
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Saint Depart

The ruler, the highest class of servant summoned by the Holy Grail itself as the overseer of the Holy Grail War, possesses a unique and unparalleled position within the grand scheme of the battle. The ruler is granted not only immense power but also numerous command spells directly from the Grail, setting them apart from the standard servants that partake in the conflict. 

Jeanne d'Arc, renowned as the Holy Maiden of Orleans and bestowed with the divine powers of revelation, was purposefully summoned by the Grail to assume the role of overseer in the ongoing Holy Grail War. However, a disruptive and unforeseen event occurs during her summoning, leading to her inhabiting the body of a young and devout holy maiden known as Laetitia. Despite this unexpected turn of events, Jeanne d'Arc remained resolute in her duty to address the abnormal developments that plagued the Holy Grail War, particularly in regard to the conflicting interests and actions of the opposing Red and Black factions. Determined and guided by her unwavering sense of justice and duty, she embarked on a quest to directly confront the enigmatic masters who sought to tip the fragile balance of the war towards chaos and destruction.


The leader of the Red faction, driven by the relentless pursuit of their strategic vision, makes a calculated decision to dispatch their skilled servant, named Karna, on a covert mission to neutralise the formidable obstacle presented by Jeanne d'Arc. Their meticulous planning and tactical acumen led them to the conclusion that removing Jeanne d'Arc from the equation was imperative for the successful execution of their intricate plans. Upon engagement with Jeanne d'Arc, a clash of ideologies and wills ensued, with each combatant fighting not only for victory but also for the preservation of their beliefs and convictions.


As the intensity of the conflict escalated, Jeanne d'Arc, guided by her unwavering sense of duty and moral compass, confronted Karna about the ethical implications of his actions within the context of the Grail War's established rules. In a moment of reflective dialogue amidst the chaos of battle, Jeanne d'Arc sought to understand the motivations driving Karna's seemingly ruthless pursuit of her. Karna, bound by his unwavering loyalty to his enigmatic master, expressed his unwavering commitment to carrying out the orders he had been entrusted with, even if it meant conflicting with the established norms and regulations of the Grail War.


Just as the tension between Jeanne d'Arc and Karna reached a critical juncture, their contentious exchange was abruptly interrupted by the unforeseen arrival of a formidable master aligned with the enigmatic black faction. The unexpected intrusion of this new player on the battlefield added another layer of complexity to the already intricate web of alliances and rivalries that defined the ruthless landscape of the Grail War. As the unfolding events continued to entwine the fates of these powerful individuals, the stage was set for a dramatic confrontation that would test the limits of their resolve and reshape the course of the conflict.


With the intention of forming an alliance with the ruler, one of the masters of the black faction ordered his loyal servant Siegfried, who was renowned as the mighty dragon slayer, to eliminate Karna in a strategic attempt to win favour with the ruler. However, the noble and righteous holy maiden respectfully rejected the master's offer, stating, "My duty is solely to oversee and ensure fairness in the Holy Grail War without taking sides." Consequently, a brutal and intense battle ensued between Karna, the valiant servant from the Red Faction, and Siegfried, the formidable servant from the Black Faction. Throughout the fierce conflict, the neutral stance of the holy maiden remained unwavering, serving as a beacon of impartiality in the midst of chaos. Spells were cast, swords clashed, and sparks flew as the two powerful servants engaged in combat. Eventually, recognising the intensity of the confrontation, Karna's master wisely instructed him to retreat, marking a temporary ceasefire in the relentless struggle for supremacy within the war-torn realm.


The Holy Maiden, after being graciously offered sanctuary at the Yggdmillennia mansion by the master of the Red faction, respectfully declined the generous proposal. Despite the master's kind gesture, she felt compelled to follow her own path and decided to depart, carrying with her the determination to confront the enigmatic masters of both factions single-handedly. With a sense of purpose fueling her heart, she embarked on a solitary journey, the weight of her destiny resting heavily on her shoulders. Thus, she bid farewell, driven by a steadfast resolve to seek out the truth amidst the chaos and treachery that loomed ahead. Back at the grand mansion, amidst the rows of homunculi, each meticulously crafted for the impending battle, a sense of foreboding hung heavily in the air. The homunculi, bred for combat, gazed upon the lifeless forms of their predecessors, their once vibrant magic energy now completely drained, their bodies bearing the scars of fierce battles. In that chilling moment, a haunting realisation dawned upon the young homunculi. He beheld the cruel truth of his existence and the grim fate that awaited him. Determination ignited within him—a fierce defiance against the chains of fate that bound him to servitude. With fragile steps, he mustered the strength to defy his predestined role and seek an escape from the oppressive confines of the Yggdmillennia.


As he struggled to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion, his frail form betraying his resolve, a fortuitous encounter altered the course of his destiny. It was amidst his fumbling attempt to flee that he stumbled upon a figure, a servant of the illustrious Yggdmillennia, Astolfo, a name revered among the legendary twelve heroes of Charlemagne. The whims of fate had woven their threads seamlessly, intertwining the paths of two disparate souls in the grand tapestry of destiny. Astolfo, with his noble bearing and enigmatic aura, cast a compassionate gaze upon the homunculi, sensing the flicker of defiance within his eyes. In that fleeting moment of connection, a bond was formed. Astolfo made the decision to carefully conceal the homunculi within the extensive mansion, believing that it was the best course of action to safeguard them until he had fully recovered from his injuries. Thus, he took it upon himself to find a secure and secluded location within the grand estate where the homunculi would be shielded from any potential threats or dangers that may arise. With unwavering determination, Astolfo dedicated himself to ensuring the safety and well-being of the homunculi, prioritising his healing process above all else.