
Make A Man Sin

The sudden attack on the Santos Clan that lead to the death of Yonda's father, Tyson; who was a mafia leader made Yonda run to another city with a changed identity, living a low life. He even met a strange girl he fell in love with and was living his life but things took a twist when his father's assailants were back on his trail to finish him off and there he found out that there was more to the girl he was in love with than he knows about her. But Yonda was in for more surprises as the dead Bruno, his father’s head of security mysteriously came back to life and he revealed the identities of those who killed his father. But that was not all Bruno had to tell him, the mystery behind his supposed mother, Susan, was also unraveled and that left Yonda broken, taking away all his strength. Was he going to just let his father's murderers get away even though they are still bent on taking his own life? What truth did he learn about his mother and how did he handle it? All questions will be answered in this action and suspense-packed novel.

OlaRouffhy · アクション
11 Chs


He winced in pain and looked about not sure of what he was looking for but he need not be told that he was losing a lot of blood and he needed to find a way to stop the bleeding fast. With the bag still held firmly in his right hand and his left on the gunshot wound, he struggled to move forward and get help but his vision was getting blurry and it did not take long before he went on his knees and fell on his back and everything went dark.

The Next Day:

"Dad!!! Take my hand". Yonda stretched out his hand to pull up Tyson who was hanging from a very high cliff, if he falls, he was not going to survive.

After struggling, he finally got hold of his hand and just as he was about to pull him up, his hands slipped and his dad fell straight into the dark space.

"Yonda!!!!!! His father screamed as he continued falling.

At the top of his voice, Yonda bellowed and his voice echoed, "Nooooo".

His voice in the dream was so loud in his head that he roughly woke up, scared of the dream he just had. He winced in pain as a result of the gunshot wound and looked at his hand, there was a drip fixed on it. Looking around, he saw he was in a hospital and he wondered how he got there. His bag was beside him and he was going to grab it so he could check if it has not been touched when a doctor entered.

"You are awake, that is good. How do you feel now?".

"How did I get here?".

"Some people at where you had lost consciousness brought you in. You had lost too much blood. Tell me, do you feel any pain in your head?". The doctor brought out a small flashlight and shone it directly at his eyeballs.

"Not too much". He was beginning to feel calm but when he looked through the transparent glass door and saw a policeman standing by the door, he suspected something was up and asked the doctor.

"What is the police doing here?".

"Do not worry about that. They are here for your safety. We had to report to them when you were brought in with a gunshot wound. Once you are feeling up to it, they will ask you questions. About the headache, the nurse will bring you some painkillers in a bit". The doctor went out of the room.

As much as he would have loved to bring the police on this matter, he was still scared. If the police get to know that he is the son of the mafia that has been on their wanted list for a long, he will surely not have any means to escape, they will sure place him under arrest and that is not what he needs.

"I can not stay here". He muttered.

He looked around to see if there was any way he could get out of that place as fast as is could; going out through the door is not the best idea. He saw that the window was big enough to allow him to jump out and he quietly removed the drip fixed in his hand, wore his shoes, and picked up the that contained the money but he changed his mind first and stuffed his pockets with a few bundles, he was doing so when the nurse came in with the painkillers.

"You should be up yet, Sir. Please lay back down". The nurse said but Yonda was not going to do as she say nor did he wait to give her a reply to explain why he was up from bed, he made for the window and prepared to escape making the nurse raise an alarm that made the policemen burst into the room but before they could grab him, he had already jumped through the window and was outside, leaving the bag of money behind.

He could not run as fast because of the wound but still, he ran towards the gate. There were two police cars parked outside and a policeman was seated in one, just as Yonda ran past him, the cop received news from the policemen in the building over the radio and he quickly started the car, going in pursuit of Yonda.

There was a rail track around that area and was where the running, tired and panting Yonda ran towards. The track was not far from him anymore and the cop was close to catching up with him. The horn of a fast-moving train suddenly blared and Yonda added more energy to his legs so he could make it to the other side quick enough before the train got real close.

"Stop, you are going to get yourself killed". The driving cop warned him through the megaphone fixed on the car but Yonda turned deaf ears to him. The train was now visible and only if he makes a huge jump can he make it through. With his fist clenched, legs running at a high speed, and the air rushing in his sweaty face, he defied all odds and jumped with the train just about twenty feet from him.

He fell hard on his side and grunted, the wound was bleeding slightly again but to him, making it through without being hit by the train, was worth it. The cop parked and instantly radioed what happened to his colleague. Yonda got up and walked slowly to the main road where he got on a bus with a little bit of relief, trying to hide his bleeding from the other passengers so he will not call attention to himself. Where he was going now was his last hope.

The building was covered in graffiti arts, different types gangster kind of bikes were parked out and the setting of the place was rough to the eyes. He walked into the door; there was a piece of heavy metal music playing from the speakers in the room with bottles of alcohol and butts of cigarettes littered all over the place. The people there seemed to have a dress code of some sort, they all were in black punk clothes, and with just a look, it was obvious that most of them are goth.

His entrance was immediately noticed by the people inside and he was confronted by a hefty-looking guy.

"Lost your way?". The guy asked in a way that would make Yonda feel inferior, he was much bigger than him.

"I am here to see a friend of mine, Scott. You know where I can find him?". He explained to the guy, looking around the dim-lit room to see if he can see the man he was looking for.

"There is no Scott here and if you know what is good for you, get out of here".

Yonda sucked his teeth, "I am afraid I can not do that, big guy". He brushes past the guy but that only got him angry as he pulled Yonda back making him hit a table in the process, this action of his was met with cheers from the other people sitting in the room.

Yonda stood up shaking his head in an attempt to shake off the effect of the contact he had with the table, "Well, that was not expected". He quickly grabbed a knife from the table close go to him and the big guy was coming close to him when a voice sounded from behind him, "Stop" ...