
first blade


I woke with a start my mind being filled with the knowledge of a strange smithing technique that would allow me to create a blade called a zanpakuto from the world of bleach then I gained the memories of this body.

my new name was Edward and I lived on sword island on the grand line. sword island was named that because its inhabitants were some of the greatest swordsmiths in the entire sea and my parents were its best artisans that were until they died in a pirate raid a few days back. I truly felt pain from their loss and I craved revenge but I'm not a fighter I just don't have the will to do so but there was something I could do.

Edward, there's a marine here to see you.

perfect right on time a few days ago before the pirate raid a high-ranking marine left his sword with my parents for repairs but it was taken in the raid. as I came out of my house future vice-admiral Bastille was waiting for me.

(bastille) kid where is my sword?

(Edward) I'm sorry sir it was stolen by pirates during the raid that killed my family.

(bastille) then you will have to find a replacement till I hunt down the pirate scum that stole my blade.

(mayor) sir on sword island we have many fine weapons to choose from but Edward hasn't officially become a swordsmith yet.

(Edward) sir marine if you are to hunt the pirates who killed my parents then I would like you to use a blade that I have forged using a forbidden secret technique.

(mayor) don't be rash boy do you believe yourself capable enough for a rear admiral.

(Edward) it won't only be enough for a rear admiral I dare say it will be enough to challenge the twelve supreme grade weapons.

(bastille) oh, do you claim to be able to make a sword of such caliber?

(Edward) I can make such a sword but you must promise me to kill the bastards who raided our village and killed my family.

(bastille) I in the name of justice swear to kill the pirates responsible but if you fail in creating a sword as great as you said I will personally cut you down.

(mayor) Edward don't do it!

(Edward) agreed.

with that, I walked into my family's smithy next to our house and started my work.

I know it was incredibly reckless of me to do this because once the navy and world government discover that my zanpakuto will give one strength rivaling a devil fruit ill be hunted and imprisoned forced to craft zanpakuto for my captors or tortured for the technique to do so but I don't care though I'm not the original occupant of this body the memories have still influenced me and I can't help but think of them as my actual parents and this is the only way I can get some level of revenge by making a weapon who will slaughter those who wronged me.

it took two days but I finally created the Asuachi that will become a zanpakuto. carrying it outside bastille was waiting and I tosed the Asuachi to him. bastille studied the blade for a time before putting it away.

(bastille) it is a fine blade better than my last but if it can rival the twelve supreme blades is another matter.

(Edward) this blade is an Asuachi until you can discover its name and transform it into a zanpakuto it will not be able to show its true power.

with a grunt, he turned and left for his ship. and when he left I packed up my things and prepared to leave.

(mayor) why are you packing your things?

(Edward) because once bastille discovered its name the navy will come for me.

(mayor) if it's about your bet I'm sure that bastille won't actually kill you.

(Edward) no mayor I'm leaving because to make a zanpakuto is a dangerous thing because of its great power the navy will wish to monopolize it for themselves.

the mayor stood speechless as I walked past him and towards the harbor.

pov bastille

it's been days since the brash young swords smith gave me this blade I have tried to name it but every time I do it feels wrong as if it shouldn't be called this and I remember what he told me about how I won't be able to use its real power until I find out its name.

rear admiral bastille we have caught up to the pirates and are within firing range.

(bastille) fire all canons.

it was a fierce battle but all but the pirate captain Jaco who ate the jackal fruit were taken into custody.

it was me versus him in a desperate clash he clawed at me with all his strength but I was able to block it. using his other hand which held my previous sword he chopped at me I was bracing myself for I couldn't block this stack when I heard a voice the voice said Akira.

(bastille) roar lone lion Akira.

energy radiated off of me in a powerful wave that pushed back Jaco and my weapon had a huge change the blade became much larger and changed its shape to that resembling a lion fang with a mane of fur replacing its hilt.

(jaco) what's going on how did you become so much stronger

without answering I swing my blade as it made a loud roaring sound which Jaco's body froze upon hearing leaving him open to my strike which decapitated him.

once the battle was over my sword changed again but this time into a more traditional style of the odachi with an angry lion face as the hilt.

(bastille) so this is what he meant. a zanpakuto huh truly a weapon with great power.