
Enter: Jewel the Ice User

"Jewel!" he heard a voice call his name from down the hall, looking away from his locker to see Siren, the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen. She was the popular girl, lots of friends and more guys fawning over her than she could even keep up with. Purple and black hair to match her flame ability, standing not much higher than the bottom locker. She stomps over to Jewel, her blue eyes gleaming bright, obviously upset by something.

"What is it now?" he looks down and meets her eyes, noting the focus and determination.

"So do you want to tell me about what happened on your way here, or do I have to force it out of you?!" she snips at him, aggravated and flustered. "I had overheard something about ICE SHARDS covering an alley where they found a student unconscious and barely breathing!"

"Oh and you instantly assume I would ever do something like that? I'm not the only ice user in town you know. There's plenty of suspects." he looks at her out of the corner of his eye as he shuffles through his locker, seemingly for nothing. She spins him to face her, and notices he has a small cut directly above his collarbone.

"Just because theres a handful of them in town, doesn't explain the coincidence of it being two blocks from your house. Just tell me and we can figure out a way around it."

The bell rang, as Jewel closed his locker and started to class, he put his hand on her cheek

"Don't worry, the cops already know and it's being ruled as self defense. Meet me after school by the fountain and I'll tell you what exactly happened" and then he walked away. Siren, being left there to wonder what he could have possibly meant by that vague statement, slowly walked to class as well.

As Jewel was sitting in class his mind couldn't help but wander back to the events of that morning. He woke up just like any other morning, alarm blaring and groggy, brushed his teeth and got ready for school. His mom already gone for work, had left him a lunch prepared on the counter, with a small note attached to the lid. "I love you my son, you will always be the sun in my life. Have a good day at school and dont get in any trouble! Love mom <3" < em>Jewel smirked at the cute note his mom had left before walking to kneel at his father's shrine, 6 long years without him now. Jewel missed him, his hero was taken by an evil lightning user when Jewel was only eleven. Jewel kissed his hand and placed it on his fathers picture before standing up and walking towards the door. Not long into his walk he was approached by another student from his school, Mikey, a lighting user of all people, and a known bully at the school. He boasted his magic energy as if he were some major hero or something special, even though his only title was a bully. Most kids ran or hid when Mikey was around, but not Jewel, especially not today. His father's birthday, Jewel was already in a pissed off mood. Mikey shoved his shoulder, knocking his back into the wall and giving him a small shock in the process.

"Awe what is it Little Jewel? Did I hurt ya? I'm so deeply sorry here let me-" Mikey is cut off by a solid fist of ice, smashing into his forehead and knocking him back a few feet, stumbling to gain his balance. He throws a small orb of lightning in Jewel's direction, but he easily avoids the attempt at harming him and leaps into the air.

"That what quite pathetic Mikey boy! I've never really understood why people are so scared of you. You can barely control your own lightning!" Jewel cackles, now falling directly above Mikey.

"I don't think so Little Jewel" Mikey spits at him. "I think you're the one who's pathetic here." he slips away just before Jewel's right sole landed on his face, causing him to roll having not realized the fall. He quickly jumps up but is met by a shock of lightning and a knee planted firmly on his jaw. Having been dazed by the knee and now visibly panicked, Jewel gripped the ground and shot several barely visible rods of ice through Mikey, causing him to pass out. Jewel rose, quickly taking note of the puncture marks making sure there was nothing fatal, before fleeing and contacting the authorities anonymously.

"Mr. Jewel! Stop spacing out in my class!" Mrs. black hissed at Jewel causing him to snap back to reality. "Now can you please answer the question I've presented?" He looked over from the window he had been staring out of to the chalkboard in the front of the class, a complex math problem was written out and cut into multiple sections and Mrs. Black was pointing to the first part, which read "56+40=x". Jewel wasn't very good at math, but even he couldn't get this one wrong. Just as he was about to answer the problem, the bell rang letting them know class was over. He began collecting his books and pencil when Mrs. Black slammed her hand onto his desk, eyes flaming.

"Why is it that you can never focus in my class Jewel? Do I need to move you down the hall to Mr. Tom's class?" Mr. Tom was the math teacher for the kids who were falling behind in class, he was kind of an asshole so no one really liked him, much less his class.

"No ma'am Mrs. Black, just got a lot going on currently it won't happen again."

"Good, it better not. Next time I'll be speaking to the principal about moving your class. Now run along." He got up and left the room, dreading having to tell Siren the event of this morning, today had already gone by so fast. He made his way to his locker to put away his things, having small conversations and greetings along the way. When he was finally out of the school he saw Siren waiting by the fountain, tapping her foot impatiently waiting, she noticed him and he winced.

"Finally! There you are!" She shrieked "I've been waiting 20 minutes!" She stormed over to him and gave him a soft punch in the arm for making her wait. "Now tell me about what happened this morning. Are you okay?"

Jewel proceeded to tell Siren about the events that occurred on his walk to school, the whole time she listened, he could tell she wasn't mad, but relieved he was safe.

"And yes, Mikey passed out from the punctures and I fled and called the authorities. Pretty basic little scuffle if you ask me." They both made their way away from school, talking about their days while they walked the few blocks they shared on the way, before parting ways and each going home.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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