
Make A Man Sin

The sudden attack on the Santos Clan that lead to the death of Yonda's father, Tyson; who was a mafia leader made Yonda run to another city with a changed identity, living a low life. He even met a strange girl he fell in love with and was living his life but things took a twist when his father's assailants were back on his trail to finish him off and there he found out that there was more to the girl he was in love with than he knows about her. But Yonda was in for more surprises as the dead Bruno, his father’s head of security mysteriously came back to life and he revealed the identities of those who killed his father. But that was not all Bruno had to tell him, the mystery behind his supposed mother, Susan, was also unraveled and that left Yonda broken, taking away all his strength. Was he going to just let his father's murderers get away even though they are still bent on taking his own life? What truth did he learn about his mother and how did he handle it? All questions will be answered in this action and suspense-packed novel.

OlaRouffhy · Action
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11 Chs


At Tyson's House

The gunmen that went after Bruno and Yonda drove into the compound amidst the ruins from their attack. Tyson's body was laid on the floor and the remaining six people that weren't killed during the attack were lined up in kneeling positions.

A man dressed in a black suit and a mask covering the whole of his face was seated on Tyson's favorite chair and he fondled the ring on his left thumb. It was evident that he was the big boss that gave the orders and probably the originator of the attack.

The leader of the gunmen brought his report, "Sir.....". But before he could speak, the masked man raised a finger and the leader kept shut.

"You had better bring me good news, Drew. Now speak". He said to him.

Gulping hard, Drew spoke, trying not to sound jittery, "The guard was taken down but the boy got away. I have ordered the perimeter covered and I promise that he will be caught up soon".

"He got away. He got away, hun?". The man stepped down from his chair and walked up to where Drew was standing.

He took Drew's left hand in his and pulled out a knife from the vest he was putting on. In one short, sharp slash, he cut off Drew's pinky finger and dropped the knife on the floor.

"You know too well than to bring me unsatisfying news Drew". He was wiping his hands with the handkerchief he brought out of his pockets as he went back to the seat.

Obviously in pain, Drew held his hand and tried to stop the bleeding. A female voice spoke from behind the curtains. "He should be on his way to the safe house. Tell your men to go get him there".

With blood dripping from his finger, he stood up and hurried out, barking orders at his boys, "Roll out guys. We are going to the safe house".

The female voice spoke again, "So what are you going to do with the rest?".

The masked man chuckled devilishly, "I have a little gift for them". He collected a pistol from one of his men standing beside him and shots were fired.

At The Safehouse

The safehouse wasn't a fancy expensive-looking building as Yonda had thought it will be.

He got to the door and an automated voice welcomed him. "Welcome. Please input the password to be able to enter the house".

He had no idea what the password was and he kept punching in what he thought the password could be; the system was declining his inputs each time.

"Great. Now I am at the safehouse but can't go in because I don't know the password".

He sat by the door looking around and thinking of what next to do when his eyes caught a series of numbers written on the side of the boat. He looked away at first but something in him told him that could be that password to open the door.

"Pfft. That will be ridiculous". He stood up and entered the number and the door was unlocked.

He went into the house and was amazed. The interior was well spent on than the outside. He was looking around the house when he came to a room and entered. He saw a bag on the table in the room and went to open it, he marveled at what he saw; it was filled with money. He was still checking out the bag when he heard the sound of boats stopping in front of the house.

Looking outside the window, he saw Drew and his men armed and walking steadily towards the house and he could hear Drew giving instructions to them.

"He is still in the house. Get the door right now". Another guy set to work to bypass the door security.

Yonda had little time to get out of the house and he quickly picked up the bag filled with money and went towards the back of the house hoping to find a backdoor.

Fortunately, he found the door before the house was surrounded and went out, careful tiptoeing towards his parked boat and when he saw that they weren't looking in his direction, he ran onto his boat and sped off. The sound of the boat alerted Drew and his men and they also went into their boat in hot pursuit of him, shooting at intervals.

Yonda tried to avoid getting hit and he made it to the riverbank that leads to a filled local market. Picking up the bag, he ran into the market and the men went after him to track him down. He slipped into a man's shop and covered his face with a scarf he has snatched from a person earlier; the men ran past him without suspecting that he was the one.

At The House

The masked man was still seated on the seat and the woman was still behind the curtain, her face wasn't showing either. The bodies has been cleared and none of the men were in.

"Our plan was successful. What is the next step?". The woman spoke. You know there is yet one thing we haven't gotten hold of".

"Once the boy is killed. We won't need to worry about getting that. No one knows that we don't have it so we are good to go". The man laughed so deeply that it echoed in the whole house and the woman joined in the laughter.

They were still laughing when Drew and his men came in and broke the news of Yonda's second escape to them the man stopped laughing abruptly and silence engulfed the room.

"You keep looking for him. Even if that is the last thing you get to do on this earth. Take him down".His voice roared like that of a lion and Drew went out again with his men.

"Calm down. He is just a kid that knows nothing, even if the man doesn't get him. He is helpless and won't dare think of attacking". The female voice calmed him down.

"I still don't want to take any chance. Taking out all our enemies at once will make all the stress and waiting worthwhile". Back at the market, Yonda was relieved that he had lost the trail of the people after him and he hurriedly was walking down the market when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the left side of his tummy. It appeared that he has been shot while he was been chased by Drew and his men earlier...