
Chapter 13: Playing politics part 1

Chapter 13: Playing politics part 1

"How were you able to keep this from happening for so long?" I asked, slightly confused. I mean, even in Konoha, we had a few other clansmen marrying into the clan, and on extremely rare cases we have had a few Uchiha who fell in love with others and married them as well.

Thus, even though the bloodline will become less pure, we will not have complications of marrying people who are related to you.

"We were mainly able to prevent this by scaring other families and…" my grandfather began to explain but I just face-palmed at this.

Scaring others? That's the stupidest thing ever! I mean, you scaring them is basically backing them into a corner and begging for them to do something major to the clan.

"I believe it's okay for us to marry other people into the clan." I voiced my opinion.

"No Madara, we can't have that. Our ancestors said that if your bloodline is not pure, you will be unable to awaken the Mangkeyo." My father said.

I just laughed at this. What a joke!

"Father, I don't know which ancestor told the clan this, but if I did not have the notebook, he would have doomed us to die. Do you not know that by only marrying people from our clan to each other, eventually we will give birth to children who will have deficiencies in their bodies? And the fact that your bloodline has to be pure for the Mangkeyo to activate is false, there is no mention of this in the notebook." I said.

It was probably just some crazy Uchiha in the past who was paranoid about our eyes falling into the wrong hands who said this.

The 2 of them just stayed silent at this, after all, a lot of things they strongly believed in just came tumbling down with reality.

"Anyway, if the nobles do want us to marry others and spread the bloodlines, it is a good thing, so let's do it." I said.

"But there is a problem Madara," my father said. "If it was any Uchiha just marrying other people outside of our family, we would have used the civilians, or the clan members with lesser strength, but they want the future clan head only."

Now, this was probably the main problem.

"And what right do they have, to force the future clan head to marry an outsider?" I asked, with slight arrogance. After all, this was them indirectly trying to control me! They are lucky that I do not have my full power. How dare they try to constrict me!

"They don't but we have already been seeing retaliation from the other nobles. After all, our clan is a big clan, and we need a lot of resources to nurture our clansmen, but they have been stopping our trade and businesses slowly.

If it was just one or two noble families, we would have sorted this mess out, but it is nearly half of the families which have been trying to constrict us. Even the King has turned a blind eye to this." My father said.

"And do you have a list of which families are against us, neutral, and for us?" I asked.

This time, my grandfather said," Obviously, we have a list, keeping track of all the families, and we have also been greatly showing our appreciation to the clans which have supported us, no matter how few they are."

This time, I face-palmed even harder.

"What's wrong?" My grandfather asked.

"Sigh, do you not see the obvious things which are in front of you? Those clans which 'support' us, are more dangerous than the other clans. They want the Uchiha to continue inbreeding. This might not kill us now, but eventually, this will cause the decline of our clan.

Not only that, some of them might just support you in the public, so that you will help them as you are desperate, but in reality are just trying to backstab you. The only ones you can support are the neutral clans." I explained my thought process.

"So what is our next move?" My father asked.

I smirked at this, those nobles want to play politics with me? I helped my clan become one of the greatest clans in the elemental-nations, I am a founder of the Village Hidden in The Leaves, I had to play politics with Tobirama-Senju. These nobles don't know what's going to hit them.

A/N: Yes, I have not uploaded for a while, and I have a reason. I have recently been reading a novel called, One Hit cultivation system or something, and I realized the wasted potential of the novel, so I was planning on writing something regarding that, but just got into it and didn't get to writing this.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I promise that I will try to upload at least 9 chapters a week.

Word count: 747 before author's note

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