
Magic Prince

In the kingdom of Avalora, there was a young prince named Lucas Asquith, a charming boy. But his normal life takes an unexpected turn when recurring nightmares haunt his slumber, revealing a world engulfed in chaos and danger. Each dream leaves him with vivid memories of a heroic figure battling demons from another realm.

The_King09 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Inside a room which exuded the air of royalty, a twelve year old boy was sleeping with sweat on his forehead as he scrunched his eyebrows, seemingly caught in the clutches of a nightmare. Then the sound of an alarm came.


He woke up abruptly with heavy breathing. He took sometime to get a hold of himself. He stopped the alarm and then lied back on his bed as he covered his eyes with his forearm and lied for a while. After sometime, he could feel a rubble on the bed but he maintained his lips from cracking into a smile.

"Big brother, wake up! Big brother"

A small voice called out as someone shook him. Opening his eyes, he saw a captivating sight, a cute girl with ponytails and a princess dress, her golden hair cascading and her ocean blue eyes gleaming. Her face still carried traces of baby fat, making her irresistibly adorable. Lucas smiled at her, and she responded with a bright smile.

"Maria, did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Hmm," she nodded in affirmation.

"Maria can go ahead, big brother will come after freshening up"

"Okay" Maria replied cheerfully and left.

His name was Lucas Asquith, the prince of the kingdom of Avalora. He had golden hair and deep blue eyes. He looked handsome even though he was young with time still to mature which would make people think how many maiden's hearts this boy would take in the future with just his face alone. Whoever looked at him would feel refreshed just seeing his face.

"It's those dreams again"

He thought of the dreams. In those dreams, he inhabited the body of another person who was also in a modern world besieged by demons from another realm. He didn't have the the knowledge of himself, Lucas Asquith when he inhabited that person but he tried to save the world. He couldn't remember what happened after that as if it was all just a bad dream. He felt the emotions, anger, sadness…. regret. He felt it like it was real. He had been having these dreams for three months. At first, they were blurry and short and then became longer and longer. He used to only have it a few times a week but now he has been having them daily. The only thing good about them was they would always wake him up before his little sister comes and wakes him up.

He didn't tell them to his parents as dreams were just dreams and even though they were nightmares, somehow he didn't feel tired nor sleepy at all after those. It wasn't affecting him that much so, he just decided to keep it in.

"Let's get to readying up, I cannot keep them waiting"

He washed his face and brushed his teeth and then changed his clothes. He then went to dining room. Inside the dining room where there was his father, mother, his elder sister and his little sister who was waiting for him with stars in her eyes. His father, James Asquith was the king of this kingdom and his mother, the queen's name was Yuria Asquith and his elder sister's name is Olivia Asquith.

He sat next to his little sister on the left side whereas father sat in the middle with mother and elder sister sitting beside her.

They started to eat as Lucas spoon fed some food to Maria from plats where she couldn't reach. As they were in the middle of eating, they talked about some miscellaneous stuff.

"Yuria, have you informed the children yet?" James asked as he chewed his food.

"No, and I wonder where all your manners go when there are no outsiders," Yuria chided playfully. "Speak with an empty mouth."

"Ahem," James cleared his throat. "Well, Olivia, you're reaching the age where it's time for you to know."

Olivia nodded, aware that this conversation was inevitable.

"Lucas, Maria, your elder sister will be attending the royal academy," the king declared.

"Huh?" Lucas and Maria both exclaimed in surprise.

"Mommy what's the academy"

"The academy is a place where big sister has to go for her future and to learn stuff ok"

"But but but…"

She carried Maria who was about to cry and Yuria had to hold her and try to explain to her about what would happen and that she would come by often even if she go. After she had stopped crying, she fell asleep on Yuria which she carried to her room to tuck her in.

It seemed like Olivia already knew about it beforehand or was already expecting it as she went with father and mother. I was left alone but father and mother told that they needed to talk with Olivia before leaving me of course.

He then left the dining table after eating his fill. He went back to his room and used his phone as he lied on his bed as he thought about how his elder sister would leave. She wasn't online on the messaging app since she was most likely getting lectured by their parents about what to do when at the academy and many more.

This world was a world of magic but technology did still prosper. Things such as phones, laptops, trains and other stuff from the dreams he had were in his world as well . People were born with mana but they could only learn how to use them at the age of 13 or so as their mana veins also had to mature as they could easily be broken if they were not matured and those who tried to force to use mana below the age would feel a bone chilling feeling of hurting and if they pursued it, it would lead to death. Of course how would a person know when they could start using mana, it was just like breathing it was an organ of the body and one would be able to feel it. It was like breathing air, one could feel mana once their mana veins had matured.

Their parents met them only for lunch as they were busy but they still make time for them very often.

Time passed and he looked at the starry sky through his window which cool air flowed through. He went outside to his balcony where he could see the scene even more so as he didn't want to think to sleep yet maybe because of his nightmares or maybe because of his elder sister going to the academy. He didn't know the reason but he didn't want to sleep now.

Then a ring came from his pockets which he put his phone.

"A message, from whom"

|Why are you still up, at this hour|