
Panicked Pregnancy

   Lucifer smiled as he played the piano, playing your favorite song. You were leaning against the bar, your hand over your very large baby bump, as you hummed along. You were wife and you were ripe and ready to deliver his child any day now. At first you were scared, you were carrying the child of an Angel, but thanks to Amenadiel and Charlotte, you were reassured that the pregnancy would go fine.

   "Oh!“ You gasp as you felt a jolt of pain, the baby was kicking.

   "Are you alright, dear?” Luci stopped playing piano and came up to you, a hand cupping your cheek and his other on the bump.

   "Yeah, she’s probably just happy to hear your piano- ah!“ You winced again. You felt liquid start to run down your legs, gripping onto Lucifers arm. "I think my water broke.”

   "Oh my father, okay lets not panic now.“ He held onto you before he started panicking, trying to remember all the things he learned about human birth. "Do not panic, (Y/N).”

   "I think your more panicked than me.“ You laugh as you watched him, confusion and worry on his face.

   "We have to call Linda! She’s a doctor!” He takes out his cellphone and goes to call Linda, but you took his cell out of his hand.

   "It’s fine, you are more panicked then me.“ You giggle and kiss his cheek. "I’m going to put on a clean pair of leggings and then you will drive me to the hospital. I can already feel things starting to kick in.”

   It didn’t take you long to put on a fresh pair leggings. So to say you were shocked to see Maze, Amenadiel and Charlotte there was an understatement.

   "Uh how did you guys get here so fast and why are you here?“ You ask, as the four of them followed you into the elevator, you noticed in the corner of your eye Maze was sharpening a demon blade.

   "Well my brother already had us come over a half-hour ago and wanted us to come over and protect you.” Amenadiel placed a hand on your shoulder. “When we got upstairs he told us what happen.”

   "I won’t let anyone touch you or Mazikeen Jr. Well unless it’s the doctors.“ The demoness smirked and leaned against the elevator walls.

   "I hate to break it to you guys, but Lucifer has yet to get the ‘family’ car, so you will have follow along in another vehicle.” You laugh as you see their expressions drop. The doors open and Lucifer escorts you out the club and to his car before speeding off to the hospital.-   You held your daughter in your arms as the nurse dabbed away the sweat on your face. She walked out of the room briefly before Lucifer came in, the worry on his face melted into pure happiness at the sight. He stood next to the bed and stared down, completely memorized at the sight of you and his child. You look at him with tired eyes, you could tell he wanted to hold her.

   "Here Luci, you can hold her.“ You smile and carefully handed her to him. 

   "Hello my little spawn.” He grinned at her. “My little Nephilim~”

   "You’re going to be an amazing father dear.“ Lucifer placed a kiss on his newborns forehead and placed one on yours, handing her back.

   "And you’ll be an amazing mother, my love.”