
Luna : The Crescent Crest Elementalist

Fable, a company that became famous after revealing the possession of ‘The Six Great Fables’ soon to be ‘Seven’, which are portals connected to unknown places full of mana stones and others. But… the successor of Fable is missing? --- In a world where the power of elements and crests exist, she was picked up by her foster parents. They treated her as if she's their child. But happiness didn't last long, her loved ones were taken from her without even realizing it until she was at the brink of death. --- Years passed, everyone came to know a powerful elementalist with snow-white hair who always wore a white mask. People who have met this figure said he has eyes that are red like crimson and he called himself 'Luna'. One day, 'The Seven Great Fables' started to change, discovering signs of lives far in it.

C1yde · ファンタジー
57 Chs


On a full moon night, the cool wind carried the scent of trees and grasses. The light emitted by the moon was enough for people to see the way. The sound of footsteps and the clashing of powers were heard under the moonlight.

A man wearing black clothes that could melt into the darkness as one seemed to be fleeing from a large number of men and women who were wearing similar clothes. 

Blood, cuts, and injuries soiled his body and clothes. 

He was panting as he threw a rope of his own shadow from his feet with the gesture of his left hand. With its help, he swung from tree to tree.

The man wanted to use a faster method to escape, but he couldn't because he knew he would be caught up quickly unless he used his last trump card. 

In his right arm, he appeared to be holding a baby.

A newborn baby, perhaps less than a day old.

Having recovered his mana, he mumbled as he breathed in "Cage of darkness". He took one last look at those chasing him before the spell activated.

A dark shadow rose from his own shadow, it grew bigger and bigger till it slowly concealed the people chasing him and started to trap them in it.

One of the men chasing him yelled, "Lightning Arrow" with his hand pointing at his target before getting concealed by the shadow.

A shaft of lightning struck the man's back at the end of the voice with incredible speed. It passed through the man while making a hole in the man's body. 

The man wasn't able to stop it since his mana wasn't enough to block the powerful strike since most of it was consumed by that single spell he had cast.

The lightning didn't touch even a strand of the baby's hair. It appeared to be shot with care so as not to harm the baby.

The group that was chasing the man was trapped inside the doom of shadow unable to break free.


Blood came out along with the cough. 

'This will buy me some time.'

The man remembered the orders he had received and because of it, he risked his mana believing in it.

'Only use this if you believe you are going to die.'

The words repeated in his mind.

He retrieved a dark bluish square-shaped stone that looks like it was engraved gracefully with a complex arabesque from his ring. He imbued it with some of his remaining mana and the stone started to emit a white glow.


Fire sparks came out of thin air in front of him. It slowly began to open, cracking the scene in front of him. It expanded to the point that the man could pass through.

On the other side, he noticed a large mansion built in a structure he had never seen before. The strange opening seemed to display the beautiful garden of the mansion, roses with different colors were blooming beautifully in it.

He went through with his nearly dead body and the child.


As it closed, the shadow which concealed the men and women vanished by the lack of caster. Sensing no presence of the man with the baby, the situation has left them in despair.

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