

In a dimension unlike our own the earth and the galaxy has by magical means grew 8 times larger. In this earth magical and non magical creatures of all kinds live together in complete and utter confusion. The story resides around a person who lost his former friends and he is gonna revenge them with his other friends. Disclaimer: If I misrepresent any of your favorite magical creatures, please read my book with a grain of salt and all creatures that appear in my book don't belong to me, they all belong to their owners. I hope you enjoy and have lots of fun reading.

Jame_Van_Dyke · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Bleu. Alan Blue

Up above in the sky, is a man flying a male lightning dragon, his scales are dark blue and they glitter as the morning sun shines on him. His old and wise eyes scans the scenery, passing trees, rivers and homes of all kinds of elfs, dwarfs, humans, orcs and goblins. The man riding the dragon is actually a halfbreed between a man and a high elf a breton. The breton's name is Alan Bleu and he was the leader of the former dragon riders emphasis on former dragon rider leader because unfortunately he has recently heard his comrades have died leaving him a sole survivor. ( dragon riders are a group of magical special forces that do secret and dangerous missions that do endanger their lives almost constantly). The reason his comrades died he doesn't know all he knows is that he woke up at 3:00 because his phone rang and he was told by the great and mighty emperor's assistant that his comrades his friends have passed away and he was to attend a extremely important meeting about the recent passing of his friends. a single tear rolls down his cheek. He wipes it away with his gloved hand still holding onto his dragons reigns. The dragon's name is Parphanax and he senses his old friends grief he physically connects to his riders mind. Alan feels Parphanax's presence and he allows Parphanax to stay connected to his mind. Parphanax physically talks to Alan and he says in a sorrowful wise mental voice:" I feel your your pain old friend their dova ( a term dragons use to call other dragons like how a human would call another human man, dude, bro ,person and human and how dwarfs call elves pointy eared tree hugging drama queens) were old friends of mine to."Alan looks up at the sky feeling the magic and life around him and says to his friend:" we will find out what happened to them and find the lusome creature responsible for their deaths and hopefully this meeting will give us our first clue." Parthanax nods in agreement and turns his attention towards flying.

30 minutes later Parthanax sees a golden fortress. It's golden walls shimmer in the sunlight, it is heavely defended it has four golden guard towers that surround it and each tower has small holes at the top where soldiers can shoot out of and the towers each have 10 massive turrets that have been built in to the towers and each turret are automatic and they can shoot bullets the size of a beer can. Parthanax looks at Alan says:" don't you think your emperor is overcompensating for something." Alan looks at his friend and says with a warm smile on his face," when is he not." Parthanax looks around at the fortress and decides where to land. Parthanax sees a massive cave petruding behind the fortress. Parthanax glides toward the cave and Alan reads a sign that says dova hanger. Parthanax glides into the cave and they both see dragons and wyverns of all sizes and crystals of all colors. They fly for a few minutes and they find a free dova landing pad. Parthanax's four feet touches the ground with a thumb he feels the ground on his feet. Alan jumps of his friend and dusts of his suit. His suit is pitch black with a blue and black striped neck tie. And his pants are also black with black polished boots and he is also wearing a black leather belt . Alan feels the wind ripple and he pulls his cane and his revolver from Parthanax who had a small weapon pouch . He puts his revolver on his belt and he holds the cane in his left hand. Alan looks around and sees a massive golden gate down a long walk way. The friends look at the golden gate and start walking towards it. They go to the gate and they see a hooded man with a electrified spear in his right hand. They get closer to the man and they get a better look at him. The man has wires sticking out of his body and he has a mask that covers his mouth and the mask has wires connected to his torso. The man's hood is red and he has a red cape that barely touches the ground. In the man's left hand he has a small laser pistol. The man looks at Alan and says in mechanical voice." Greetings honored servant of the emperor I am a tech priest of the honored machine god how may I help you today. (Tech priests are very religious humans that worship the machine god and believe that all machines have a machine spirit a soul and if you ever think of desecrating any machines you will a one way ticket to losing your head. Tech priests are also very against AI because they say that it corrupts the machine spirit) Alan looks at the tech priest and he says in a proud voice:" I am a proud servant of the emperor and I and my dragon demand entrance to the holy fortress." The tech priest looks at Alan and nods. The tech priest whispers in a type of language Alan doesn't know and the gates open up reveling a big elevator. Alan and Parthanax walks into the elevator and Alan whispers under his breath:" how anticlimactic." He presses a button that says first floor and he goes up the elevator to learn what has become of his friends.