
Madara In The Beginning After The End

My name is Madara Uchiha, and I have to this date lived 3 lives and am about to live my 4rth. In my first life, I built a village with my friend, but left, and eventually died due to old age, I was then reborn by using the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, and fought a huge war. In my third life, I learned the error of my ways, and tried to become who I was when I was first born. Now, I am entering the world of The Beginning After The End. I don't plan to be like how I was in my previous lives, I plan to protect instead of destroy. This life, will be different. I am excite though, excited to finnally be able to fight strong people again. Are you ready to dance with me? (Okay, last line kinda cringe, but I wanted to say this part: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL You have been warned. . . . . . Also guy, I don’t actually know TBATE well after the school arc too well. I mean, the reason I am writing this is because my friend went ahead and spoiled the freaking novel at volume 8, then I just lost the will to read the novel, so I proceeded to find spoilers. I know about Asura's Indra’s, Virtra’s. I also know about the main antagonist being Agrona, and the reincarnation experiments. I also know about Elijah actually being someone important, the Tess thing and the other continents. However, I don’t know about the aether and the other powers. So essentially, I will be writing with knowledge about volume 4 and some after volume 4. I was hoping someone would tell me a site where all the volumes are summarized, if not I am going to have to waste like 1 week to read the entire thing. ( Disclaimer: I do not own any non Original characters and all the credit should go to the original authors. The world will also have slight changes, so you can treat it as an AU)

Fat_Cultivator · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 12:A cute fox

Chapter 12: A cute fox

I then saw an orange energy emitted from the tablet. Then, the energy made its way into my mana core, and just settled there. For now, I felt no different.

Then, another brighter light surrounded the tablet, and a small fox appeared on the tablet. It stared at me, and titled it's head.

Then, the tablet started to disintegrate.

"W...WHAT'S GOING ON!" My grandfather shouted.

The fox seemed to have gotten scared, and jumped onto my neck.

"Madara, what's going on? Why the hell is a nine-tailed fox on your neck?" My father asked.

'Nine-Tails?!' I thought as I immediately reached for the fox, grabbed it, and kept it in front of my face.

"It really has nine-tails." I muttered.

The fox then cutely raised its head, and tried to chomp my arm off.

'Wait...this beast wants to form an equal contract! I can't do that! It doesn't know how much the tailed beast hates me!' I panicked, as I promptly dodged the bite.

The fox didn't even look disappointed as it tried to bite my hand again.

"Stop being a lunatic!" I shouted at the fox, which thought I was playing with it, and continued to try to bite my arm.

I then just tossed it to my dad, thinking the fox would stop...but the bloody tails of the fox extended, wrapped my arms, and then the fox bit my arm.

'Mama, that was so fun. Let's play again.' Said the orange fox to me inside of my mind.

'You stupid fox. DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM! I LITERALLY MADE YOUR RACE SLAVES!' I said to the innocent fox.

'Slaves? What's that? Can I eat it?' It asked cutely, as it used a tail to show that it was hungry.

"M...Madara? What's going on?" My dad asked, slightly scared.

"Ah…Whatever. Dad, this beast is my bond." I said showing the fox, who tried to sleep on top of my head, but couldn't get comfortable due to the amount of tails she had.

"Why can we not sense mana from the beast?" Asked my grandfather.

"And how am I supposed to know? Old man, you surprise me sometimes because of your stupidity." I said.

"Okay... I can take that...he is just a brat….I cannot kill him," My grandfather murmured.

"Madara what happened to the tablet?" My dad asked.

"Ah, from what I read, the tablet was there just waiting for someone to read it, and just stayed till the message was conveyed." I said.

"And did the tablet have any special things or skills for the clan? We have relied on the tablet for generations, and without it, the future generation might not survive." My dad asked sadly.

It was then I truly understood how much the clan had relied on a mere object. Sigh, they need to change their ways a lot. I might as well finally use this reason to teach the clan to use genjutsu, after all, I need them to get stronger.

"Well, I did learn a lot of new techniques from the tablets." I said.

"SMACK." My grandfather then hit my back, which startled the fox.

"Why did you not lead with that you brat! Now, cough up your techniques, you have been hogging a lot from me, your grandfather." He said.

"Oh My God, Grandpa, I just forgot them. Welp, seems you cannot get stronger. It's okay, you don't have long to live anyway. You should just let the younger generation take over, old man." I said with a smug look.

"YOU BRAT!" He shouted, but my dad stopped him.

He looked into my eyes, and I could see the desperation in his eyes. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing. My grandfather could probably act it off as he has been a clan head for a long time, and stress is a normal thing, but my dad has yet to have a lot of experience, and at the mention of methods for the clan to improve, he has become desperate.

"Madara, please tell me. What are these methods?"

However, I didn't. I didn't know what was bothering him, but it was unbecoming of my father to have that look in his eyes.

He also seemed to have realised, so he changed his demeanor

"What is wrong? Why are you so desperate?" I asked, with no emotion in my voice.

The 2 of them were shocked for me to have such a voice, and to be honest, so was I. I used to only use this voice if I was about to kill someone, but I didn't care.

To me, some ant has bothered my father, and I must kill it.

"It's nothing, Madara." My dad said, trying to not pester his young son with these issues.

"If it's nothing, it shouldn't have been brought to my attention in such a disgraceful way. I may be young, but I can help. What. Happened." I asked, this time with more tone.

"Sigh, it's the nobles of the kingdom." My grandfather said.

My dad tried to stop him, but I said, "What about them?"

"They are pushing for the king to make the Uchiha bloodline to spread out of the clan." He said.

It was then for me, everything clicked.

A/N: Can some of you see where this is going? Hahahahaha, can you guess the female MC. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Btw, I have yet to decide, should there be a harem? There are so many cute girls in the manga which I can have the MC marry.

Also, I probably won't upload tomorrow, and that's why this chapter and the precious one have been extra long.

Word count: 865 words, before the authors' note.
