
machop in one piece

man is transported into the world of one piece but in the body of a machop

Evil_Turtle58 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

mohji the beast tamer

walking down the street I didn't meet anyone it was like a complete ghost town it was kinda creepy.

ma machop{ I guess this is what happens when pirates take over your town}


hmm seems like my stomach is growling I had some food earlier but it seems it wasn't enough I wonder where I can get some grub

hmm, what's that dog doing?

just down the street, a little white dog was sitting in front of some kind of store.

ma ma ma chop{hey what are you doing here I thought everybody abandoned this town}

Ruff-Ruff Ruff { I am chou-chou im guarding my home}

ah great, I can now talk to animals well at least it's someone to talk to.

ma machop { hey you got some food I can eat}

(chou-chou)Ruff Ruff Ruff { there's food inside but we have to wait for the mayor to come and feed us the pet food}

hmm well, I am a Pokemon I guess I don't mind eating pet food.

machop ma ma machop { thank you I'll help you guard till he arrives}

we spent about thirty minutes till someone else arrived. it wasn't the mayor it was luffy and he seemed to be helping some guy with green hair.

(Luffy) hey Louis there you are who's this dog


luffy reached out and poked chou-chou which was a bad idea as he was bit immediately

(luffy) ow ow dam it dog what is your problem

(...) luffy can't you be serious

(...) hey stop bullying chou-chou

another guy showed up and it looks like he knows chou-chou so he must be the mayor.

so the mayor started to explain chou-chou's backstory but I wasn't focused on that my eyes were glued to the pet food he brought out I never had it and was a little disappointed in myself but my Pokemon body craved it.

(mayor) ohh do you want some too?

machop{ yes} I said with a nod so he went in to get some more

(luffy) so mayor what's up with this little guy?

(mayor) no idea haven't seen him before.

(luffy) oh, then he's now gonna be part of my crew.

eh, I don't mind at least ill get me out of this dump of a town so I just shrug my shoulders and go with it.

machop { hey where did the green guy go?}

(chou-chou) Ruff-Ruff{ they put him to sleep in the house}

machop { oh ok}...

machop{ when did nami get here}

(chou-chou) Ruff-Ruff {don't know she just showed up with a sack of gold}

rawr rawr!

(mayor) oh, no run it's mohji the beast tamer run.

he took off running with nami following as he left some dude on a big ass lion the size of a house came up.

(...) im beast tamer mohji and you will be mine little monster.

so another idiot huh.

(luffy) hey, he's not yours he's gonna be on my crew.

(mohji) oh, straw hat captain buggy also told me to be on the lookout for you and Roronoa Zoro. so where is Zoro?

(luffy) im not telling you

(mohji) fine then sic him, Richie.

the lion pounced on luffy and sent him flying with his paw through a nearby building. mohji then got down from his lion and walked up to me.

(mohji) ok, little monster thing come with me I got a lot of training to put you through.

I grab his hand and squeeze it with all my might.


yeah, he's not using that hand for a while.

(mohji) ahhhh ahhhhh Richie get him.

the lion charges at me but he forgets that I have his master here. I wait until he's on me and is about to bite down when I shove the screaming idiot into his pet's mouth.

(mohji) ahhhhh! Richie stop, stop biting me!

the lion Richie looks confused about just what happened this is a good opportunity. I run behind the big lug and grab his tail. Richie looks back at me with surprise as I start to swing round and round as I pick up speed.

(mohji) ahh, im gonna be sick! Richie put me down!

swinging around fast enough I finally throw them into the distance towards buggy's camp.

looking at them go im reminded of team rocket but this time it is the buggy pirates blasting off again.