
Back Away

   It was one of the few calmer nights in Lux. People were sitting in booths or at the bar, enjoying the music and simple chatting with each other. You and Lucifer sat in the VIP booth, meant only for the two of you. You were currently leaning against your boyfriend from hell’s shoulder while watching the people dance.

   "Luci I’m going to get a drink from the bar. Do you want anything?“ You start shimming out of the booth.

   "What are you getting?” He asked, folding his hands on the table.

   "Probably a cosmo.“

   "Then cosmo’s for the both of us.” You giggle and skip your way to the bar. You give your order to the fill in bartender and waited patiently for him to finish making them. You decided to sit on one of the barstools seeing as the bartender was working on orders ahead of you.

   "Hey, how are you?“ A man asked, joining you at the bar. He was charming to say the least. His brown hair was done up and his brown eyes, flaked with a little bit of gold shown through the club. He was a handsome lad, though, no where near as handsome as your Lucifer.  

   "I’m fine.” You flash a polite smile, not trying to seem rude.

   "That’s good. What is a lovely woman like yourself doing by yourself?“  

   "I’m here with my boyfriend, ya’ know, enjoying the club scene.”

   "Well I’m here to enjoy the club scene too.“ He laughed and scooted himself closer to your person. "The name’s Jackson.”

   "And it will soon be unidentified body if you do not move away from my queen.“ Lucifer growled from behind you, he wore a smile but the feeling he gave of was violent. The guy flirting with you stumbled off the bar stool with a shriek and backs away from you two.  "I suggest you back away and leave the premise.”


   "B-B-Bye, nice t-t-talking to you.” Jackson shouted before he ran up the stairs and out of Lux. Lucifer looked to you with a grin and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his side.  You both walk back to the booth with your drinks finally mixed.

   "My, my Luci, were you jealous?“ You smirked.

   "No, the devil doesn’t get jealous.” His tone gave it all away.

   "Doesn’t my ass! You were totally jealous.“  

   "Oh shut it."He rolled his eyes and leaned down, placing a kiss to your hairline. "I’m just a little possessive over you, dear.”

   "Aw so sweet.“ You gush and snuggle into his side. "Sweetest Devil I know, calling me your queen and all.”

   "Yeah, yeah.“ He rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink, you could see a blush on his cheeks. "I love you and I didn’t want another man being by you with sinful intentions. I could just feel the sin roll off that human when he was looking at you.”

   "Glad to have you be my protective, fallen angel.“

   "It’s good to have you, little human.”