
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · 都市
22 Chs

Chapter 11


The next day, Reo and his brides are getting ready for the big day. While they were getting ready, their people gather outside the castle including the Lucrada clan member, and the familiars from Hikojima.

"So, we leave them alone for a week, and they're getting married." Ryuu said.

"I know what you mean, but what surprises me is that grandpa Dragia was here all this time. And, who would've thought we'd be related to Lord Reo and Lady Anko?" Shiro said.

"Speaking of them. Shouldn't you two be with Lord Reo and Lady Anko? The ceremony is about to start." Artemis said.

"We could say the same thing about you. We three, as the heads of the Amagiri Familiars, need to be in the ceremony beside them." Shiro said.

"You're right, but I can't help having this feeling that something bad is going to happen." Ryuu said.

Meanwhile at the world capital, the king, the prince, and the world's councilmen are standing in front of a crowd.

"People of the world. I'm glad to announce that we have recent updates on Chronos and the Dimension Queen. However, I regret to you that we have discovered that they have escaped to another world." The World's King said.

The crowd mumbled.

"However, we have recently acquired solution for this problem. For the past years, we have been working on a machine that can open portals to the other these other worlds instantly, and now send specially trained personnel to retrieve the criminals while gaining data about these other worlds." Sora said.

"The prince is right. We have harnessed the power of the Dimensional Queen, and can use it for our benefit." One of the councilmen said.

"Yes, it just as they said. We have plans being putting into place as we speak. However, since we have no idea of these worlds, we have to be prepared for anything, so I have decided that I lead our troops into the unknown. While I'm gone, I leave my son to lead as king, and my daughter protect as Queen. Together, they will rule you as the royal family." the world's king said.

The crowd cheered and clapped for the world's king as he passed his crown to his son.

"All hail the new world king, Sora Hasegawa." the councilman said.

"All hail the new king." The crowd continued to cheer for Sora as the previous king left. As he left, he received a telepathic message from a soldier they sent to Eden.

"Really, that's great news. We can attack real soon. Just stay out if sight.

Back in Eden, Ryuu and Shiro stands on top of the castle. Then, they jumped off, and free fall to the ground. Transforming into their true forms, they fly over the crowds heads, and land onto the stage. Then, they both used their Elemental Roar upwards, and out of that attack, Leska was standing on strings like a web with her sisters.

"People of Eden." Jeanne said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Angel and Jan-gu alike." Sapphire said.

"We are glad to introduce to you." Leska said.

"Your new and true king, Reo Ira Lucrada Amagiri." They said simultaneously.

As Reo was walking out on the stage, he was wearing a black skin tight short-sleeve T-shirt and his GI pants ,an outfit the Hikojima familiars' made. It can regenerate itself like a Jan-gu regenerative power. As soon as he took a step towards his people, he summoned the Dragon's Sage Armor. Suddenly, he sees the crowd of people, and he freezes.

"Master, Do you have stage fright?" Ryuu telepathically asked Reo.

"No! Of Course not, I'm just don't know what to do." Reo replied.

"Repeat after me."

"People of Eden, My name is Reo Ira Lucrada Amagiri, Grandson of Vladimir and Meliona Lucrada, and I hereby accept the role and responsibility of being your king." Reo said.

The crowd cheered.

Two loud booms filled the skies. Then, the gate to castle flung opened, and many types of chimeras rushed in, surrounding the people of Eden. Along with them, a Cerberus leading them.

"What is the meaning this, you beast?" Jeanne asked angrily.

"We are here to take over, so do us a favor and surrender to us without resistance." The Cerberus said.

"By who orders are you following?"

"We're are following the orders of the queen of the Cerberus." He said.

Everybody looked back at a girl. She shook her head as if she understood what exactly they were thinking.

"What's her name?" Jeanne asked.

"Sona Bloodriver." He said.

At that moment, the girl snapped.

"You- You dare mention that name in front of me. I, Sera B. Lucrada, true queen of the Cerberus race, will make sure you pay for treason towards me, and for disrespecting my ears with that three-headed trash's name with your life. Prepare yourself." The girl yelled angrily as her hair transformed into beast heads. Suddenly, Reo grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Calm down. Let me handle this. This is the perfect opportunity to show my ability." Reo said.

"What are you talki-

Sera stops her comment as she turns back, and sees the resemblances that Reo shares with his grandfather and great-grandfather. Reo walks forward, and releases his aura.

"It seems we have a volunteer to die first." The Cerberus said.

"That's funny, but I'm not here to die. I'm here to tell you of your misde-

Reo was interrupted by a hit, from the Cerberus' paw, flinging him into the castle wall.

"Master!" Ryuu yelled.

"Wow, that was a nice hit, but I hope that wasn't your strongest. If it was, you'll be defeated quickly." Ira said.

"What do you mean by that, Angel trash?" the Cerberus said arrogantly.

"Man, the younger generation are so rude. Don't you think, Vel?"

"Yeah, except for Lucrada family. But, I think the dog wants to go for a walk. That's probably why he's so rude to you. Why don't you take him out, Ira."

"You don't have to worry about that. I taking him out right now." Reo said as he came out of the wall wearing a transformed Dragon's Sage Armor.

"That's different. I've never seen that form before. If I remember correctly,there's casual wear form, Rail-gunner form, Guardian form, Speed form,Full-Armor form, and Ultra Combat form. But this is something entirely different. it seems that Reo is going to be an amazing protector." Ira thought to himself.

Suddenly, Reo's Dragon's Sage Armor faded, and transformed into metallic band.

"Okay. Maybe that hit did more damage than I thought." Reo said.

Then, Reo jumped from the wall with tremendous force, and flew toward the Cerberus. He punched one of its heads, but there was something strange. When Reo punched the Cerberus, Reo felt an excruciating feeling in his arm. It was like his arm was fractured completely.

"Hey Reo, I forgot to tell you, but the Cerberus race has the ability 'Armor Body'. It's extremely painful if you don't counter it with your own Armor Body." Ira yelled.

"Now you tell me this! What use does this have now?" Reo yelled back annoyed.

Ira laughed.

Reo sighed.

"If there weren't so much of an age difference, I would've thought Reo and Ira were brothers." Anko said as she walks up beside Sera.

"Don't you think you should help?" Lucie said as she walks up on the other side of Sera.


"Why not?"

"Because Reo isn't taking this seriously, he playing like he did all those other times. He's toying with his opponent, getting them angry to the point were they can't concentrate."

"How can you be so sure, Lady Anko?" Sera asked.

"Well, Reo is the type of person who don't want to fight serious until he knows everything about his opponent."

"Oh, so he's not showing his full potential." Sera said.

"Not even close, but I pity the person to fight him when he's serious."

"Why?" Lucie asked.

"Because when someone of the Lucrada family get serious in a fight, they're unbeatable." Anko replied.

"What do you mean 'unbeatable'?" Sera asked with a worried face.

"As you know, Jan-gu are the most powerful beings of the multiverse. We have more abilities and powers than any other race. In the words of a human, We're the most overpowered people of the multiverse. However, In the Jan-gu, there two bloodlines that overpower the rest: the Dragonia and the Lucrada. These two bloodlines are able to channel their powers with immensity and in destructive amounts. They are the bloodlines that the Jan-gu turns to protect and lead their races, and those two bloodlines runs through Reo veins." Anko said.

"Wow! So, Reo can destroy the earth and unive-

"No, Reo and I are not like that in the slightest, nor can we access our full power yet. In comparison to Ira, we have the PWR levels of a newborn baby. Plus, the Jan-gu are also the most peaceful beings in the multiverse, despite being warriors. We see fighting as sport. A way to kill our boredom that comes with immortality."

Suddenly, Reo crashes in the ground in front them.

"Is this your champion, Queen Sera? This pathetic human." The Cerberus said as he laughs maniacally .

Sera growls as she get angrier.

Reo grabs Sera and pulls himself up. Then, he takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Sorry for being selfish and stupid. From now on I'm taking this seriously." he said. Then, his broken arms healed itself.

"What! How is this possible? No human can heal that fast. What are you?"

"Come on dude. You're making us young people look bad in front of the older generation. This is the dimension called Eden. The home of the most powerful race in the multiverse along with their angels."

"What are you saying you worthless abomination. This is not the land of the Gods. These are beings who worship false gods. Everyone here is weak in the bo-

The Cerberus stops talking to look for Reo. Suddenly, the chimeras, that surrounded the guests, spurted out blood simultaneously. Leaving the Cerberus confused, Reo appears walking to the stage. Then, the Cerberus pounces on Reo, but before he gets the chance. A mysterious woman appears between them both.

"Wow! You're just like your grandfather. He's careless too." She says.

"I wasn't careless I knew he would attack, and I'd planned on sending him straight to hell." Reo said arrogantly.

"Well, at least you're a better liar." She said while smiling.

Reo grunts in anger.

"Who are you anyways, (old) lady?" Reo said.

The mysterious lady, hurt by Reo's words, turns around, and hit him as if she know what Reo called her.

"Show respect for great-aunt. I'm only twenty-nine in human years. You have no right to call me (old) lady." She says.

"Well, its good to see you haven't changed since the last time I saw you, but don't lose focus on the fight." Ira yelled.

She looks up, and starts to cry as she lays eyes on Ira. Then, she shakes her head and slaps each cheek to pull herself together.

"This is not the time for tears." She says to herself.

Then, she summons a giant war hammer to her hand.

"You might want to cover your eyes." She said to Reo.

As she was preparing her attack on the Cerberus, it died from shallow cuts.

"You know you still didn't tell me you name." Reo said.

"Did he do this? But how?" the lady thought to herself.

"My name is Satania. Satania Lucrada, Queen of Demons. Your great-aunt." She said.

Then, she looked at Reo up and down, but wasn't impressed.

"Hey, Stop hold back your power. I'm trying to get a reading off of you." Satania said as she pinched his face.

"Um, Can you do that later, Satan. We still have the ceremony to finish." Reo said.

"Yeah, I'll do that later, but for now stop holding back you power. You're among people that can handle it. And, that goes for you too." She said as she pointed at Anko.

"Alright." He said as he closed his eyes. Suddenly, He releases his power, and the immense pressure that made people faint back on earth. Then, he slowly opened his eyes, and looked around him to see everybody was acting the same.

"See. Now, how about you. Think you can do the same." She shouted at Anko.

Then, Anko released the same amount power almost instantly. And everybody was still standing, but they seem to be mumbling to themselves.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Your new king, Reo I. L. Amagiri. Along with his queens; Anko S. D. L. Amagiri, Lucie L. Amagiri, Kasai Amagiri. May they reign for all of eternity." Leska said.

The crowd cheered, and clapped.

"People of Eden, I would also like to introduce the princesses and prince. Princess Rias R. L. M. Amagiri, Prince Raphael L. Amagiri, and Princess Cassiel L. Amagiri. They're the beloved children of King Reo and his wives."

The crowd cheered, and clapped even louder. So, loud that you could barely yourself think. However, there were a voice that made it through the crowd cheering.

"Cassiel and Raphael are not they're children. They belong to me. I gave birth to them. I'm sorry I voted to throw you out of the village, but I was scared. I didn't know what to do." The voice said.

Cassiel flew towards the voice, and saw their birth mother on the ground crying her eyes out, while their father consoling her.

"Mother, Father." Cassiel said as landing in front of them.

Then, they both looked up at her as Reo and Anko landed behind her. Suddenly, Cassiel felt pain running through her heart. Then, Reo and Anko placed a hand on her shoulders to calm her down.

"Mother, Father. Thank you for what you done so far, but you decided to kill your children yesterday,by clipping their wings and sending to their deaths. And, If it wasn't for Reo, protecting us like he did, we would have been dead. Even now he's helping me. So, if I have to choose which one I want as a parents my life, I chose Reo and Anko." Cassiel said.

Then, her mother began to cry. Slowly, Raphael walks up in front of his sister.

"Mommy, Daddy, Do you love me?" Raphael asked.

"Of course we do, sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy loves you and your sister very much." The parents said.

"So, why? Why did you throw us out of the village? Why did you choose us to be sacrifices for the chimeras? Do you know how it feels to have your big sister cover you while you know that she will die?"

Their parents sat there regretting on what they did.

"Okay, that's enough, you two. Its not their faults. If you to put the blame on somebody, then put it on us. We weren't here for our people, and you all paid for it." Reo said.

"That's right, the king wasn't here to protect us like his predecessor. We were left to an unruly king, and was forced to sacrifice you two." Their mother said.

"Mother, why are you talking about Reo like that?" Cassiel asked.

"No, It's true, but know this. We, as the true royal family, will always be here to protect you." He said as he snapped his fingers.

"What did you do, Reo?" Cassiel asked.

"Nothing much, I got rid of the chimeras and the dead bodies around here. Simple." Reo said with a straight face.

"Reo, Anko. We not finished yet. You have to say your vows." Sapphire said.

"Shit, I forgot to come up with my vows." They thought to themselves with shivers going down spines.

"Reo, Anko you two did come up with something to say right?" Lucie asked while smiling.

"YYYeeaahhhh. We did, and they're perfect." They said nervously and cautiously as they flew towards the stage.

"Okay, You can go first Reo. Then, Anko. Then, Kasai. Lastly, Me. " Lucie said.

Reo sighed with disappointed.

"Okay. Who should I start with."

Reo looked at the three of them.

"Kasai, You are one of the most loyal, beautiful familiars I have. You made me one of the most happiest men in the entire multiverse when you said 'Yes, I love you master, and I would love to marry you'. Now please allow me to make you one of the happiest women in my eternal life."

Kasai started crying.

"Awwwww" The crowd said.

"Lucie L. Tachibana, You. Well, What can I say? Your beautiful, powerful, strong-willed, and careless about your words. You even proposed this marriage for the four of us."

The crowd snickered.

"And, You know what? I love you for it. I know when we're together with you, you will keep us humble, and honest with each other. You are the foundation for this relationship."

"Oh my Gosh, That was amazing." Lucie said started to crying to cry too.

"Last, but not least. Anko, You were with me since birth. We went through everything together. Ezra Sensei's two year training, the match with the Royal 13, and even the worst one of all, the lost of our hometown and family. I would love it if you, Anko S. D. Namikaze, c join us in a huge step in our lives."

"Of course, I can't leave you all to Lucie, now can I." She replied as she tried to hold back her tears.

" And, I promise you all that would love you beautiful ladies each as much as you want. Lucie, I think you said it best 'Even if the world is against you, I will always be on your side', and that's a promise I'm willing to keep too." Reo said finishing his vows.

"Anko, I believe it's your turn." Lucie said.

"I have nothing that could top that. I can tell that really came from his heart, and, tell you the truth, I also feel that way about all of you. Kasai." Anko said avoiding to say something.

Kasai wiping away her tears, looks towards Reo.

"Lord Reo, there are no human words that can explain the way I feel for you. I think the best translation to human tongue would be 'I have come to love you for you. Anko, Lucie I hope we can work together to make Reo the happiest man in the multiverse. Lucie."

Lucie cries out.

"Reo, Anko, Kasai, I'm sorry, but I don't have anything for my vows. I gave you so much trouble for your vows. I don't deserve you three or your kinds words." Lucie said as she continued crying.

"Don't worry, Lucie. Like Reo said, You're the foundation of our relationship. We already know your feeling." Anko said as she attempted to cheer her up.

"Reo, you may kiss your brides to seal this marriage in history." Jeanne said.

"I object." Kana yelled from the crowd.

"What's wrong now, Kana?" Lucie said annoyed by Kana's outburst.

"Reo, Think about this. Your about to commit the most terrible sin. Can't you see that. No man is suppose to have more than one wife." Kana said.

"Kana, I think you the one who confused." Anko said.

"What do you mean?"

"Anko and I aren't human. We are apart of the race that creates Jan-gu." Reo said.

"And, we, Jan-gu, don't care about trivial such as monogamy, or polygamy. As long as there is love between the couple, and it's mutual between them, It shouldn't matter how many wives one have." Ira said as he appeared between Reo and Anko.

"But I ju-

"No more excuses. You have proven yourself not to be our friend like you was a year ago. Just leave us alone." Lucie said upsettingly as she turned away.

"No, I just wanted to

"Don't bother we already know, but you haven't been treating us like the family you think. You treat us like immoral monsters who just destroyed their hometown, and capable of destroying mankind. Is that why you wanted us to turn ourselves in to your father? Or, was it cause of something else? Either way, it wasn't going to happen." Anko said.

"Kana, I think it time for you to go. I'll send you and your servants back now. And, Don't worry you won't remember anything about us, or our monster like power." Reo said as he summoned a small magic circle above his hand .

"No, Please don't." Kana begged. Suddenly, she felt like all the air was knocked out of her.

"Goodbye, Sister." Anko whispered in Kana's ear.

"Anko, No please." She replied as she fell unconscious.

Then, Reo threw magic circle at Kana's feet, and the circle swallowed her up.

"Everyone, I'm sorry for the interruption just now." Reo said.

"Now Reo, what are you waiting for? Kiss them with passion, you lady killer." Leska playfully said.

"Leska, can you please be a little more professional?" Sapphire said shaking her head down in embarrassment.

The crowd started to chant 'Kiss them' repeatedly.

Suddenly, Reo split into three, passionately kissed Anko, Lucie, and Kasai simultaneously

"Creative way of using that one." Ira thought to himself.

"Yes, It was. I can't wait to start training him and Anko. And neither can the Horsemen." Vel said telepathically to Ira with excitement radiating off her.

"I didn't know we was including them in their training program."

"Well, Of course we are. They can teach them how to properly control while we teach them everything else because you know that the four horsemen are the experts on control. Especially Dabria(the horsemen of Death). Her full power can kill ten gods in a minute."

"Really! I always thought that Ara(the horsemen of Conquest) would be the most dangerous. Since he has Absolute Voice like us."

"Actually, Dabria is the most dangerous because her aura alone can kill somebody. That's I made her on my Horsemen."

"Okay, but I thi

Suddenly Ira feels something off somewhere in the universe.

"Reo, Come here." He said.

" What is it, Grandpa Ira?"

"Do you know how to use your eyes properly yet?"

"Not on command. It usually comes and goes on its own."

"Okay, consider this your first lesson from me. A Jan-gu eyes are the strongest eyes in the multiverse. We can see everything in the universe as if we were standing in front of it. However, It's difficult to control."

"Okay, how do I control it, grandpa."

"Close your eyes, and breathe slowly while feeling the dimensional energy that sustains the dimensions in this universe. Once you feel that energy, absorb it into your body without transforming completely." Ira said as Reo follows his instructions.

Suddenly, Reo feels as if his body was heating up to its limit. He opens up his eyes, and air suddenly pulses off of him. At first look, Reo hasn't changed, but his eyes were silver. Then, Reo saw an images of multiple beings, of all kinds, as if they were apart of a television show.

"Reo, I want you to look to your left. You should see an image of a woman running through the forest. That's Vlad's third sister, Titania, Queen of the fairies. Apparently her daughter was kidnapped by humans who stumbled there three-thousand of years ago. I fear they might try to kill her."

"Okay, let me go help them. I'll be right back." Reo said as he opened a portal.

"Sorry, but no. I want you to send the human children you brought here."

"What! Why them? They're not strong enough for other worldly beings." Reo excitedly said.

"Well, Fairies are harmless when it comes to children. Plus, they have been under this dimension traits, so they should be strong enough to handle a couple of weak humans. Also, if your worried about Rias, she can take care of herself. And, you can be there in an instant if something goes wrong. But, like you, they need training."

"Okay." Reo said as his eyes changed back to normal.

"Good." Ira said as he snapped his fingers,teleporting Rias, Raphael, Cassiel,and the other kids to the land of the Fae(faires). Then, Caleaxia appeared in front of them, and the key appears in Reo's hand.

"Reo, would you please open a vortex to Caleaxia." Ira asked. Then, Reo held the key towards Caleaxia, and a beam of light shined a on Caleaxia, opening a dimensional vortex.

"Wow, I did it." Reo said.

"Of course you did. You are of my bloodline." Vel said as she wrapped one of her arms around Reo. Then, she walked towards Anko and the others girls, and hugged them as she said "Welcome to the family." Suddenly, she pulls Anko along her with into the vortex. Following her, Ira grabs Reo. Then the portal close.

"Hey, wasn't there four suppose to be going back." Sapphire asked.

"No, Sol and I are staying here to train Lucie since she basically has the same powers as Lucie." Kaiser said.

"Oh, okay. Well, feel free to use the training room in the castle. It can withstand anything you can throw at it."

"Okay, but I think we should test her against something first." Sol said.

"Then, come to Demoria, I think that would be a perfect place to test her in. Plus we're having a fighting tournament soon." Satania said.

"Demoria, What's that?" Lucie asked confusedly.

"The demon dimension. I think the humans call it Purgatory, or Hell, however, that just humans proving themselves incompetent." Satania said.

"What do you mean?" Lucie asked.

" Demoria, Purgatory, and Hell are three different places, Lucie." Kasai said.


"Yeah, Hell is a hottest place in this universe. Purgatory is a prison where only the worst go to roam around blindly until they deteriorate into nothing."

"Yeah, and compared to those two places Demoria is a paradise for demons." Satania said.

"Let's go to Demoria." Lucie said excitedly.

"Okay, let's go. Satania, would you lead the way." Solaris said.

"Good, while you four are gone, I'll be here making your Dragon's Sage armors." Kaiser said.

"Really, but can I also ask you to take care of the rest of the chimera problem here?" Lucie asked.

"It would be my pleasure, my queen." Kaiser said.

"Great, we'll help you, Uncle." Leska said happily.

"Alright, time to go." Satania said as she extended her arm, and her ring glowed. Suddenly, a vortex opened up out of the floor. Lucie, Sol, Kasai walked up to the vortex.

"Wow, this feels like we're about to jump straight into hell." Lucie teasingly said.

"Don't worry. As long as you keep going straight down, and don't drift to the right, you should be fine." Satania teasingly replied.

Lucie looked at Satania confused.

"Don't worry, Lucie. All you have to do is keep your flames up when you fly." Sol said.

"What do you mean? I don't fly using my fire." Lucie said.

"Right, You fly like a celestial. Well, this is your first lesson: flying with fire."

"Okay, how do I do that?" Lucie asked.

"First, engulf you entire body in flames. Then, you increase the temperature of your body until you begin to float. Simple." Sol said.

"Okay, I'll try it." Lucie said as she activated her purgatory flames suit.

Then, her body slowly transformed into a plasma form similar to the fiery beast in Hell.

"Good, now, increase the temperature of your body."

Slowly, Lucie's flames gotten hotter and hotter as seconds passed by. Suddenly, she began to levitated off the ground.

"Whoa, What happening?" Lucie said as she, squirming around, struggling to regain her balance.

"Calm down, It the same mechanics as flying with Chi. Keep your flame's power equal throughout your body, and your body should re- act." Sol said shocked by Lucie's flames.

Lucie's flames formed a pair of plasma wings similar to Phoenix's wings. They radiated heat as if they were the sun itself.

"Well, this is a surprise. You have exceeded my expectations." Sol said.

"Really?" Lucie asked happily.

Solaris nodded.

"Yeah!" Lucie yelled excitedly as she sends a wave of fire, burning everything that is flammable .

"Oops, Is everyone okay?" Lucie said as she transforms back to normal.

"Yeah, You just burnt their clothes. Good to know you have flame control." Sol said unscathed.

"Alright, let's save the rest of the lessons for later. Let's go to the demon dimension." Satania said.

"Okay. But, Kasai, will you be okay going through the portal?" Lucie asked concernedly.

"Yes, Lady Lucie, I'll be fine. I'm wearing the same kind of clothing we gave to Lord Reo and Lady Anko. It should be able to adjust itself to these conditions." Kasai replied.

"Okay, but stop calling us Lady and Lord. We're married now. It just Lucie, Reo, and Anko. Plus, we never wanted any of you to call us that in the first place." Lucie said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess old habits die hard."

Lucie laughs.

"On the count of three, we all jump." Satania explained.

"Alright." They said with nervousness in their eyes.


Sol transforms into her plasma form.


Lucie transforms also, however, she didn't have her plasma wings. Along, with Lucie, Kasai's clothes transformed into a skin-tight jumpsuit with a helmet.


Satania jumped first. Then, Lucie and Kasai jumped together. And, not so far behind them, Sol flew upwards, and dived down into the portal.

"Show off." Kaiser said as he closed the portal.

"Alright, let's go handle some chimeras." Sapphire said as she lead the way out.

Meanwhile, Rias and the other kids free falls, from a vortex in the sky, unconscious. Suddenly, Yana and Tyrell wakes up, and immediately panic.

"What happened to us, Yana?" Tyrell asked.

"I don't know. Last thing I remember was that strange woman. Then, I was feeling weak."

"Yeah, me too. I wonder what that was?"

"Me too, but I think we should try to wake up Rias and the others,first."

"Alright, but what do you expect from waking up them up?"

"Well, unlike us, Rias can fly. She should be able to save."

"That's a good idea, Yana. Sadly, I can't carry all of us at the same time, but I think I have a better idea." Rias said telepathically.

As Rias concentrated on the ground, she held hand out.

"Grandma Rei and Grandma Asia, I know you somewhere inside me. Please lend me your powers." Rias thought to herself.

"Rias, can you hear us? We're here, and have heard request. Rei is going to control your body for a second. Give her full control." Asia voice said inside Rias head.

"Okay," Rias thought.

Suddenly, Rias' eyes and hair changed silver. Everybody was shocked by her appearance. Then, Rias instantaneously appeared above Yana and Tyrell, placed a hand on each of them, casting a time-slowing gravity spell to slow them down. Then, she slowly pulls the others towards them, and recasts the spell on them. Then, she extends her hand out, and opens a portal. As they falls through it, they all hit the ground.

" Is everybody okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, We're all okay thanks to you." Yana said.

"But, it could've been a little softer." Tyrell said in pain, and holding his back.

"I'll consider that next ti-

Rias faints.

"Rias! What's wrong? Rias!" Yana asked concernedly.

Suddenly, soldiers, in full body armor, surrounds the Rias and the others.

"What are they?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Monsters?" Another soldier said fearfully.

" No worst, Fairies. Capture them, and put them with their princess." Their commander says as he walks off.