
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The Kingdom of Kanull part 6

Walking down a grand and opulent corridor, Khan happily hummed along, passing numerous impressive white doors. He leisurely strolled through the hallway, sporting a smile on his face. Abruptly, he came to a halt in front of two magnificent golden doors that stretched all the way to the ceiling. Standing on either side were two guards adorned in gleaming golden armor.

For a moment, he gazed at the majestic doors, and then he decided to approach them. Turning towards the armored knight stationed on the left side, he started a conversation.

"Good morning, gentlemen! How's your day going so far? Mine has kicked off splendidly. I can't help but wonder if this means something bad will happen, but I intend to savor the greatness of this marvelous morning."

Upon hearing his words, the knight facing him respectfully turned and offered a bow.

"It is truly an honor to be in your presence, Lord Khan Summers. I must say, my day has been absolutely delightful thus far.

Upon hearing this, Khan's face lit up with a smile. He then turned towards the knight standing beside him, who elegantly bowed before him and expressed the same sentiment.

"Well, that is truly wonderful to hear, gentlemen. Now, if you wouldn't mind lending a hand with these doors?" Khan requested, with a sense of urgency. Without delay, the two knights approached the magnificent golden doors and slowly pushed them open, revealing the grand throne room. Within it, King Alexander sat upon the majestic golden throne, flanked by two knights clad in golden armor. One held a rifle by his side, while the other had a sword at the ready.

Khan gracefully walked along the vibrant red carpet, coming to a halt before the steps leading up to the throne. With utmost reverence, he knelt on one knee and lowered his head."

"Good morning, my majesty," Khan greeted as Alex, sitting on the majestic golden throne, transformed his expression from neutral to a wide smile.

"Rise, my brother. Many may call me king, but certainly not you, when you are more deserving of the title than I am," Alex declared.

Upon hearing this, Khan slowly got up from the floor, covered in a luxurious red carpet, and replied, "Well, I wouldn't want to be the king. Handling numerous responsibilities isn't my forte, unfortunately."

"Haha, you may say that, but deep down, we both know the truth," Alex countered, his expression turning serious. "I have a favor to ask of you. Apologies for interrupting your visit as my guest from the kingdom of Namon."

No brother, it's alright, but I'm curious to know why you're coming to me for help this time. Usually, you're pretty good at handling your own problems. Is it because I'm here or is it because it's a really serious situation? When Alexander heard this, he responded in a deep tone, muttering just three words, "The red scarlets."

As soon as Khan heard those words, his cheerful expression turned serious, and he asked what the problem was. After pondering for a moment to gather his thoughts, Alexander replied,

"I'm sure you're familiar with Michael Vern, the newly appointed Commander of the police and security forces, right?"

Now wearing a serious expression, Khan nodded and said, "Yes, I know him. Wasn't he the one you recommended for the position?"

"Exactly,". "He paid me a visit yesterday, bringing two pieces of bad news. The first news is the one where I need your help. The second one has nothing to do with the Red Scarlets, so you don't have to worry about that."

Yesterday, Micheal approached me with an interesting piece of information. He mentioned that several night officers at Coney station had reported spotting a suspicious individual who seemed to be intentionally riding the train multiple times a day. It appeared as if this person was attempting to gather information about the train schedules and how long the trains would halt for.

Upon hearing this, Khan's serious expression turned into one of confusion, and he voiced his question.

"What does that mean? Does it mean that the Red Scarlets are planning another attack?"

"Not necessarily, but it is a possibility. One of the patrolling officers discovered a Red Scarlet badge on the ground after inspecting all the trains that arrived at Coney station. This badge had a different design than the usual red flower emblem. It featured a cross above the red flower emblem, indicating it belonged to one of the executives of the Red Scarlets."

The Red Scarlet is an activist group that advocates for the people of the Kanull kingdom. They often steal resources from the elven kingdoms to distribute among the people of Kanull.

Oh no, an executive, this is a bad situation. Khan expressed his concern by placing his hand on his temple, deep in thought. After a moment, he asked, "What can I do to assist you, my brother? This situation could be highly dangerous."

You're right, Khan. Depending on how we handle it, this situation could have severe consequences. Currently, we are uncertain about their intentions. As Alexander spoke these words, he suddenly realized that the two issues might be linked. He confidently stated, "I think I've discovered something."

Confused, Khan looked at him and inquired, "What is it?"

Micheal pointed out another issue - the recent passing of the head of the Wire Union household.

The Wire Union is a renowned and influential family that has played a significant role in inventing various forms of technology.

Hold on, Hywin is no longer with us? Khan asked, his face reflecting bewilderment.

Apparently, he passed away due to old age. However, some people in the household suspect foul play, suggesting that he might have been poisoned. Nevertheless, no evidence has been found to support such claims. The unfortunate aspect of his death is that his son, who is too young to take on the family's responsibilities, will have to wait for his turn while his daughter, Magret, assumes control. And I'm sure you are well aware of the kind of person Magret is.

Strangely, she consistently takes the side of the humans instead of supporting her own kind. It's interesting to note that there might be a connection between her and the Red Scarlet, considering an executive's sudden appearance right after her father's death, with her taking charge.

Hmmmm... Yeah, I'm starting to notice a pattern here. You already knew that there was someone in high ranks assisting the Red Scarlet, and she seems like the most probable suspect.

After saying that, Khan glanced at Alexander, who reclined on his majestic golden throne, and asked, "So, brother, what do you think we should do? You know that if Brother Romare finds out about this, he'll try to declare war on the humans again."

I understand, which is why it's crucial to keep this information away from him.

If there's anything else you need my help with, feel free to ask. I'll do my best to resolve this situation. Maybe we should seek assistance from the secret assassination association or perhaps ask for help from...

No!!! All I need you to do is check the train station. After that, you can resume your vacation... I know exactly what needs to be done to handle this matter.

After hearing that, Khan took a moment to think before casually asking, "Are you absolutely sure?"

The response came with a simple "Yes."


As Lucke entered the room, Ivy and Cleo were already sitting on the bed. Ivy glanced up as she noticed Lucke opening the door and asked, "So, are you joining us or staying this time?"

Rune heard this and looked around the room slowly. It wasn't a spacious room, just a small one with a shared bed and a small wooden side table next to a slightly raised window.

Lucke walked over to the bed and took a seat. Turning to Ivy, he asked, "Are we leaving now?"

Upon hearing this, Cleo stood up and left the room to use the bathroom. Ivy then added, "If you need to use the bathroom too, go ahead. I don't want us to have to come back home early again."

Lucke patiently waited for Cleo to finish before using the bathroom himself. Once done, he left with Cleo and Ivy, slowly making their way down the stairs before finally leaving the house.

"Down the quiet street, Cleo and Ivy veered left and strolled ahead under the warm sun.

As they continued their silent walk, Ivy broke the silence with a question. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Cleo didn't hesitate to respond after pondering for a moment. "I would absolutely love to learn Magic. It has always been something interesting to me."

Upon hearing Cleo's answer, Lucke realized that magic could be his ticket to returning home. He chimed in, "I feel the same way as Cleo. Magic has always been interesting to me."

After hearing both responses, Ivy turned around and revealed her own aspirations. "I dream of joining The Red Scarlet," she said. Lucke wasn't surprised, as the Red Scarlets were widely known throughout Kanull.

As they continued down the deserted street, they stuck close to the wooden houses, ensuring a quick hideout if anything happened."
