelled from her seat. "What is wrong with you?!"

Class A and B grumbled even more, seeing how a fellow classmate was being bullied nonstop.

"That teacher is doing nothing to stop this." Present Mic pointed out with a scowl. "I'm guessing that Bakugou always pulled a stunt like this with Midoriya and the teachers turned the other way."

"When we get back to UA, I will have that school investigated and shut down immediately." Nezu growled.

"Listen up, Deku."

"You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe! You really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me?"

"Even Bakugo is calling him quirkless," Eijiro muttered. He was used to Katsuki, but seeing this side of him, he realizes he never knew the guy.

Izuku scrambled to put distance between himself and his far more aggressive and violent classmate, holding out his hand and scooting backwards until his back touched the classroom's back wall. "No! Wait! You've got it all wrong, Really! I'm not trying to compete against you. You've gotta believe me! It's just that…" he looked down, seemingly not daring to face any of his classmates as he confessed his dreams. "I've wanted to be a hero since I was little. I may not have a quirk, but I can still try my hardest, can't I?"

Izuku felt Ochako's hand go through his hair. He looked up and could see the wet shine of tears in her eyes.

"You can do it, Midoriya." Ibara Shiozaki said softly.

"You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best! You'd die in the exams!" The blond's image and those of their classmates became red-eyed and mouthed black silhouettes with jagged outlines and spiky teeth against an ominous purple background. "Defenseless Izuku!" Katsuki taunted as Izuku flinched inwards. "This school's already crappy. You really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard?"

"Bakugo is scary." Reiko Yanagi said and Yui nodded in agreement.

"I'm getting chills," Minoru said, "Bakugo looked like a real monster there."

"Oui," Yuga agreed. "In fact, he kind of looked like a villain."

12:02 P.M. - the same city.

A woman screams out. The scene transitions to a woman protected in a force field and a man runs out of a store with his fist raised. "Hey get back here! Someone stop that monster!"

"I'm no villain, Sparkles." Katsuki yelled over the on-screen scream. "I'm gonna be a hero, don't you forget it!"

"Yell all you want, sucker; this cash is mine!"

"It's that sludge villain from the news." Yosetsu stated.

The voice of the sludge villain had Izuku gasp out. He felt his heart quicken with the beat of the background music as bystanders talked.

The back of an emaciated man was shown as he walked out of a convenience store, overhearing the citizens. "Remember when we didn't have to worry about randos with quirks all the time?"

"Seriously, there's no stopping them."

The skeletal figure hunched for a second before his body expanded, growing tall and buff; becoming a person anyone would recognize. "Yes there is."

"It's All Might!" Denki exclaimed.

"You know why?" the man asked as the civilians who'd been standing in front of the door suddenly became excited. The laughing sludge villain looked back, terror piercing him at the sight of All Might's smile. "I am here!"

"I didn't know he would be making an appearance this early," Tenya stated as the show's title card appeared. He turned to Izuku. "That must mean All Might plays a part in your origin, Midoriya."

Izuku nodded his head. "Y-yeah."

"So I guess that's how he kept his secret for so long," Hanta said. "Nobody would know it was him when he wasn't bulked out because he looks totally different."

Back at Aldera, class seemed to have ended. Izuku was scrolling on his phone, smiling. "That fight from the morning is all over the news. I better write some notes down before I forget anything."

Ochako smiled as her onscreen Izuku mentioned the morning's hero fight. "You look better when you're happy, Deku."

Izuku whispered. "Thanks, Uraraka."

Katsuki snatched the notebook right out of his hand and stood over Izuku. "I don't know what you think you're doing, Deku, but we're not done."

"Just leave him alone you jerk!" Kyoka snapped.

"It's the past, Kyoka," Momo reminded her. "You can't change what happened."

"That doesn't mean I have to like it." Kyoka grumbled in her seat.

"Don't tell me you're taking notes on how to be a hero," One of Bakugo's two lackeys laughed at the sight of Izuku's 'Hero Analysis for the Future No. 13' notebook. "That's so pathetic!"

"He's delusional." The other lackey mocked.

Izuku looked between the two bullies and Katsuki as they picked on him. "Yeah, real funny guys. Just give it back." Katsuki slammed the notebook between his fists, making an explosion that torched Izuku's pride as the boy made a distressing wail before whimpering, "That's so mean…"

Ochako turned and glared at the blond boy. "I swear, Bakugou. When I get my hands on you, let's see how you react to getting your face planted into the floor."

"I'd like to see you try, Pink Cheeks." Katsuki glared back.

"Uraraka, please don't." Izuku whispered. "It's ok."

"No it's not, Deku. Please don't believe that what he is doing is acceptable." Ochako said, sadness in her voice.

"I know. You're right. I'm sorry." Izuku said, before Ochako leaned down and pressed her forehead to Izuku's once more.

With an unsettling amount of casual disinterest, Katsuki tossed the torched notebook over his shoulder, where it flew outside the open window. Izuku reached for it in a panic, but it was already well beyond his grasp.

"Bakugo! That's not how a future hero acts!" Tenya exclaimed.

"This is disgraceful. He has no compassion for other people." Itsuka muttered as others grumbled at the display. Katsuki tried not to be bothered by the angry look Eijiro was sending his way.

"Most first string heroes show potential early on. People look at them and just know they're destined for greatness. When I'm the only student from this garbage junior high to get into U.A., people will start talking about me like that. They'll realize I'm legit, the next big thing. That's not ego talking, I just know I'm good."

'Ego.' Lackey number two thought, looking at the smug expression on Katsuki's face.

'Yeah, totally ego.' Everyone thought.

Katsuki's hand was on Izuku's shoulder, giving the green-haired boy a malicious grin. Smoke came from his hand. He was causing his nitro-sweat to burn into Izuku's shoulder. "Here's a little word of advice, nerd. Don't even think of applying, or else."

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt." Setsuna cringed at the sight of the onscreen Izuku's smoking shoulder.

All Izuku could do in response was whimper. He was frozen to the spot without an ounce of courage. Katsuki and the bullies started to leave, their expressions satisfied with the result. "That's just sad," Lackey number two began. "I thought you at least had some fight in you."

"He finally gets it. He'll never be a hero. Better to find out now instead of later, I guess," Lackey number one said.

"Bakugo. What is wrong with you?" Eijiro asked, looking ashamed.

Katsuki glanced back behind him towards Izuku. His expression seemed kind, and actually somewhat nice. He still looked a little stuck-up, but he'd lost all the rage and condescending demeanour. "You know if you really want to be a hero that badly there actually might be another way."

The eyes of the teachers narrowed as the onscreen Katsuki spoke. Izuku closed his eyes and prepared for what was coming next.

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

Izuku turned around and glared at Katsuki with tears at the base of his eyes, growling. The latter raised his right hand up, explosions bursting around his fingers. "Something wrong?"

Izuku froze again, whimpering in terror at the implied threat.

Aleister shook his head and paused the TV.

Mitsuki cried in her seat, disappointed and angry at what her son said while Masaru sat there in shock.

There was a tense silence in the air as the faces of the students depicted horror, shock and anger. They looked towards the broken Izuku then at the ash blond hair boy in the fourth row, who looked away. They felt sick to their stomachs that they were in the same theater with a person who tried to suicide bait a boy he once called his friend.

All the grumbling from before exploding into full-out yelling. Neito, who despised Class 1-A, despised bullies even more as he yelled at the ash blond hair boy. Ochako wanted to slap Katsuki right there but she was tending to a broken Izuku. Nobody noticed the mop of green hair making its way towards Katsuki.


All the yelling stopped and everyone except Izuku, whose eyes were closed but heard the slap, stared wide-eyed at the green haired mother who looked so calm and happy, breathing heavily as there was a red mark on Katsuki's cheek.

"A-Auntie?" Katsuki stuttered, looking at the angry mother.

"You do not get to call me that, Katsuki. Not after what you said to my son. For eleven years, you tormented, bruised and beaten Izuku because you couldn't stand that he had no quirk. He looked up to you as a brother and what did you do? You took advantage of his innocence and kindness because you knew that he would never tell your mother. You knew if she found out, she would not spare you. YOU TOLD MY BABY TO TAKE A SWAN DIVE OFF THE ROOF?! IS THAT THE KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE, KATSUKI BAKUGOU?! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Inko started to walk away but fell to her knees and sobbed.

"M-mom," Izuku said as he sat up. Ochako held his arm, scared that he would disappear if she let go as he gave his mom a hopeful look. "Mom, I'm still here. I won't leave you, not ever."

Tenya got up from his seat and went to the fourth row to bring Inko to her son. He glared at Katsuki for hurting his best friend as he went back to his seat. She hugged the two kids in front of her, sobbing. Izuku and Ochako hugged her tightly, crying with her. All Might got up from his seat, stopped at Katsuki's row, glared at him and went to the third row and knelt beside Izuku.

"I'm sorry. As your teacher, hero and mentor, I have failed you." All Might whispered sadly.

"No… no All Might. Don't say that. You did nothing wrong. I'm grateful for everything you have done for me."

"I'm sorry, young Izuku." He joined the hug as they all cried together.

"Why would you say something like that, Bakugo? Why?!" Mina cried out.

"I was sick of him, always trying to act like a hero when he was quirkless." Katsuki said, looking down.

"You probably don't know what being bullied feels like. People like me, with mutant quirks, we get bullied too and it hurts!" Mina starts to cry. Eijiro hugs her and tries to comfort her.

Eijiro glared at Katsuki. "There's not a lot of things I hate, but one thing I do hate is bullying."

"Words like that hurt, what you say may mean nothing to you but they affect us. They stay with us and last forever. Do you think I wear a mask for fun?!" Mezo asked, fury in his voice.

Aizawa stood up from his seat. "When it is time for us to go about our day, Bakugou and Midoriya, the teachers and I will be having a talk with you two and your parents are welcome to join us if they'd like."

"Yes sir." Izuku said as the three people engulfed the boy with their warmth. His voice was steady. Katsuki nodded.

Aizawa sat back down. Present Mic touched his shoulder and gave his best friend a sad look. The underground hero leaned back into his seat with a heavy sigh.

Inko kissed Izuku on the forehead and All Might gave Izuku's shoulder a gentle squeeze before they returned to their seats.

Aleister pressed play.

Aldera Izuku walked along the school grounds. 'That idiot.' He thought. 'You can't go around telling people to kill themselves. If I jumped, what would he do then?'

Katsuki looked at the screen with widened eyes. He never thought of what would have happened if Izuku did jump. Then again, the nerd would never think of actually doing it, right? 'Katsuki Bakugou, you are an idiot.' He thought, smacking his forehead.

"One can go to prison for instigating suicide." Nezu stated.

"Deku.. Have you… ever thought about it?" Ochako asked cautiously.

Izuku let out a small laugh. Everyone looked at him in surprise, even Katsuki.

"No. I have not. Never." Izuku said, his eyes glistening. "Like I said, I wouldn't leave my mother. My father left to go overseas and has not come back since. If I jumped off the roof, she'd be devastated and all alone. I can't do that to her."

Everyone sighed in relief. Inko cried softly.

Ochako hugged Izuku tightly. "I'm glad you didn't go through with it. I don't know what I would do without you, Izuku."

"I don't know what I'd do without you either Ochako." Izuku said, hugging her back.

As the two of them were hugging, the majority of the audience smiled at how adorable the two were. The two best friends didn't care that they were saying each other's first names constantly. They meant something more to each other than what was being said out loud. Ochako heard Izuku whisper something to her. When she pulled away, he was blushing a little bit.

"Did you whisper something to me?" Ochako asked.

"Yeah, I said thank you Uraraka." Izuku said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Deku." Ochako said, wrapping the blanket around them and putting her head on his shoulder.

'S-so close but I like it.' Izuku thought as he smiled. 'Oh my god, I just told her that I love her! You idiot, what if she heard you? I do have to tell her at one point. I wonder if she feels the same way about me.'

'Wow Midoriya, I never thought I would actually hear you say you love Ochako. This is going to be good.' Kyoka smirked to herself.

'My dreams have turned into fish food. That's enough, give it back.' Izuku thought as he grabbed his notebook from the koi pond. 'Dammit. Stupid jerk.' The notebook began to blur as little Izuku's voice rang out. "Mom hurry!" Little Izuku appeared on screen with a huge smile on his face in a salmon t-shirt, holding a Silver Age All Might figurine.

After the tense environment of the last scene, everyone begins to melt at the sight of baby Izuku as 'Awwws' were heard throughout the theater.

Midnight and the girls cooed at the cuteness on the screen.

"Cmon mom! It's computer time!" Little Izuku said, jumping up and down.

"Already?" Inko asked her excited bouncing son with an amused smile on her face. She turned the tap off.

"It's Mamadoriya and baby Izuku!" Mina exclaimed.

"Mamadoriya?" Izuku and Inko asked simultaneously.

"She's your mom and she's a Midoriya. So Mamadoriya." Toru said it like it was the most obvious thing.

"Faster let's go." Little Izuku said.

"Geez. I think you added ten thousand views to this one yourself, Izuku" Inko said as baby Izuku bobbed his head back and forth. "I don't know why you like it. I think it's scary."

Little Izuku squealed in excitement. "The video I loved was an old one." Teenage Izuku narrated as his young self leaned towards the monitor. Disaster footage from a long time ago. But it was the debut of the greatest hero the world has ever known."

"Oh yeah I remember that video. I had you beat, Midoriya. I have watched that video at least fifteen thousand times." Denki said.

"No way. I watched it at least twenty thousand times." Mashiro said.

"I watched it a lot as a kid." Hanta said.

"Me too." Rikido said.

"Same here." Mezo said.

Most of the boys from 1-B agreed with them.

"I have you all beat. I watched that video thirty thousand times." Eijiro said smiling.

All Might chuckled at their playful banter. He couldn't help but smile warmly seeing how much he meant to his successor growing up.

"Who is he? The guy has already saved a hundred people at least and it hasn't even been ten minutes. This is… this is crazy. I can't believe it."

A man begins walking out of the crash.

Baby Izuku looked on in excitement as music began to play. Laughter rang out as All Might appeared with several people on his back and in his arms.

All Might knew there was no music playing during his Japanese debut. But as he watched it all over again, he wished that it was as heroic as this.

"Look, he's got more!"

The background glows white as Izuku smiled.

"That's bright." Dark Shadow said.

"Fear not, citizens! Help has arrived!" Izuku smiled widely as he watched, his eyes shining.

"Because I am here!"

Little Izuku's hair rised up before falling back to its original state as the white background slowly went back to his room's background.

"He's the coolest in the universe! And once I get my quirk, I'm going to be a hero just like him." Little Izuku declared.

Midnight and the girls cooed once more. They couldn't handle the cuteness overload on the screen.

"Oh my gosh, the cuteness! I- I can't take it! It's overwhelming!" Toru gasped.

"I know! That smile! The eyes! And- oh my gosh he's actually imitating the laugh now, it's all too much!" Mina gushed.

Ochako squealed as she watched her best friend's younger self imitate All Might.

All Might smiled as he watched the heartwarming scene.

Inko watched baby Izuku imitate All Might's signature laugh before turning as her smile shifted into a frown. The scene shifted to a doctor's office as a doctor with glasses and a mustache sat in his chair. "Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen."

"Well that was unexpected." Mina stated.

Izuku's form was white as he was frozen in shock. He dropped his All Might figurine.

"Oh dear. So you really think there's something wrong then? Most of the other kindergartners in his class have begun to show signs already." Inko asked in concern.

"My records say you're a fourth generation quirk user. What powers do you and the boy's father have?"

"Nothing too special. I can float small objects toward me and my husband breathes fire. They're useful enough, I suppose." Inko said, a hand on her cheek as she used her quirk to pick up the figurine with her other hand.

"But Midoriya's quirk is nothing like the two. Usually children of two quirk users can result in a combination of the parents' quirks." Momo explained.

"Izuku should have already manifested one of these quirks or a combination of both. But after viewing his X-rays, I don't think he's going to."

"Exactly my point." Momo stated.

"You see when superpowers first began to appear, there were many research studies conducted and doctors discovered a link between the bones in a person's foot in their likelihood of developing a quirk. People with powers have only one joint in their pinky toes. Their bodies have evolved in a more streamlined version of the human form. You can see here that Izuku has two joints in his pinkie, like roughly twenty percent of the population these days. Based on the research that's available, it's safe to say your son isn't going to develop a quirk."

Everyone's mouths dropped at the doctor's last sentence, except the Sinclairs, All Might, the Bakugous and Midoriyas. Ochako held Izuku's arm tightly. He looked at her and he could see the shock in her face. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her hero was born quirkless. Inko started crying softly as soon as she heard the sad news once again.

The scene shifted to the outside of the Midoriya home as sad music began to play. The sound of All Might's debut video was playing in the background but the cheery feeling was gone.

Inko was facing the door and turned around when her son called for her. "See that mom? There's always a smile on his face no matter how bad things get. Even when things seem impossible, he never gives up." Izuku turned his chair to face his mom as she started to tear up. The camera turned to Izuku with a dead look in his eyes, showing tears in his eyes, pointing at All Might's smile. "Do you think I can be a hero too?" Izuku asked his mom. His mom walked before running forward and collapsed to hug her crying son.

Inko starts sobbing loudly as a tissue box appears in her hands and she grabs the tissues. Mitsuki tried to comfort Inko as they cried together. The majority of the students broke down into tears, tissue boxes appearing in their hands. Ochako put her arms around Izuku, burying her face in his shoulder as they cried together. The girls from Class A and Mei cried into their couchmate's shoulder as the boys held them and tried to comfort them or wipe their own tears. Katsuki leaned forward with his head in his hands, regretting everything he did to Izuku. He never thought about Izuku's feelings.

"I had never expected someone from Class 1-A to have a tragic backstory." Itsuka said, wiping her tears with a tissue. "Is there anyone else in your class who also has a tragic backstory?" She asked, looking at Momo.

Momo shook her head as she wiped her own tears. "If there is anyone who has gone through such a thing, we are not aware."

Shoto did not say anything, but he turned to look at Izuku who held Ochako in his arms.


Midnight and Present Mic took off their glasses to dry their eyes. All Might let the tears fall as he looked down, regretting what he said to Izuku that day. Aizawa subtly wiped the tears from his eyes and Nezu was wiping his eyes with his handkerchief while Aleister and Giselle looked sadly at the scene in front of them.

"I'm sorry Izuku. I wish things were different."

'Mom, that's not what I needed you to say. Couldn't you see? My world was crumbling. There was only one thing I wanted to hear.'

"What was it? What did he want to hear his mom say?" Minoru asked.

"What do you think, you dolt?" Kyoka said, glaring at Minoru while wiping her tears.

In the present, Aldera Izuku walked home from school, holding his burnt hero notebook in his hand as he stood in front of a pedestrian tunnel, he said. 'I made a decision that day. No matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself and I'll keep smiling just like him.' Izuku clenched his fist and starts laughing like All Might as he walks through the pedestrian tunnel.

"You're so manly, Midobro. I'm with you for the rest of my life." Eijiro wiped his tears as he held Mina.

The teachers and other students cheered at Izuku's determination while a few chuckled at Izuku's on-screen actions, including Izuku. But the smiles from Izuku and All Might melted as quickly as they realized what was about to happen.

Slime began to appear from behind Izuku as the Sludge Villain from before began to form in front of Izuku. "You'd make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in, kid."

The sludge villain charged Izuku, suffocating him as he tried to force himself into the teenager's body.

"DEKU!!!" Ochako screamed in fear as she held onto the Izuku next to her, hugging him tightly.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Izuku said, holding Ochako.

"Oh my god, I can't watch this." Kyoka said as she and most of the students covered their eyes. The others had their hands to their mouths as they watched the horrifying scene.

Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru put their hands to their mouths, horrified that not only Katsuki was attacked by the sludge villain but also Izuku.

Katsuki looked on in shock. He never knew that the nerd got attacked by the sludge villain. But how did he survive without a quirk? He looked over at Izuku.

'Don't tell me….'

"Don't worry I'm just taking over your body. It'll be easier for the both of us if you don't fight back. It'll only hurt for a minute. You'll feel better soon."

'I can't breathe.'

"This is crazy. How much more did you have to suffer, Midoriya?" Tetsutetsu asked as he watched the onscreen Izuku struggle.

"I know it looks bad but it gets better!" Izuku exclaimed, as his onscreen self was choking and trying to get the sludge villain off him. "This was one of the worst days of my life, but it also ended up being the best day of my life. I'm here with you guys so trust me."

"Grab all you want. My body's made of fluid. Thanks for the help. You're a real hero to me, kid."

Most of the students looked apprehensive. Ochako felt her heart sink as she closed her eyes tightly, holding onto Izuku.

A calm voice said, "Okay then."

The students, parents and teachers looked surprised to see it was Katsuki who spoke. "If the nerd tells us to trust him that this gets better, then let's trust him and watch."

"I mean, sure," Hanta commented. "But…"

'No way, this can't be the end,' Izuku thought as his vision started to fade, eyes catching sight of a drawing of a hero in his notebook. 'Somebody… help!'

The manhole cover within the tunnel flew up into the air.

Shocked expressions appeared in the faces of the students and All Might couldn't help but grin to himself. Now it was time for his entrance.

The sludge villain turned around, and his eyes widened in shock, terrified at the sight in front of him. The camera panned to the side, revealing…

"All Might!"

"Have no fear, you're safe." He stomped his foot down, dust rising from the concrete as the same heroic music from his debut video started up. "Now that I am here, that is!"

"Deku, you were saved by All Might!" Ochako squealed, shaking Izuku. "Your favourite hero!"

All Might ducked under the sludge villain's attack. He dodged the second attack and wound his right fist up. "TEXAAAS… SMASH!" He threw his fist forward, a torrent of wind blowing the sludge villain away.

"Texas represent." Aleister said in English, doing a fist pump. Giselle slapped his arm jokingly when everyone looked at him with a confused look. Pony laughed, understanding what he said.

"I can't… hold… together!"

His fluid body scattered, leaving Izuku free of the villain. His eyes barely fluttered open, consciousness still fading from having suffocated from the villain's brutal attack. 'Is that… All Might?'

Izuku's vision went black.

"That was amazing, All Might!" Tetsutetsu cheered along with most of 1-A and 1-B.

"Such a manly entrance!" Eijiro exclaimed. "He's the best!"

"You managed to save Midoriya with just the wind pressure from your punch," Kayama purred. "Impressive, All Might."

The screen came back, showing All Might repeatedly slapping Izuku's cheek. "Hey! Wake up! Hey!"

"And then you pull this…" Aizawa sighed. All Might had the decency to look sheepish.

Izuku's eyes opened fully, taking in the sight of All Might standing over him. "Thought we'd lost you there."

Izuku screamed.

Everyone started to laugh at Izuku's reaction. "Yeah, I'd probably do the same if my favorite hero was standing in front of me, Midobro." Eijiro smiled.

"Leave it to Midoriya being a fanboy to have the honor of being saved by All Might himself." Mina said with a grin.

"It must be fate." Yuga said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justicing. Usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe, but it turns out this city's sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate!" All Might laughed.

"Yes, that villain probably would have lived in the sewers," Momo said.

"Anyway, you were a big help. Thank you. I've captured the evildoer!" All Might posed, showing the villain contained within the two plastic pop bottles that had been in his shopping bag. Stars and stripes appeared all over the screen.

"Really, All Might?" Aizawa asked, raising an eyebrow at the retired number one hero. "That's how you catch a villain?"

All Might shrugged. "I was in a time crunch, Aizawa."

'The most amazing hero of the entire world, All Might,' Izuku was still freaking out. "The real thing. In the flesh. Standing right in front of me. He looks so much cooler in person!'

Ochako smiled as she laughed while holding onto Izuku. She couldn't help it. She watched her onscreen hero react to seeing his favorite hero in person. She needed to join in because he must have been nervous after seeing himself get attacked by the Sludge Villain all over again.

"Yeah, he's way different in person, right?" She elbowed Izuku in the gut under the blanket as the screen lit up All Might's smile and Izuku laughed back.

Izuku shook his head clear as he realized something. "Holy crap! I need to get an autograph! I've got a pen around here somewhere!" He gasped, catching sight of his Hero Analysis notebook. "Please sign my notebook!" He picked it up and opened it. All Might had already done his best John Hancock, his signature covering two whole blank pages of the book.

Izuku screamed again. He was bowing intensely, "Thank you so much. This will be an heirloom. A family treasure passed down for generations to come." All Might gave a thumbs up not knowing how to react at the extreme fanboying.

Inko laughed as her son bowed intensely to his hero. Katsuki smirked and Shoto started to smile at Izuku's fanboying. It was amusing seeing how Izuku acts to his favorite hero.

"Wow Midoriya. You must have some strong bones to be bowing like that." Denki said.

"A family heirloom, Midoriya?" Mina grinned mischievously. "What do you have to say about that, Ochako?"

"Mina!" Ochako turned to look at the pink-skinned girl as Izuku turned beet red.

"Ashido, stop teasing Uraraka and Midoriya this instant!" Tenya said, chopping the air intensely.

"Welp! I've gotta get this guy to the police so they can take care of him," All Might said, patting the pocket in his pants where he'd secured one of the bottles with the villain. He turned away from Izuku. "Stay out of trouble. See you around."

Izuku broke out of his fanboying moment. "Wait, you're leaving already?"

"Pro Heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies," All Might answered as he limbered up.

'He can't go yet,' Izuku thought. 'There are still so many questions I have to ask him.'

Izuku slapped his palm over his face. Ochako looked at him in shock. "Deku?!"

"What is it, Midoriya?" Tenya asked, concerned.

Izuku laughed at himself. "It's nothing, just… this is where I do something really dumb."

All Might launched into the sky in a powerful jump. "Thanks for your continued support! Huh…"

Izuku had latched onto his legs.

All Might tried to push Izuku off, but he was latched on tightly. "Let go! I love my fans but this is too much!"

"No way we're flying! If I let go now, I'll die!"

"Oh that's a good point."

The laughter started up all over again. Most of the students including Denki and Minoru had to hold their sides as they laughed.

Aleister and Giselle had their hands over their mouths as they tried to stop laughing.

Aizawa restrained himself from smacking his palm on his forehead. "Problem Child…"

"IZUKU!!" Inko shouted, seeing her son's reckless but brave action.

"That was very dangerous, Midoriya," Tenya scolded. "You should have thought before you did something so reckless."

"I was having a really bad day, Iida and my idol saved me out of all people and heroes," Izuku countered, trying to contain his laughter. "I couldn't just let him go!"

Ochako wiped a tear from her eye. "Deku, you're crazy."

Shoto noticed All Might and Izuku's facial muscles while in the air. "Look at the difference between their facial muscles. It's like the air pressure around All Might doesn't affect him as much as it does to Midoriya."

The other students took notice of that.

'Young Todoroki's observations are astute as always.' All Might thought.

"I just have a lot of things I want to ask you personally! You're my all time favorite hero All Might please."

"Okay okay I get it! Just keep your eyes and mouth shut." All Might coughed, a bit of blood leaking out past his clenched teeth. 'Shit!'

That sobered the crowd up. Setsuna tilted her head. "Hey, uh, is All Might sick?"

"We saw what was presumably his skeletal form bulk up earlier," Momo reasoned. "But this is the first clue this show is giving us that something is actually wrong with All Might."

All Might and Izuku landed on the roof of an office building. Izuku looked like he might pass out again. "My whole life flashed before my eyes."

All Might pressed his fists to his hips. "Not a very smart move," he said to get his scolding across. "Bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in. Now, I have to go. See you on the flip side."

Denki raised an eyebrow and stared at All Might on screen. "For real? Did he just say that?"

"Wait, not yet! One second!" Izuku pleaded.

"No! I don't have any time."

"I have to know!"

The students tensed up. "Hey uh," Minoru began, "so I'm guessing this is when Midoriya asks All Might if he can become a hero, right?" He looked around. "That's what this was building up to, after all."

"It certainly seems so." Mina agreed.

Izuku thinks about the many things people told him in the past. 'Sometimes I do feel like a failure; like there's no hope for me. But even so, I'm not going to give up, ever!' Izuku looked up at All Might as the greatest hero walked towards the edge of the roof. "Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?"

All Might stopped.

"I'm a normal kid without any powers," Izuku continued. "Could I ever hope to be someone like you?"

The music swelled as All Might half-turned at his words to look back at Izuku. "Meeting All Might was a dream come true," Narrator Izuku stated. "A real miracle. Standing in front of me was the hero I'd idolized most of my life. I didn't realize it at the time, but that chance encounter would change the course of my future."

The ending theme started.

"Aw man!" Denki whined. "That's how it ends?"

"It's a dramatic stopping point," Momo pointed out.

Ochako shook Izuku. "Deku, what did he say to you? Tell me, please."

Izuku tried to contain his laughter as he was being shaken. "Sorry Uraraka, no spoilers."

In the ending theme, Izuku's notebook is shown with the drawing of his hero costume. Izuku, in his Aldera uniform, is running towards a star, which symbolizes his dream to become a hero. The scene transitions to baby Izuku playing with his All Might figurine, imitating All Might. The scene transitions back to Aldera Izuku running until it is sunrise. In black and white, little Izuku is shown crying and transitions to teenage Izuku crying. Everyone looked away as some of them cried silently. Class 1-A and the teachers made an unspoken and silent agreement. Izuku Midoriya was never going to cry again.

Everyone jumped when they heard All Might's music.

All Might's voice rang out. "Never fear, adoring public. I am here for the next episode preview. That goo villain has taken a boy hostage and is running amok the town. This isn't good! But I can't use my powers much longer." All Might groans. "You're a pathetic fraud All Might. Next time, What it takes to be a hero. We pros risk our lives for it's our duty to put our quirks to the test and go beyond our limits…"

"PLUS ULTRA!" The majority of the students and teachers yell out the school motto.

Aleister paused the TV. "I guess I forgot to mention that there is also the next episode preview. My mistake, ladies and gentlemen."

A timer appears on top of the movie screen.

"You have 15 minutes for chit chat and bathroom breaks. Don't waste time or we will start without you." Giselle said jokingly.

In the front of the theater, everyone except Katsuki came to give Izuku a hug one by one, even Hitoshi, Neito and Aizawa.

"You're not alone anymore, Midori." Mina promised.

"Yeah man. You're part of our family." Eijiro said.

"Class 1-A sticks together to the end." Momo stated.

"We're with you, Deku." Ochako smiled.

"We may not be part of your class but we consider you as family." Itsuka said and most of 1-B nodded.

"Thanks, you guys. That means a lot." Izuku's eyes were red but he smiled brightly.

"Wow, that's bright." Dark Shadow said.

All Might hugged him and whispered, "They are not going to be happy to see what will happen on that roof."

"I'm aware. I'm ready to defend you on your point. Was I upset? Yes. But you were right at the time."

"You are a good man, young Midoriya. I know I have chosen wisely." All Might smiled at Izuku. Izuku smiled back at his mentor.

The one person nobody expected to approach Izuku did exactly that. Ochako stepped in front of Izuku to defend him. Izuku put his hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at him. He smiled and she moved out of the way. Izuku approached Katsuki Bakugou, who was looking down at the floor.

"De.. Izuku, I'm sorry for everything I have done and said. I was a brat and you did not deserve what I have done to you. I understand if you hate me. I.. I'm sorry, Izuku."

"Kacchan, I don't hate you. I was hurt that somebody I looked up to treated me like that. But I never held that against you. You are meant to be a hero, even if the way you act sometimes doesn't symbolize one. Despite our past, I am sure that you will redeem yourself in the future." Izuku said with a smile and held out his hand.

Katsuki smiled. They shook hands. He was about to cry but he remembered that everyone was watching so he glared at them. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?!"

"That's so manly!" Eijiro sniffled, "Group hug!"

"Wait what?! NO! NO! I'll kill you!" Katsuki protested as Izuku laughed. Even Aizawa was protesting as everyone pressed together for a group hug.

A few minutes later, all of them separated because Katsuki looked like he was going to explode. He took a few breaths and looked at everyone. "So since the show is based on the nerd's life, it's going to show what I've done to him. I apologize in advance because you extras are going to look at me as if you want to kill me, especially Pink Cheeks because she likes the nerd, as if he'll get a girlfriend before me. But don't think I'm not going to explode when the nerd gets complimented."

"Don't be surprised by the harsh criticism you'll get from your fellow classmates and your parents, Bakugo." Kyoka smirked.

"Shut it Ears!" Katsuki shouted out.

"And he's back." Fumikage shook his head.

"G-g-girlfriend?!" Izuku stuttered.

"You made him embarrassed." Ochako pouted as she crossed her arms. "Shut up, Bakugo. I never said anything like that."

"Uh huh, keep living in denial, Ochako." Mina smiled mischievously.

"Mina, not you too!" Ochako cried out in exasperation.

"That's enough." Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "If Uraraka and the problem child have something to discuss on this, they will do it privately. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." Class 1-A said.

"As for Class B, Shinso and Hatsume, I am the designated homeroom teacher while we are here. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Now off you go." Aizawa shooed the students off.

Everyone split off and went about to talk or use the bathroom. Izuku and All Might sat down in their seats, thinking about the next episode.