
The New Girl: Part I


Jewel's eyes creep open, the small beams of sunlight protruding through the slightly open curtains stings his newly awoken eyes as he mutters curse words and slips out of his bed.

Already dreading the long hours ahead of him at school, he slinks out of his bedroom and into the bathroom, and just before turning on the sink he's startled by someone at the door.


Pounding on his front door sends his mind into a panic, is it Mikey back with his friends? Cops that figured out it was him in the alley? His head spinning, and his stomach turning, he walks out of the bathroom and slowly approaches the door. Looking out of the small peep hole in his apartment door, theres a small female, hair black as night with ice white tips, no longer than her shoulderblades.

"Who is it" Jewel yells from his side of the door, not sure what's going on.

"My name is Tempest Rose, I am new in town and just moved in next door. I brought Mac and Cheese." She pulls out a small wrapped plastic bowl and puts it up to the peephole, Jewel takes a second, before opening the door and allowing the girl inside.

"Come on in" He says stepping aside and extending an arm, as to say welcome. "Not much to see, I take it you're also a new student at Magi High? Given the uniform you're wearing that is."

"Yes I am, I've just been offered to attend this school, but I am not fully able to control my power as of now, and cannot attend regular classes until able. I noticed you had a Magi High sticker outside of your apartment, and I figured I should go ahead and meet who I can before I become alone at this school as well."

Now standing in front of him, Jewel notices her eyes, the bright pink florescent eyes that were gleaming up at his, damn near glowing.

"Well, I'd guess that's just about fair. School is going to be starting soon, you're welcome to sit on the couch and wait around. I'll walk you there." Tempest blushes slightly at the kindness of the random student, and takes a seat on the couch to wait for him.

"So do you like it here, er, what was your name? Sorry!"

"Don't apologize I didn't introduce myself" Jewel pokes his head around the corner. "Names Jewel, I dont have any nicknames or anything so just call me what you'd like."

"Well that's certainly a name, what's the reasoning?"

"I'm not sure honestly, my mom use to tell me my eyes reminded her of little jewels so I'd guess that's about it" he chuckles a bit thinking about it, how basic was that.

"Well it fits you. A jewel among rocks." She smirks and falls back, now slouching into the couch, as Jewel finishes his hair and washes out his mouth. Slipping on his shoes and wiping the toothpaste off his lip, he looks over at Tempest.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road, try to keep up we're already gonna be late."

"Well you're the smart guy who decided to take 25 minutes to get ready." She gets up and walks out of the door, ready to meet her new teachers and fellow classmates.

As they approach the area Mikey attacked Jewel, he halts Temp.

"What the hell was that for?!" She hurls her words at him.

"Just a... bad part of town." He says noticing a familiar face standing about a block ahead, seemingly waiting for him. "Siren! What are you doing out here?"

"Waiting for you of course. Can't have you getting into any more of those small scuffles as you called it." She puts her bag back onto her back, then gives Jewel a devilish stare, directly into his soul. "And who is that?" She tilts her head towards Temp, gesturing to him to tell her.

"Today is her first day at our school, so I figured I would walk her, maybe show her some of the shortcuts to make it faster."

"It's very nice to meet you, Siren." Tempest bows towards Siren. "I hope we can become good friends."

"Likewise." Siren cheers with a grin, taking notice of the odd greeting, now knowing this girl mustn't be from around here. "So where are you from originally?"

Tempest looks over to Jewel, as if scared to say in his presence, then spoke softly.

"I was born in Tokyo, and lived there for the first 12 years of my life, after that I lived in a few small towns in different places for about four and a half years before I ended up here."

"Wow, that's alot of moving aro-"


Siren is cut short by the slash of a lightning bolt. They spun to the side where they saw Mikey, along with his best buddy, Cole Jarson. Cole was a decent sized guy, probably around 6'5, white hair that had started growing streaks of teal from his souls connection to the spirits. Eyes, dark as night with a red tinted glow.

"So whaddya say now Little Jewel ? Is this really how you wanna go out? Infront of your little girlfriends?" Mikey cackles as if mimicking the thunder itself.

"You called me all the way over here for this... pathetic morsel?" Cole hissed at Mikey, his red eyes like fire in the morning sun beams.

"Oh, so you think you'll just have a walk in the park, do ya?" Mikey hisses back "Well have at it, don't blame me if you lo-" he is cut off by a spirited hand covering his mouth, and Cole slowly walking towards Jewel and the others. Jewel pushes the girls behind him as good as he can before turning to face Cole, this proved to be a bad move.


As Jewel turned to face Cole he was met by the spirit of the late Flame Master Eon, the most powerful flame user to ever live. Jewel felt his heart sink into his stomach as beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"How am I supposed to fight the FLAME MASTER? One of the most powerful men to ever walk the planet!" Jewel thought to himself "Siren, Tempest, RUN!" He yelled at the girls to get away, but before they are able to get far, they are met by the spirit of the late Water Master Ashai. As fast as the current, and as strong as the crashing waves, Master Ashai was another one of the strongest men to walk the planet. Now being met by two of the greatest, Jewel, Siren and Tempest must figure out a strategy to beat Cole, and they better hurry! School starts soon!

Next Ep: "The New Girl: Part II"