
Majestically Ordinary

strictlybeauty · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Revelation

"Who do they think they are!" my father shouted in anger.

" Dad calm down" onyx said.

" How can I calm down? tell me" my father asked in annoyance.

" Damien listen to what Onyx is saying" my

mother said. My dad calmed down after some time, he turned to onyx and told him to investigate on the matter.

Onyx POV

I looked at the sun rising, I couldn't get a wink of sleep throughout the night. I felt stumped at the investigation of the invasion Last night.

Although, Ondina had already solved a bit of the mystery of the attack,a lot of things still remains uncertain. I needed Ondina's help for this one. Still deep in thoughts I heard a knock on my door

"The King says that you should get ready to visit the palace" the guard said

I quickly freshened up and went to the living room. Everyone else was already there eating so I joined them. I was surprised to see Ondina there. After eating I went to sit beside Ondina to talk to her. As I was about to converse with her, everyone else was prepared to leave for the palace.

We used the passage again and before long we got to the palace.

Looking at the great palace I couldn't believe that this was the same palace I grew up in. I couldn't believe that this kind of damage could be done just in one night. The palace was practically in ruins, some maids and guards were seen running around trying to put everything in place but the damages could still be seen clearly.

I looked at my father, anger was etched in his face. Understanding the fact that he wasn't angered by the fact that the palace was destroyed but the fact that someone challenged his authority. Out of everyone in this kingdom, only Ondina and I knew the fact that the peace he had been keeping all these years has been with deceit not with honesty that everyone thought he did.

Ondina's pov

I looked at the destroyed palace emotionlessly, it wasn't like I had any good memories here. I took a glance at my brother then looked at my father, they were both seething in silent rage. I knew my brother purposely approached me this morning to assist him with some facts in the investigation. I looked at the ruins and saw something under some rubbles. I walked towards the rubbles and picked the object it was a crested glove. It got even strange when I noticed that the crest had only one symbol,

⚡a thunderbolt. I hid the glove in my pocket and looked around before joining the crew to go back to the temporary palace.

I got settled in the attic because there wasn't enough rooms in the house, or so my mom said. I laid on the mattress and thought of something, then it occurred to me

that the answer was so clear in front of me. I just needed more data to formulate the facts. Knowing fully well that only onyx could help,I got up to go to his room. As I was leaving through the door I met Onyx and he asked me to come with him. I quietly followed him and we went to the library.

"So I need your help with this case" he started

"I know" I replied

" Wait, how did you know" he asked

" I just know, forget it and let's focus" I answered with all seriousness.

" Ok so what did you figure out about the attack" Onyx asked straightforwardly

" Well I figured out that this attack couldn't have had such impact if only one Kingdom planned it... so I think two kingdoms joined forces to attack us" I answered straight to the point. He got lost in thoughts and asked

" Why did you come up with this conclusion, I mean it is just a speculation"

" Yes I know it sounds dumb but think about it how can a single kingdom send so many of their soldiers to destroy a place without having back up " I replied. I gave him some time to think and I said

" I even have evidence of my speculation"

" What evidence is that" he asked.

" You fought with the guys in the castle and at the gates right... "

" Right" he answered

" If you were observant enough you'll notice the difference in their dressing"l continued

" Yes, that's right but it doesn't prove anything" he countered. I tsked and said" But did you notice the different crest on their shields and vests"

" Thinking about it yes, I did notice" he said. I looked at him as he put it together, he looked at me then said

" You are right, it was two different armies"

"I already knew and I have the suspects...