
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

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25 Chs

The kingdom of Kanull part 7

As they walked down the empty street, Lucke noticed a lot of people sitting on the ground next to houses. These people were wearing old, worn-out clothes and they didn't have any food or money. Seeing them made Lucke realize that maybe the food Emma gave him wasn't so bad after all because at least it kept him from going hungry. And even though their house didn't have electricity, it wasn't so bad either because they still had a place to sleep.

Excuse me, ma'am, please can you give me some money or even just a little bit of food? It would really help me.

Lucke looked at a wooden house where a homeless man was knocking on the door. He felt sad for the man, but he didn't stop or keep looking because he was used to seeing homeless people.

After some time of walking, he noticed Ivy veering off the path. She made a left turn and entered a narrow alley between two large wooden houses. As they walked through the alley, she halted at a spot filled with numerous empty wooden barrels on the ground.

Alright, we've arrived. Ivy proceeded to approach the wooden barrels and moved them aside, uncovering a hidden small door. She then opened the door, revealing a set of stairs leading downwards.

After she said "After you," Lucke entered and slowly began descending the steps, with Cleo following closely behind. Ivy closed the door by pulling down a small panel. Surprisingly, they were not in complete darkness; instead, there was ample lighting placed throughout.

The elves had strategically placed the lights in the sewers in case they encountered any problems, and it also provided a quicker route to Kanull.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, they were greeted by an empty sewer illuminated on both sides.

"It smells terrible down here," Lucke remarked. Just as he said that he felt a tap on his shoulder and swiftly turned around to find Reko standing behind him. Reko had gray eyes and short black hair that fell to his shoulders. He was dressed in a dark blue shirt and black shorts.

Hey guys, finally! Sorry if I scared you. Let's get going, I've been waiting here forever and this place stinks.

"Good morning, Reko," Ivy greeted as they walked through the long sewer with bricked walls. Cleo followed suit.

As they walked, Lucke used his brown shirt to cover his nose due to the awful smell. He wondered if they were planning to hang out in this place.

Reko noticed Lucke's discomfort and stopped before an empty brick wall. He pushed down on one of the bricks, and suddenly all the bricks around it started to move apart, revealing a large gap between them that led to a small tunnel.

After witnessing this, Luke's face showed surprise, although he had gained most of Lucke's memories, he couldn't recall them finding a secret room.

They slowly entered and closed the secret door behind them before walking through the small tunnel. There was a brick behind the secret door that allowed Reko to close it. As they made their way through the tunnel, Lucke looked ahead and realized it led to an empty space. Once they arrived, Lucke noticed several other tunnels surrounding them in a circle.

Now standing in a circular space with small tunnels all around, Lucke looked around in silence. It was so quiet that he could hear the sound of a penny dropping on the ground. After scanning the area for a while, he was drawn to Reko's voice.

"Alright, I'm really bored. Let's play a game of Freeze tag," Reko suggested. Lucke, also feeling bored, didn't object and simply replied, "Okay." Hearing this, Reko reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of metal. He placed it in front of the tunnel they had just walked through so they wouldn't get lost. After all, there were eight different tunnels.

"Alright everyone, let's hide! I'll be it," Reko excitedly announced. Immediately, they all scattered and ran down different tunnels.

While the rest rushed into separate tunnels, Cleo made a decision to follow Lucke. They sprinted until they reached the end of a dark tunnel, where a brick wall stood in their way.

Lucke, catching his breath, plopped down on the floor and muttered, "Seems like we've hit a dead end."

Cleo, joining him on the ground, agreed, saying, "Indeed, it appears that way."

As Lucke remained seated, a faint sound of approaching footsteps reached their ears. "Well, I suppose it's time to get moving," he realized, suspecting it to be Reko's footsteps. Slowly, he rose to his feet, placing his left hand against the brick wall for support.

Click, click, click... An unusual noise emanated from the wall, leaving both Cleo and Lucke puzzled.

"What's that sound?" Cleo inquired, as the blocks on the wall began to separate, unveiling a secret passage.

"Luke asked if Cleo knew about this place, still struggling to recall all of his own memories.

"Actually, I had no idea about this hidden spot," Cleo replied casually. After uttering those words, he began to inch towards the secret passages - a narrow tunnel made of bricks. As soon as they stepped inside, the secret passage abruptly closed behind them.".


Sitting in her room, Amori admired the exquisite small dagger gifted to her by her uncle for her birthday. The hilt sparkled with the captivating sapphire. Since it was a lovely Saturday, she was free from the confines of school and had planned to practice her magic. However, her magic instructor had not yet arrived, leaving her patiently waiting as she remained fixated on the stunning dagger.

Engrossed in her make-believe game, she mimicked stabbing motions, when suddenly her attention was drawn towards the door by a series of knocks.

"KNOCK, Knock, knock!"

Reacting swiftly, she hurriedly crossed the room and concealed the dagger inside the small square box, discreetly sliding it beneath her pillow.

"Come in!" she called out, and with a slow push, the door swung open. A woman with long black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes entered the room. This was Jahnne Light, renowned throughout the kingdom as one of the most skilled individuals in the realm of magic. Jahnne donned an elegant white dress that gracefully brushed against the floor, complemented by white gloves and delicate white high-heeled shoes.

"Amori, good morning," Miss Light greeted the young girl as she lifted her eyes from the bed. Amori rose slowly and returned the greeting, saying, "Good morning, Miss Light. Would you like some tea, perhaps?"

"No, thank you, Amori. But most importantly, have you been practicing?" Miss Light asked, taking a seat on Amori's bed. She waited for an answer, her gaze fixed on the young girl.

"Yes, I have been practicing," Amori replied, joining Miss Light on the bed. "However, I'm still struggling to fully grasp the concept of using the second spell of the fire symbol."


As Lucke and Cleo made their way down the narrow passage, they eventually reached a brown wooden door at the end. As soon as the secret passage door closed behind them, panic set in for both of them. But after taking a moment to collect themselves, they decided to gather their courage and move forward.

Coming to a halt in front of the wooden door, the two exchanged glances. Cleo broke the silence, "I'll open it," he said. Slowly, Cleo reached out and turned the doorknob, gradually pushing the door open. As the door swung wide, Lucke's eyes fell upon a cluttered room filled with numerous books scattered about. In the center stood a large wooden table, accompanied by a hefty chair beneath it. Three book-filled shelves adorned the walls.

Cleo glanced around the room and asked, "What's this place?" They cautiously stepped into the mysterious room, discovering a multitude of fascinating items like gleaming gold jewelry. On a nearby shelf, they spotted small glass containers containing lifeless creatures such as lizards, birds, and insects.

Excitedly, Lucke smiled and said, "Wow, what is this place?" While Cleo explored various objects like books and jewelry, Lucke approached a bookshelf and began meticulously searching for something specific. Engrossed in his thoughts, Lucke hoped to find something related to magic or transmigration that could assist him in returning home. After a thorough search, Lucke stumbled upon a book and eagerly plucked it from the shelf.