
Magic Concept Academy

Morgan Du Pryce is the sole son of the Marquis Pryce, on the eastern border of the country of Athelaya. Soon the attend the largest academy in the country, Morgan prepares as much as he can, but will it be enough? Suddenly thrust into a mess of socially inept noble children and magical mishaps, Morgan realizes his preparations would never have been enough for his new environment. He will need to navigate the figurative (and possibly literal) war-zone of the academy, while maintaining his grades and hopefully making friends along the way. All while getting stronger so that he can go home with enough strength to defend it from a coming storm. ======================================= Hi I'm Clam, and I'm new here. Please bear with me while I figure everything out. Hope you enjoy and stick around.

Claiomh · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Ranker Rooms

I hear a small gasp from behind me as the elevator doors open. I can't tell who it was, but I definitely know why.

Just outside the already fancy elevator is an incredibly overbearing hall that I can only describe as 'golden'.

It's difficult to take in not because it's intimidating, but because the light bouncing off all the gold is nearly blinding. I look to the floor to spare my eyes, and am met with a red carpet lined with strips of gold.

"This is excessive..." I mutter unconsciously. The atmosphere of this place is way too much for me, so I step out of the elevator and scout for the door to my room. I hope it's not like this, because I might just request a normal room if it is.

I pull out my ID and it displays my room info.

'7th Floor, Ranker Hall: Room #117'

Are there really at least 117 rooms in this hall? I thought it was supposed to be like 28.

I feel the unique sensation of the card shifting, and watch as a few sentences appear just below my room number.

'The first digit is your rank, the second is your grade, and the third is your room number. This is different from normal dorm numbering. There are only 28 Ranker Rooms.'

I stare at it blankly for a few seconds.

Did this card just read my mind and answer my questions? At that thought, more words rapidly appear.

'Yes and yes. Automatic question answering is only available when held in a bare hand.'

Oh yeah great that's reassuring, you even inferred my next line if questioning. Are you sentient?

After a moment of nothing, a small line of text materializes below everything else.

'That is irrelevant.'

Okay. I don't want to deal with this right now. I stick the card back in my pocket and look up to the doors along the wall. There's one on either side of me now, but the space between them and the next down the hall is so wide that I can barely see it from here. A number above the door on my left is 113, then 114 on my right.

I look back to the elevator and notice that Ana and the Princess are gone. They must have already found their rooms and gone inside. With that, I continue forward in search of my room.

I don't stop to check out the golden artifacts displayed alongside the hall, though I do glance at them as I pass. There sure is a lot and I imagine they're incredibly valuable, both because they look like solid gold, and they never seem to repeat so I have a feeling they're all unique.

How on earth did they even get this much gold, and why did they use it all in this particular hallway. With that thought, I arrive at the door I'd been searching for. The number above it reads 117.

The door is exactly the same as the others before it, but the two golden artifacts on either side of it are a sword and a spear. That's a fun coincidence. How did the receptionist say to unlock the door again?

She didn't say. She just said that the card would act as a key. Before I take it out again, I try to open the door without it. I don't want to deal with its 'irrelevant sentience' right now. Much to my surprise, the door opens without difficulty. Maybe I only need to have the card on me?

As I push through the door, I'm met with a searing headache that I recognize almost immediately since this isn't the first time I've felt it today. It's just like in the Practical Magic room, but this time it's much worse. I nearly collapse to my knees in the doorway.

In an attempt to stay standing I cling to the door, but it swings open more. Past the door, I can make out a distressing lack of room. Instead there's a swirling blue vortex that with each moment I look into it, I can feel my consciousness slipping as if it's being sucked in.

What the hell did I do to deserve this?

Everything does dark as I pass out.








Ugh. It's cold. My head is throbbing. Why am I on the ground? Opening my eyes, I'm met with smooth marble flooring. I remember, I was on my way to my dorm room. Did I really pass out in the entryway? Come on Morgan, the day was exhausting but that's a bit much.

I pick myself up off the floor and face what I assume is the door out into the hall. It's made of a dark wood I don't recognize, which is incredibly jarring since I remember that the doors in the hall were brightly decorated with gold.

Now that I think about it, the marble flooring was also strange. I turn to the rest of the room and am astonished at what I see.

Spreading out before me is a warmly lit open room in stark contrast to the hall just outside. I can't quite tell where the light is coming from. On the far wall is a large window that I don't remember seeing on the outside of the building. Out the window I can see a beautiful view of the city-like campus.

The sky is dark, but light sparkles throughout the bits of the city I can see from here. I can't quite see a lot of it from the entryway, but I need to investigate the rest of the dorm so I shouldn't go marvel at the scenery right now. Tearing my eyes away from the window, I check my immediate surroundings.

On my left is a defined and slightly elevated kitchen that opens up into the rest of the room, and straight ahead is a cozy looking living area with couches and a low table. The flooring is mostly marble but the living area and small portions here and there are replaced with the same dark wood as the door.

On my left is a small shoe rack that I immediately put to use by taking my shoes off and placing them right on top. Just next to the rack is a door that's slightly ajar. Inside I can sort of make out a bath, but it's too dark inside the room to be sure. For now I'll just assume it's a bathroom.

Moving toward the center of the room and taking everything in, I notice a staircase that goes directly above what I assumed was the bathroom. I climb them up to the smaller second floor that overlooks the first. It has an interesting metal and stone railing that separates the floor from a long drop.

There's a very aesthetically pleasing carpet and a bookcase on the wall. Just below the bookcase is an armchair that looks like it would be nice to sit and read in. Next to the bookcase is a nice looking bed. On my left is a closet.

They really fit a lot into one room huh. I mean this place is really really nice. So nice that I feel like I've seen it before, or at least imagined it. It's just enough space, and doesn't have anything unnecessary. I'd prefer if there was some equipment for working out, but the training hall exists for a reason.

I was out for a long time if it got this dark. I should make some food and then get to bed. They probably stocked the room right? At least a little bit? Even enough for one meal please? I'm so tired please have at least something? As I open cupboards in the kitchen, I'm met with only disappointment. There's a few things but no food, just things to prepare it.

As much as I don't want to, I need to head out into town to do some shopping. I'll feel terrible tomorrow morning if I don't eat something. I'm still all dressed up, so I head back to the entryway and put on my shoes.

No rest for the weary I guess. I must look awful right now.

Finally done with First Day p'X'.

Also changed 35 rooms to 28 in first day p3, as I either forgot about a small piece or setting now, or I just did 7x4 wrong then.

I'm gonna write a prologue at some point that just explains a few things for world building. I realize that even though I want things to organically be introduced, keeping readers in the dark about so many things for so long isn't a good idea. I also want my world to be appreciated and not telling people about it doesn't allow for that. I'm gonna treat it as a side project that I do alongside chapters that I put out semi (hopefully more) regularly, so it shouldn't interrupt my already blasted schedule.

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