
Mansion of Time: Watching Season 1

The UA family find themselves in a mansion after they agreed to watch a show about their lives. But they don't know what they will see.

Parvez_Kanok · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue - Welcome to the Mansion of Time

"It… it's my fault… I should've done more."

She broke down after having another nightmare. She called him to her room even if it was against the rules. But she didn't regret it. He is the only one who understood what she was going through. Her eyes are brimming with tears and he wraps his arms around her. "He said that you... you wouldn't make it. I was so scared..." She says, squeezing him tight. His strong arms around her.

"I was so scared I'd lose..." Her voice breaks as tears rush down her cheeks. A small sob comes unbidden and she squeezes him tighter, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Ochako.. " Izuku says in a soothing voice, one hand on her head and the other wrapped around her waist, pressing against him.

"I-I'm sorry." She blushed slightly at the use of her first name.

"We all tried as best we could... and Togata senpai is..." Izuku's words halting as he tries to talk through his fresh tears. "quirkless and Sir...Sir didn't make it...I-I couldn't save them!"

Ochako wiped his tears. "There is a silver lining to this. You saved Eri from Chisaki. If there's anything you could have done, you would've done it."

They inched closer.

"You always give it your all."

They are inches apart.

"You are a hero, Izuku Midoriya. Heroes deserve to be rewarded." Ochako puts her hand on his cheek and leans forward, closing her eyes.

Izuku blushes but he leans forward, closing his eyes awaiting the reward that he has longed for.

"My my. It's so sweet how you comfort each other." A feminine voice said, appearing out of nowhere.



The two of them jumped away from each other, looking around for the source of the voice. They spotted a blonde-haired woman in a black dress and leggings sitting in Ochako's chair.

"Oh dear. I ruined the moment. My apologies." The woman stood, bowing to them.

"U-um… it's ok." Izuku muttered, blushing furiously.

"Wh-who are you? How did you get into my room?" Ochako asked nervously.

"I apologize once again for the intrusion. My name is Giselle Sinclair. Despite my appearance, I am not of this world. The correct term for what I am would be a time spirit."

"A time spirit?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, a time spirit. Sir Nighteye's death was not in vain. However, it was inevitable." The time spirit said sadly. "But that is not why I am here."

"Inevitable? What do you mean by that? Why are you here then?" Ochako asked nervously.

"As a time spirit, I have the ability to show the future. However, this means that I will have to show the past beforehand." Giselle said, ignoring Ochako's first two questions. "This is something that will involve the two of you, your classmates and a few more people."

"Our class? What do they have to do with this and why do they have to view the past? Who are these other people that will be joining us?" Izuku asked cautiously.

"All will be answered in time, Izuku Midoriya. But I will confirm that your class will have a role in the upcoming future. The past will be shown to cover many events that have occurred and that your classmates may understand certain aspects. I understand the caution that you are feeling. These young heroes in training are people you can trust but they are not the same as those you may feel conflicted about. I can assure you that."


"However, I must warn you of a few things. Secrets will be revealed and you will relive certain events that nobody should go through in their life. I apologize for that in advance."

Izuku was already panicking internally. He thought that when he entered UA High, those bad memories were behind him. Now his whole class will see what he has been through and they will see that All Might has given him One For All. He's going to be rejected all over again because he was not born with his quirk. The worst of it is that Ochako won't accept him once she sees how obsessed he was with being a hero. But being a hero is not his only dream anymore. She's his dream girl. He couldn't do it without her. Plus who would want to date someone that's constantly reckless and breaks his bones? Someone that won't be able to make time for her or could end up in the hospital on any day? He doesn't deserve her. He doesn't know if she likes him back. He should just deny Giselle's invitation. He felt his eyes watering, his heart pounding rapidly and he was having trouble breathing.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him and all of those conflicted thoughts washed away as his heart slowed down and he was breathing normally again.

"Dek.. Izuku," Ochako whispered, wrapping her arms around Izuku. "You were there for me when I needed someone. Now it's my turn to be there for you."

Izuku smiled hearing her say his name. But he was grateful that Ochako was by his side. He put his arms around his best friend and hugged her back. He faced Giselle and looked him in the eye. "We're ready, Mrs. Sinclair."

Giselle smiled at the young hero. "He was right about you. No reluctance."

"Huh? How do you know about that?" Izuku asked.

"Shh. Like I said, all will be answered in time." Giselle raised her hand up, about to snap her fingers.

"Wait! I need to know something."

"What is it?"

"Why? Why show me this?" Izuku asked.

"It's simple, Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku looked confused.

"You are a true hero." Giselle snaps her fingers and the room suddenly turns white.

When Izuku and Ochako open their eyes, they find themselves in a completely different room on a bed unlike the ones in their rooms. There were two wardrobes next to each other with their names on the door, a table with a lamp, and two windows where the sunlight was glaring with two arm chairs.

"Where are we?" Ochako asked, looking around.

Izuku's eyes widened as he looked around. "It looks like some kind of rich person's room. Obviously it's not one of ours because we don't have this fancy stuff and we don't have a king-size bed even though it is so comfy. The only room I've seen like this is Yaoyorozu's room and she's not here so who knows where we are. So that means that we are no longer in the dorms. If that means that we are no longer in UA, then we have to be somewhere else. This is crazy. I have heard of interdimensional travel, but I didn't think that we were going to be the ones to go through such a thing." Izuku muttered while Ochako looked at him.


Izuku's muttering came to a halt when he heard the yelling outside the door. He looked at Ochako and realized whose voice that was.

"That sounded like Bakugo. I guess Mrs. Sinclair was right when she said our class would be involved in this whole future and past thing." Ochako said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Y-yeah. This is going to be a lot to process." Izuku said nervously.

"Are you going to be alright Deku? I know that you and Bakugo have history. But I don't want to see you get hurt more because of him." Ochako touched his shoulder.

"I'm going to be ok. I think Mrs. Sinclair was right about one thing. I can trust you guys with whatever is going to happen." Izuku said with a determined look on his face.

Ochako blushed at seeing Izuku look determined.

"Let's go find out what we're doing here." Izuku turned to the door.

Ochako grabbed his hand. "Wait Deku. When we have time alone, can we talk about what happened before Mrs. Sinclair interrupted us?"

Izuku squeezed her hand. "Yeah, we should."

When they went downstairs, they saw Katsuki in a giant lobby, yelling at the ceiling.


"Hey Kacchan. What are you doing? Who are you yelling at?" Izuku asked, looking confused.

"Deku, you shitty nerd! This is all your fault. First I have to deal with damn little brats with quirks and when I go to my room to sleep, a useless extra in a suit appears out of nowhere asking me to see the future. I told him that he can take his future and shove it. Next thing I know, I'm in the same room as Flat Face. Tell me what the hell is going on!" Katsuki demanded.

"Bakugo calm down. A woman approached us with the same deal. At least we agreed because we want to know what is going to happen in the future." Ochako frowned seeing Katsuki yell at Izuku.

"Shut it Pink Cheeks! This doesn't concern you." Katsuki snapped at Ochako.

"Bakugo, that's not how you talk to a fellow classmate. Apologize now!" Tenya said as he appeared walking down the stairs with Mei Hatsume at his side down the staircase while Izuku glared at Katsuki.

"Don't tell me what to do, Glasses! I can do whatever the hell I want!"

"Bakubro, calm down. It's not that serious." Eijiro told Katsuki as he went down the spiraling staircase with Mina behind him.

"I was trying to see if I could explore this place until Bakugo started yelling, seeing me in the same room." Hanta said, arriving down with the rest of Class 1-A and Hitoshi Shinso behind him.

"Hey! 1-A! Do you have any idea what's going on?" Izuku heard the familiar voice and everyone looked up at the staircase on the other side of the lobby and spotted who was calling.

"Hey Tetsutetsu!" Eijiro called up. "What are you doing here, man?"

"I was hoping you'd tell us that," the Steel quirk user said. "Me and Kendo just arrived here and the rest of Class 1-B are here with us."

Neito Monoma's head perked up as the students of Class 1-B walked down the stairs. "What's this? All of Class A and Class B in one room. You people think that you're so much better than us even though two of your classmates failed the Provisional Exam?! Is this a way to hype up how great you are? That's rich, considering that 1-B is such a superior class." Most of Class B shook their heads listening to their classmate.

"Monoma, shut up before I put you to sleep." Itsuka scowled at Neito as he ridiculed their sister class.

Neito laughed at his classmate. "Since when do you defend these 1-A losers? Are you thinking of joining their class, Kendo? I didn't know you were that eager to go against your class because you made friends with these people!"

"Monoma, that's enough out of you. You do not talk about my class like that. Shut your mouth before I do it with my scarf." Aizawa's voice silenced the blond's ranting. The grumpy and tired homeroom teacher of Class 1-A walked down the other staircase with Present Mic and Midnight, all dressed casually than in their hero costumes while the retired Number One Hero, All Might in a suit. The only odd thing was Aizawa had his scarf on which can be used as a capture item.

Aizawa's capture scarf started to move, and the white bear/dog/mouse-like creature who is the principal of U.A. popped out and climbed down. "May I have everyone's attention, please? Raise your hand if…"


Katsuki's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost while Izuku had not heard that voice in eleven years. Everyone looked up to the sound of the voice and saw a woman that looked like an older feminine version of Katsuki coming down the stairs full-speed as a man with spiky brown hair and glasses and a short lady with green hair were behind her while the man was trying to calm her down.

Katsuki looked surprised seeing his mother and father.

Izuku smiled at his mother. "Mom!"

When Mitsuki Bakugo came down the stairs, she made a beeline for her son and hugged him. Then Masaru Bakugo came over and joined the two. Izuku smiled at the interaction while he ran to his mom, hugging her after so long.

"Izuku!" Inko smiled and hugged him tightly, as this is the first time she had seen her son in a while. "How are you, sweetie?"

"I'm doing great, mom. Things have been hectic lately but it's been worth it." He smiles at her, hiding the pain and sadness that he felt since the Yakuza raid."

Ochako notices the look in Izuku's eyes when he says that and smiles sadly. She approaches Izuku and Inko with a bright smile. "Hi Mrs. Midoriya. I'm Ochako Uraraka, Izuku's best friend."

"Hello Ochako, nice to meet you. Izuku told me all about you. I'm glad to see he's making friends at UA." Inko smiled at Ochako.

"Oh really? What else did you say about me, Izuku?" Ochako asked mischievously.

"Mom! You're embarrassing me." Izuku said, covering his face with his hands.

"Well it's true, sweetie. I didn't think you would stop praising her after the Sports…" Inko started to say until Present Mic whistled before Principal Nezu stopped him.

"My apologies, Mrs. Midoriya and Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo. We have important matters to discuss and I'm guessing that you three have been invited to join us as well. Now please raise your hand if you have been visited by a man named Aleister Sinclair." Nezu asked everyone in the room.

Half the room raised their hands including Inko, All Might, Shoto, Momo, Tenya, Setsuna Tokage, Yui Kodai, Tetsutetsu, Neito, Itsuka, and a fuming Katsuki while the other half of the room looked confused. "Now raise your hand if a woman named Giselle Sinclair visited you."

The other half of the room raised their hands including Izuku, Ochako, Eijiro, Mina, Kyoka, Denki, Hitoshi, Mei, Mitsuki, Masaru, Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight.

"So all of you have arrived. Now we can get started." A deep male voice said. A man with dark hair dressed in a dark suit and a blonde woman, dressed in a black knee length dress at his side suddenly appearing in front of the fifty people, slighly jarring the majority of them. Izuku noticed that the woman was the time spirit who was in Ochako's room, but he didn't know who the man was.

"You bastard. Who do you think you are bringing us here?" Katsuki said, about to explode the man but there were no explosions appearing from his hand. The man and woman looked amused.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS MY QUIRK NOT WORKING?!?!?!" Katsuki yelled as he twitched his fingers.

"Now now Katsuki Bakugou. Don't be stubborn. You refused to listen to me so I brought you here against your wishes which I must apologize for though I did not approve of your vulgar words. Besides I can't have you destroying my mansion with explosions. With that, it's an honor to meet you all. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aleister Sinclair. Half of you have already met me. This is my wife, Giselle Sinclair. The rest of you have met her." Aleister said as Giselle smiled and waved at everyone.

'Mansion??' Everyone thought, their eyes widening. Ochako was about to faint until Izuku caught her.

"Are you both American, by any chance?" Present Mic asked.

"Well I am British-American. I was born in Houston, Texas but raised in Manchester, England. Giselle was from Hollywood, California." Aleister said. Pony Tsunotori smiled brightly since she was not the only American in the room.

"Welcome to our humble abode, ladies and gentlemen. As you saw with Katsuki, your quirks will not work here except for Principal Nezu's. However, we will allow certain individuals to have some privileges. Kouji Koda, you may keep your bunny for emotional support. Fumikage Tokoyami, your ability to summon Dark Shadow remains the same as it is a sentient being. Mezo Shoji, you will have the ability to make your Duplicate-Arms into the shape of a mouth when you want and/or need to talk. Yuga Aoyama, you will not need your support belt." Giselle explained while everyone else looked at each other with shock.

"Now you are wondering why all of you are here. My wife and I have brought you here because you students and teachers have an important role in the future. Time will not pass in the real world while you are here. So I will tell you how you will see the future." Aleister explains to the large group.

"Allow me, darling." Giselle put her hand on her husband's chest. "As we have told you, we have the ability to show you the future. All of you have agreed to let us do this, except Angry Pomeranian here." That got a few chuckles from the students and teachers in the lobby. "Thankfully, we will be showing these through a show where you are the cast. It will be showing the events of the future, with all the things that come with it like musical numbers and narration from a certain character and the thoughts that come from the characters. There's one thing we have not ex..."


"Katsuki Bakugou, I am going to ask you to stop yelling please. Do not yell at my wife." Aleister said calmly.

"Don't tell me what to do. I am gonna ask you once again and you will …"

Aleister waved his hand and Katsuki disappeared mid rant, surprising everyone. "I have had enough of that boy." Aleister said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"KATSUKI! Where is my son??" Mitsuki demanded.

"Do not worry Mrs. Bakugou. I have simply sent him back to his room and locked the door from the outside. Nobody yells at my wife and thinks that they will get away with it."

"As I was saying before I was interrupted. We have not told Katsuki that we will be showing the past due to his behavior as you all saw. As time spirits, we cannot telepathically show you these aspects because we do not have that power. We are not telepaths." Giselle continued as she calmed down her husband.

"How is that possible? None of us agreed to such things." Present Mic looked at the woman in disbelief.

" 'The world is not what it seems—but it isn't anything else, either' . Who do you think said that, Hizashi Yamada?" Aleister asked, looking at Present Mic.

"Raymond Queneau quoted that. But what does that have to do with this?" Present Mic questioned.

"Would you have expected that your whole life was a show just for other people to watch? People would always find a way to criticize your life and sometimes your very existence." Aleister looked at the students and teachers.

A tense silence began to fill the room. Izuku's eyes widened, realizing that Aleister was talking about him.

"I- I think it's best that we watch this show. Maybe it will help us in our path as heroes." Izuku said, breaking the silence.

"If Midoriya is okay with it, then I will watch this show as well." Tenya says as he puts his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Me too." Ochako said.

Soon, everyone had agreed to watch the show, except for one person because he was still locked in his room. Aleister snapped his fingers and a fuming Katsuki reappeared, standing in the same place.

"Katsuki, will you listen to me this time or will you continue to act like a child while you are here?" Aleister asked, looking at Katsuki.

"I'll listen to whatever you have to say." Katsuki said, glaring at the man.

"Brilliant," Aleister smiled at the boy. "Will you join us?"

"If I have to." Katsuki said, still glaring.

"Wonderful. We will start at 12, which is in forty-five minutes. If you want or need anything, for example food or drinks, just say or think of what you want and it will appear in your hands. When it is time to watch the show, we will meet here so that we can go to the theater. Giselle and I will tell you how long we will be in the theater when we arrive there. Principal, you may take the stage." Aleister nodded to Nezu.

"Thank you. As Mr. Sinclair said, we will be watching the show in forty-five minutes. You can do whatever you want in the meantime. However, this is not a vacation. Students, you will consider this showing as school, so you will wear your uniforms to the theater. The teachers are excused from this rule. Now run along, enjoy your free time." Nezu smiled at the students.

"One more thing, there is a gym on the second floor and a swimming pool outside. If you want something to do in your free time, you have those choices." Giselle said before everyone split.

"I'll see you in the room later, Uraraka. I need to talk to someone for a little bit." Izuku said to Ochako.

"Okay, See you, Deku." Ochako waved to Izuku.

Izuku walked up to the person he needed to see the most. The one that he can confide in with anything. "Hey All Might. May I talk to you?"

"Sure Young Midoriya. What is it?" They walk away from the other teachers. All Might turned to look at Izuku.

"It's about what Mr. Sinclair said. I think he knows that I used to be quirkless. When Mrs. Sinclair was at the dorm, she said that someone was right about me. I was confused but then she said 'no reluctance'." All Might looked surprised.

"Do you think they know about One For All? I mean they probably do since they mentioned the show. She did say that I can trust my classmates with my secrets but I'm scared how they will react. But what about Hatsume, Shinso and Class B? They're not my classmates and I'm scared how they will react. This is nerve wracking." Izuku muttered and stopped when All Might gave him a light chop on the head.

"Stop that, Young Midoriya. It'll be alright. Your classmates have been one big happy family to you. You can trust the others so consider them as extended family though Young Monoma can be a problem. He thinks that he can copy One For All and use it against you. But when he finds out about the physical backlash, he'll think twice before trying to copy it." All Might said confidently.

"All right, I got this. Thanks, All Might." Izuku smiled.

"Now go on. Get some food. Spend some time with your friends. You got time before the show starts." All Might smiled back.

Izuku left to go to the room that he shares with Ochako. He knocks on the door.

"Come In." Ochako's voice came from inside. Izuku opened the door and saw his crush looking out the window.

"Hey Uraraka. What are you looking at?" Izuku asked as he walked over to her. Despite this mansion being in the middle of nowhere, Izuku was surprised at how everything looked outside.

There were exotic plants, shrubbery in the shape of animals, a fountain and was that... a merry-go-round?!

"Nothing really. It's crazy that we're going to be living here to see the future in a show where we are the cast. It feels too good to be true." Ochako said.

"You can always pinch yourself to see if you're dreaming. That's what I did when I found out that I was going to UA." Izuku joked.

"Shut up. I'm serious, Deku," Ochako punched his arm softly. "Are you hungry? I'm starving."

"Didn't you eat while I was downstairs?" Izuku asked.

They sat on the bed. "Nah. I wanted to wait for you. I was hoping we could eat together."

"Sounds good. What do you want to eat? I was hoping for some katsudon." When Izuku said that, a bowl of katsudon appeared in his hands with a pair of chopsticks in two minutes.

"That's so cool. I want some mochi and meat buns." The said items appeared in Ochako's hands.

The first thing that came to Izuku's mind when he tasted the katsudon was the traditional taste. It melted in his mouth.

"You want to try some of my katsudon?" Izuku offered.

Ochako nodded. She ate a piece of pork from Izuku's chopsticks while she offered him a piece of her mochi and a meat bun. While they ate, they talked about what they would see in the show. After they finished eating, they changed into their summer uniforms and headed down to the main room. Once everyone was downstairs, Aleister and Giselle walked them to the east wing of the Mansion and opened the door.

When they went inside, they found themselves in a movie theater with no seats. In the back, there was a refreshment stand along with a table full of blank notebooks.

Aleister snapped his fingers and five rows of loveseats and couches appeared. "For Class A, the seating arrangement is based on your rooms. For the people who shared a room, you are to sit together. Mr. Aoyama and Mr. Shinso, you may sit with anyone as you please. Students from Class B, parents, teachers, you are to sit on the couches if you'd like. But Mr. Monoma, you are to sit with Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu in a row with Class A. If anyone would like to move their seats to sit with their friends, we do not mind. There are notebooks in the back for those who'd want to take notes. You may need them in order to jot information down. If you need anything, just think what you want and it will appear."

The students grabbed notebooks for themselves. Aizawa grabbed notebooks for himself and each of the teachers and Nezu.

Class B took seats in the first and second row with the girls sitting on one couch each in the second row while the boys took the other couches. Hitoshi sat with Yosetsu Awase and Sen Kaibara in the second row.

Mei, Tenya, Izuku, Ochako, Shoto, Momo, Tsuyu, Fumikage, Toru and Mashirao took the loveseats in the third row.

In the fourth row, Neito, Itsuka and Tetsutetsu sat on a couch. Hanta and Katsuki pushed their loveseat to join Eijiro and Mina's loveseat on the left side while Kyoka and Denki pushed their loveseat from the right. Rikido and Koji pushed their couch at the end to join Minoru, Mezo and Yuga.

In the back row, Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru sat on one couch while the teachers sat on two conjoined loveseats and Nezu sat on a recliner next to them. Aleister and Giselle sat on another loveseat with a remote by their side.