
Magic Experimental Logs

When the wrong person gets a hold of magic see what horror he can unleash upon the world.

Xandergreat · ホラー
11 Chs

Diary entry #6


Nothing is working. I still see things, I still can't escape these incidents. last evening while I was driving back home from the laboratory I was cut off on the highway by a large truck, I grew incredibly irate and honked my horn when all of the sudden the truck was thrown off balance as if hit by something. The truck crashed and I assume the man driving died in the explosion that followed. I discovered two things through this incident, firstly, through analysis of past incidents and todays I have concluded that the incidents require some sort of energy to happen and that after a large incident such as todays, I will feel exceptionally tired even without me actually doing something. Secondly, these incidents seem to happen more when I'm emotional and I believe that my emotions may be affecting the degree of the incidents.