
machop in one piece

man is transported into the world of one piece but in the body of a machop

Evil_Turtle58 · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Off on my journey

brilliant diamond and shining pearl just came out and I beat the game so I was gonna transfer my Pokemon and start a new save. I clicked on my level 65 machamp and began transferring him to Pokemon home when I was thunderstruck. I was not thunderstruck as shocked but as in lightning came down from above and smote my ass.

(God) And that's how you came to my realm.

Well, that's the last thing I remembered.

(God) ok so why do you look like that?

??? I looked down and started freaking out a bit as my body was a bluish-gray hue and I had no toes and my privates disappeared with them.

I'm good can you give me a mirror.

(God) no problem.

a tall mirror showed up in front of me with a machop starting back at me.


(God) it seems young man that some minor good made a mistake and fused your soul with a machamp and you became a machop.

Is there any way to fix this?

(God) I'm afraid, not young sir as your soul is already fused I can't separate you without destroying a good chunk of what makes your soul.

Then why couldn't I at least be a machamp instead of a machop?

(God) son, you were a lazy otaku do you really think that you would have the level to be anything else but a machop? a machop needs to reach level 28 just to be a machoke if I would put all your fighting experience into a level as they do in your game id say you're a quarter of the way to level 2.

dam I always thought being peaceful would get me bonuses in the afterlife but I guess not.

(God) no, not it depends on how good of a person you were deep down, and honestly that is a rare thing in this day and age id rate you just below average.

why below average?

(God) I know you always clear your search history but did you think I wouldn't know.


dam indeed you are a disgusting pervert but that's not a big deal really when the internet came along 99% of people became heinous perverts.

so now what?

(God)so now im sending you to a world where your presence will not have a big effect on your earth you'd cause chaos. I'll probably send you to the Pokemon world.

oh please no anything but that.

(God) ok, where would you like to go but be warned it has to at least be strange enough so your presence doesn't completely fuck up the world and cause a commotion.

ahhh the world of one piece?

(God) good enough but im taking your memories besides common sense of that place so you don't fuck too much with destiny.

fuck was all I could say as I blacked out.


machop! {wait what}?

machop! machop! machop!

{fuck I can't say anything but machop}

(....) hey quiet down in there

{i looked up to see some idiot who looks to be some kind of clown pirate with a big red nose he turned back and started berating three pirate grunts. looking around I was in a cage with stone floors and ceiling but iron bars anyway it doesn't look like im in any real danger yet and I can escape at any time being a machop might suck but im hella strong I remember a poke dex entry saying that a machop can lift a hundred full-grown men that's easily over six tons so I don't think this cage will hold me. as I was getting my bearings a cute girl with orange hair walked into the camp with some guy in a straw hat tied up they were too far away to hear what they were saying but it seems she caught one of the red noses enemies and is gonna join the crew cause the just dumped in the cage with me and started to party.}

(...)wow, what are you, little guy?

machop! {you can call me blue}

(...) machop? is that your name?

(...) ma-ma chop! {no that's the only thing that I can say}

(...) Hmm, it doesn't seem like you can say anything else I'm a call you, Louis, my name is Luffy.

maachop. {oh well(sigh)}

(luffy) hey, you want something to eat I might be able to reach that table with meat.

machop{ I doubt it the table is too far}

Luffy then proceeds to stand against the bars and much to my surprise his arm stretches an impossible distance and nearly reaches the plate.

(Luffy) come on almost there it's so close.

unable to each the food his arm snaps back and he sighs with hunger and sorrow.

well seeing as he gave me such a surprise I think I'll help him out a bit.

I get up to grab the bars and gently try to spread the bars which easily bend out of shape. Luffy's jaw drops wide and I could swear his eyes sparkle with stars. anyway, while he is stunned and no one else is looking I jump out of the cage and nabe a couple of plates of food before returning to our cage and bending the bars back straight.

(Luffy) wow Louis you're so strong for a little guy can you help me with these ropes so I can eat.

feeling generous I oblige and snap his ropes and we dig into our food.

a little bit after the weirdo pirates take out a canon and load it up with a red canon ball.

when they fired it at a house I got a bit shocked as it and every house behind it blew up.

(...) that was flashy with these buggy balls and my devil fruit powers I would have no problem concerning the grand line right nami?

( NAMI)right yes of course.

(luffy) huh. but it's my destiny to conquer the grand line. and then im gonna become king of the pirates.

(nami) shut up idiot. wait how did you get rid of your rope and how did you get that food?

(...)[laughter]well I can see why your sick of him nami. but since he is so good at escaping his bonds and sneaky enough to get food I think we should give him a buggy bomb. don't you agree?

(nami) well I

hey, boss don't forget theirs that weird creature in the cage with him.

(...) oh right, will one of you get that creature and tie up that idiot again?

(luffy) hey, he's not just some creature I call him Louis and he's really strong.

well, im bored of this I think im just gonna go. putting down my plate I stand up and walk to the bars.

(...) hmm, what's it doing.

I put my hands on the bar real slow like.

hey, captain buggy I think it's trying to escape

(buggy) oh, that's funny does he think he's strong enough to bend steel bars?[laughter]

ok, that guy is pissing me off. so to make a show of it I take my hands away and only use one finger on each hand I bend the bars and step through.




(luffy) haha, I told you he was strong.

looking at their stupid faces I got an idea. taking another bar and ripping it out of the cage I do my trick and like a balloon, I make it into a dog which I give to luffy who has those stary eyes again before taking a bow and walking away.

(luffy) wow for me thanks Louis

(buggy) somebody stop that monster and catch him and that idiot.

but boss that thing is super strong we will die in one punch.

(buggy) useless at least get the idiot ill go send emoji after the beast and maybe he can tame him. with a little powerhouse like that with us conquering the grand line will be that much easier.

machop ma machop! { well buy luffy im ahead out I hope you survive}

as I jump off the cliff and away from that freak buggy