
Magic Prince

In the kingdom of Avalora, there was a young prince named Lucas Asquith, a charming boy. But his normal life takes an unexpected turn when recurring nightmares haunt his slumber, revealing a world engulfed in chaos and danger. Each dream leaves him with vivid memories of a heroic figure battling demons from another realm.

The_King09 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


After he had arrived at his room, he thought about what happened during the hand to hand combat and meditated, something appeared in his mind. He was used to this, but it was not the same as the previous times as thirty-two pieces appeared and in each were grayed out smaller pieces. He could see a few shining pieces which were floating beside him.

This was what would happen subconsciously when he had used his eidetic sight, he thought since what happens and what the description of the skill tells were the same but the puzzle solving was not. The description in the system was vague it only said about deciphering but it didn't tell how it would decipher but this was the way to decipher. In previous times, there would be only one piece and very fewer smaller pieces to put in. It was like a puzzle and he would have to solve it.

When he touches the piece, he felt like he was taking in knowledge from it and then questions would appear in his mind and after answering each question, it made it easier and easier for him to figure out where to put it with a gut feeling, as if the location of where to put it in getting smaller and smaller and then could pinpoint it. Without answering the questions, it was hard to put the piece in. How so? It was because if he just try to guess the location of the piece even after places for four pieces were left, he would have to put it in with force. When he puts it in, it would not go smoothly like the previous times when he put in but he would feel a resistance when putting it in, like a magnet which was being put in the opposite direction. Even if he was able to put it in, he would feel like he had used up all of his mental power and would faint afterwards and so he would use it mostly at nigh times before he slept. But it was only for a limited time as he had to study under a teacher one time like Maria and as he used this skill, the teacher left after 6 months of teaching as he said he had nothing to teach him anymore. He hadn't used it after that since there was nothing to do. At those times, there was only one piece which would appear and the smaller pieces to put in were very low and all of the pieces to put in would appear.

But after Winston had brought him to the library and made him tackle on harder subjects and things, more than one pieces started to appear. The puzzle would appear after he had read the book but if he had not read and understood the book to the end, only a few pieces to put into the puzzle would appear. With the harder puzzles, it was getting harder to do it with just one time. When he did it, he would usually meditate as it was easier to enter this place after meditating. He used to enter this place without meditation pose like usually but with these harder puzzles, he would feel a bit better for his mind when he entered with a meditative pose. He wouldn't be able to solve these puzzles with just an hour or two like he did with the previous easier ones and when he does the same puzzle again the next day, he could see the puzzles that he had put in, not on the puzzle anymore. It would be annoying but the knowledge he had gotten from the pieces didn't go away after it went away from the puzzle piece but it still retained and it was easier to put the pieces he had put in before to their places unlike last time, there were fewer questions asked and the knowledge he gained would be of little like what he would have forgotten. But the most he had encountered was a 4 piece puzzle but this time was a 32 piece one. As he thought about what the puzzle for this time was, as his avatar touched the piece and closed his eyes inside this dimension. After a long time, he opened his eyes and then sighed. This puzzle was about the hand to hand combat of the hero from the dream he used to have.

There were only a few pieces now but it took longer than he usually did to absorb the knowledge. He knew it was going to take time. As he saw the questions that appeared in his head, it was not questions that would be asked when he was studying but rather a silhouette appeared and showed a move and then disappeared. It was exactly the same as the one from the piece but what he gained was just knowledge but maybe it was telling him to execute it. He executed it but nothing happened and when he tried to push the piece in with his mind, it wouldn't budge. He touched the piece and the silhouette appeared again and showed the move again and then he tried to see what he did wrong and then tried to do the move after some thought. He could move the piece a bit after this and he could feel that the piece belonged to the upper two of the four puzzle pieces. Then another silhouette appeared again and showed a different move but it was still belonging to the single piece. It was like slow motion teaching. One small move after another.

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(Winston's pov)

I looked at his highness who was answering the papers which I gave. 'His highness is talented in both combat and studying even though he says he hates studying, he is really interested in the subject after learning about it. He is like a sponge that is soaking up all the water that is knowledge'

'I might have to start teaching him that if he keeps on this pace because I am running out of materials for normal studies'

'His memorization is really good, he hardly makes the same mistake twice but what's more interesting is that on his insights into the subject as he asks me questions on it, I am really impressed with his highness'

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One more month had passed and Winston would alternate between combat and physical training. After reaching the libraries, Lucas looked at Winston who seemed to have brought a new type of subject to the table.

"Your highness, do you know how spells are formed", Winston asked Lucas

"They are formed with runes"

"One will have to visualize these runes and form a spell of which needs very high concentration"

There were two types of professions, swordsman and mages. Of course under these two professions, there were many archetypes such as healer for mages and tanker for swordsman. Both used magic but swordsman were particular as they tend to use spells which were used on their bodies and weapon most of the time and would excel in close combat and would most likely have learned martial arts whereas the mages needed to put all their focus on the formation of their spells as if one couldn't keep their focus, the spell would backlash.

After the formation was done, one would just need to put in magic to activate the spell. Of course there were still other things to worry about but he could only know them first hand when he could be able to use magic. Everybody has an element but there were people who still have more than one element. They were very rare but there were still thousands who had more than one element. But cultivating each element takes a lot of resource so unless they were very talented and had a lot of resources, they would only train one element till they would be masterful at that element before trying to master another element. Of course, as higher ranks are reached, the strength disparity grew along as well as there was more variety to how many spells one could wield with two elements but still if one was strong enough, those geniuses could still be defeated but it would still be a really hard fight.

His sister, Olivia was a genius who was capable of wielding two elements and her main magic was ice and her sub was wind. She trained her sub element for fun. The Royal academy, one of the best academies, situated near the border of the three kingdoms of the east and was also somewhat close to the seven kingdoms of the west. The 3 kingdoms of the east were in an alliance whereas the 7 in the west were not as 5 of them were and the other 2, 1 was neutral and the last was in alliance with the east.

Of course this was an age of peace and there were trains which connected with every kingdom. Well at least to the main hub city which was in the middle of the east and the west which was a neutral domain where the trains for each kingdom would go. If one wanted to go from the east to the west, they would have to travel to this city in the middle zone and then go to the west. There were three academies in this place. The royal academy of the east, Academy of the Ivory Crown and the royal academy of the west, Academy of the Obsidian Claw. The rivalry between these two academies were the most and in turn sharpened the students and improved their potentials. Including to these 2 academies, The royal academy of the south islands, Academy of the Sapphire Shield. These three were the top 3 academies of the world. Why situated at this middle zone. Many reasons, but the main reason was because of the peace treaty to treat this as neutral zone and for talents to shine.