
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · ファンタジー
41 Chs

The Grail War

One of the twelve heroes of Charlemagne, the valiant and courageous Astolfo, found himself in a predicament where he felt a deep sense of responsibility to act and protect the homunculi in danger. With determination in his heart, he made a discreet arrangement to meet with the esteemed noble Chiron, a fellow servant hailing from the enigmatic Black Faction. In their clandestine encounter, Astolfo earnestly implores Chiron to lend his magical expertise in order to rescue the imperilled homunculi, recognising the urgency of the situation.

Moved by Astolfo's plea and the gravity of the circumstances, Chiron graciously accepted the challenging task and set his mystical abilities in motion. Through a harmonious blend of skillful incantations and profound knowledge of the arcane, Chiron was able to orchestrate a miraculous rescue of the homunculi, ensuring their safety and well-being against all odds.

As the homunculi's saviour, Chiron understood the paramount importance of discretion and confidentiality. Fully aware of the potential repercussions and complexities involved, Chiron made a solemn vow to Astolfo to safeguard the secret of their intervention from the prying eyes of the homunculi's unknowing Masters. Back in the experimental room where homunculi are mass-produced, Avicebron, known far and wide as the Golem Master, found himself in a precarious situation. The creation of his next masterpiece, a golem of unimaginable strength—the primordial giant—hinded on obtaining a rare and powerful magical core. As the news of the escaped homunculi spread like wildfire throughout the labyrinthine mansion, Avicebron felt the weight of urgency pressing down upon him. Each homunculus held within them the potential to be the key to unlocking the true power of his creation.

The experimental room buzzed with activity as Avicebron meticulously planned his next move. With a furrowed brow and unwavering determination, he knew that retrieving the homunculi was not only essential but also the pivotal missing piece in the puzzle of his grand design. The walls of the room seemed to whisper with the echoes of his unwavering ambition, driving him forward with a relentless fervour. As he surveyed the chaos that had erupted in the wake of the homunculi's escape, Avicebron's mind raced with possibilities. Each homunculus that had slipped from his grasp was a potential opportunity lost, a potential core that could have elevated his creation to heights unseen before. The pressure mounted with each passing moment, the urgency of the situation unfurling like a dark cloud over the room. With a steely resolve, Avicebron set out to recapture the escaped homunculi. Each step he took echoed with a sense of purpose, a singular focus on retrieving what was rightfully his.

A homunculus possessing the rare gift of independent thought, which was a rather unusual occurrence, resided within the walls of the Temple of the Red Faction. Amakusa Shirou, the esteemed leader of the Red faction, found himself at a critical juncture where he realised the imperative need to take action in order to secure the Holy Grail concealed deep beneath the earth of the Yggdmillennia estate. Drawing upon the potent energies emanating from the intricate network of leylines, Amakusa Shirou forged his strategic plans. Meanwhile, amidst this intense unfolding of events, Spartacus, the valiant gladiator known for his fervent dedication to the ideals of freedom and rebellion, made a bold decision. Determined and unyielding in his resolve, Spartacus took it upon himself to launch a daring assault on the fortified stronghold of the Yggdmillennia. With fervour burning in his heart and the clarity of purpose guiding his every move, Spartacus initiated a one-man campaign of relentless bravery and audacity against the formidable forces aligned within the mansion. The clash of wills, the collision of destinies, and the tumultuous tide of fate surged forward as the stage was set for an epic showdown between the forces of revolution and the entrenched powers of the Yggdmillennia.

Achilles and Atalante, two esteemed servants from the Red faction, had been assigned by their respective masters to oversee Spartacus and offer him support. There were also other key figures from the black faction who were strategizing and making preparations for an impending battle. Commanded by the leader Danic Preston, who held a prominent position within the Yggdmillennia organisation, the Black faction was gearing up for a confrontation with Spartacus and his forces. Among the plans put in place was the crucial role assigned to Astolfo, who was tasked with intercepting Spartacus and halting his progress towards the castle. As tensions mounted and the possibility of conflict loomed ever closer, both factions were positioning themselves strategically in anticipation of the upcoming clash.

Astolfo, with a commanding presence, summoned his magnificent winged beast, resembling that of a majestic eagle, before taking flight to directly engage Spartacus in a one-on-one battle. As the clash of their swords and lances filled the air, the battlefield was soon joined by Vlad III, also known as Dracula the Impeller, a formidable servant from the Red faction. Seizing the opportunity presented by the chaos, Vlad III tapped into his arcane powers, unleashing a torrent of raging spikes that impelled Spartacus, leaving him immobilised on the battlefield.

Recognising the dire situation, Astolfo was urged to retreat to the safety of the mansion. Meanwhile, within the heat of the ongoing conflict, the Servants from the Black Faction—the fearsome Frankenstein Berserker and the legendary Siegfried, the dragonslayer—find themselves locked in fierce combat against the formidable duo of Achilles and Atalante from the rival Red Faction.

Amidst the unyielding clash of blades and the powerful sorcery woven into the very fabric of the battle, Astolfo discerned a crucial opportunity to secure the safety of the homunculi residing within the confines of the mansion. Leading the homunculi by the hand, a stark determination shone in Astolfo's eyes as they made their escape through the dense thicket of the surrounding woods. Witnessing the plight of a fellow wounded homunculus along the way, a surge of conviction fueled Astolfo's resolve to see the homunculi to safety, understanding that their well-being was now intertwined with his own.

Meanwhile, the intense skirmish between the valiant Achilles and Atalante of the Red faction, pitted against the relentless assault of Frankenstein the Berserker and the indomitable Siegfried, continued to escalate with each passing moment. In a display of unparalleled strength and unity, the Black Faction's overwhelming power began to shift the tides of battle in their favour, forcing their adversaries from the Red Faction into a strategic retreat.

Ultimately, as the dust settled and the echoes of the battle faded into the distance, Spartacus found himself captured and escorted back to the Yggdmillennia estate. Within the confines of the mansion's walls, a nefarious plot was set in motion to manipulate and control Spartacus, turning him into a weapon against the Red Faction in a bid to secure the Black Faction's dominance in the ongoing conflict.