

In a dimension unlike our own the earth and the galaxy has by magical means grew 8 times larger. In this earth magical and non magical creatures of all kinds live together in complete and utter confusion. The story resides around a person who lost his former friends and he is gonna revenge them with his other friends. Disclaimer: If I misrepresent any of your favorite magical creatures, please read my book with a grain of salt and all creatures that appear in my book don't belong to me, they all belong to their owners. I hope you enjoy and have lots of fun reading.

Jame_Van_Dyke · ファンタジー
4 Chs


In Egypt under the pyramids of Giza is a swarm of vampires. They have pale white skin with no eyes, hair and ears that are replaced by two holes and their noses are replaced by two lines, their mouths have two long sharp teeth that are so strong they can slice right through 10 layers of steel and they have smaller teeth that can tract and retract. Their torso's are thin, so thin you can see their ribs, their slender arms are long and powerful and legs fast and slender. These vampires are connected to a hive mind and the one that created the hive mind is the vampire queen. The vampire servants scurry around the pyramids' catacombs. Some of the catacombs were already there some were dug out by the vampires. In one of the burial rooms is the vampire queen. Her features are like her children vampires but she is larger than them her torso's ribs don't show and her arms and legs have more muscles than her children. Attatched to her arms are two large wings, each with enough strength to pick up a hundred pound dwarf (dwarfs don't like vampires mainly because vampires are fans of blood and secondly if a vampire can pick a dwarf up that means you are under weight and if a vampire cannot pick you up that means you are overweight so at the end of the day no dwarf will be happy). The vampire queen sits on a sarcophagus in a room its filled with golden objects. She sits at the head of the sarcophagus and she is having a rat for a midnight snack. Her vangs impale the rat with no real effort. Small bits of blood flows out of her  mouth and the blood drips on the sarcophagus creating a mess (the pyramid janitor would have not liked rat blood on a sarcophagus but luckily being a vampire thrall doesn't mean you worry about those things). The vampire queen looks up from her snack and sees a pitch black cloak and she sees two eyes that decay and reform every few minutes the cloak floats into the room the cloak looks at the vampire queen and speaks to her telepathically:"you have done well, my queen. The plan has been set in motion, al you have to do now is wait for him." If the vampire queen had any more facial features than a mouth and two slits for a nose she would have scowled at the cloak but she settles for a psychic complaint she makes a connection with the cloak's mind and says:" what plan do you have that made me and my children travel from the Gauteng sewers to egipt you know how bad the sun is for us~" the cloak puts out its hand from beneath the cloak in front of it. Every few seconds the hand would decay into rotted meat and bones and would reform into a healthy hand again. ( the cloak constantly smelled of rotted meat it tried using car refresher but the blend of the two smells were very unpleasant). The cloak says with a constantly changing voice." Worry not my queen he will arrive shortly wait a few more days then you can leave and a whole continent to feed off of." the queen with her undying thirst goes with plan. the cloak looks at the queen and says:" I came here to warn you to not underestimate him, he might try to get reinforcements from his friends since my associates eliminated his now deceased team. He will be looking for revenge." Suddenly the cloak falls to his knees. The cloak tries to get back on his legs but can't. The cloak with a weak voice says." I must....leave now..." the cloak feels its self fading away then he musters enough death magic then he shadow walks away leaving the confused and annoyed vampire queen to go about her business. (There are two types of magic raw magic and death magic. Raw magic: potential magic that the caster uses to expel the type of class of magic the caster wants to expel. Death magic: magic that is transferred from raw magic to magic that cannot be used anymore when the caster is finished with his or her spell).