
shocking news

POV Bastille

when I arrived at the island the kid was no longer there. I looked all over the island for him but no one knew where he went the mayor said he left just after I set off from sword Island to hunt the Pirates. unable to find him I had to head back to Navy headquarters and speak with Fleet Admiral Sengoku. the power that my blade contained is too powerful and it cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of revolutionaries or worse Pirates only in the Marines' hands can this zanpakuto enforce Justice.

POV Sengoku

(sengoku) garp give me back my rice crackers!

(garp) hahaha.

(...) Sengoku sir rear admiral bastille wishes to speak with you he says it's urgent.

(sengoku) Bastille with his serious nature whatever he has to say must be important let him in.

Bastille walked in with a new sword hanging across his shoulder and a serious look upon his face.

(garp) oh, bastille is that a new sword what happened to your old one?

(bastille) This sword is why I came to speak with the fleet admiral today.

(sengoku) This sword you say what's the matter with it.

bastille drew his blade for all to see and presented it before us.

it was a good sword though I'm not a swordsman I can still tell it's sharp and strong.

(sengoku) it's a fine blade but I don't see what the problem is.

(bastille) the problem is this sword has incredible power almost comparable with a devil fruit.

(sengoku) power? could the blade have consumed a devil fruit?

(bastille) no fleet admiral I have tested it and this blade has no devil fruit it's not affected at all by the cause of the sea. instead, it's a new power that I have never seen it's called a zanpakuto it's capable of changing its form and it is intelligent.

(sengoku) WHAT BASTILLE! is what you say true?

(bastille) it's true fleet admiral watch.


a power full force was exuded from the blade similar to conqueror's haki but different quite a bit weaker but still impressive nonetheless and with this pressure came huge changes for the sword itself the blade became bigger and shaped like a beasts fang and the hilt disappeared leaving a thick mane of fur.

when the transformation of the sword was done both I and garp had a serious expression on our faces.

(sengoku) bastille where did this sword come from?

(bastille) that's why I came here today it was made by a young man from sword island called Edward smith.

at first, it was a normal blade but as I was in battle with some pirates a name came to me, and with it, its power was unlocked and it completely changed its form.

This is a very serious problem if this is zanpakuto is truly as powerful as a devil fruit but without the curse, more chaos in the sea will erupt. We cannot allow any of these weapons the fall into the hands of pirates. Luckily the first of these zanpakuto have fallen into our hands it seems that the Creator of these weapons favors us instead of the Pirates.

(sengoku) where is Edward smith now?!

(bastille) I don't know he left the island before I came back that is why I wanted to you.

(sengoku) this is a very serious problem I shall speak with the elders and put out a wanted poster we must track him down and ensure all zanpakuto are wielded by marines.

keep all information on Edward smith top secret we cannot allow anyone to know about what he can do!

end of Sengoku POV

after a few days, Edwards wanted poster came out


wanted alive

75,000,000 belly

when the bounty came out everyone on the grand line was surprised. For him to have such a big first bounty but also because it was specifically listed that he was wanted alive everyone wondered why because there was no crime listed. This had countless people curious including the underworld emperor morgans who started collecting all information about Edward. soon after the news published shocking information, Edward smith was not wanted because of any crime but due to his ability as a swordsmith.

Using informants inside the marine headquarters news leaked that Edward produced a powerful sword that may be comparable to the twelve supreme blades. This was big news that shocked the world every time one of the twelve supreme swords appeared in the world it caused a blood bath leaving death in its wake and for a young man to be able to create such a weapon is shocking. The news became even bigger when Hawkeye owner of one of the supreme swords and the world's greatest swordsman came to marine ford and after personally studying the sword stated that it was above the twelve supreme swords. This left the world in shock as a new classification of blade was made the one zanpakuto the death gods blade.