

   Many didn’t understand how you and Lucifer became a couple, you were shy and quiet and he was loud and outgoing, but everyone agreed Lucifer was different with you. When people meet the handsome man, they meet a very flirty and blunt man –well fallen angel-  but when he was with you; he was gentle, caring, sweet and very protective. 

   Here at Lux, Lucifer was currently hosting one of his wild parties. Drinks were being passed around, girls in little to no clothing were dancing around along with the men in the club; the usual antics. In the back of the club, in a some-what secluded booth; Lucifer, Chloe, Dan, Maze, Linda, and yourself sat comfortably.  Luci unwrapped his arm around your shoulder and gsave you a quick peck on the cheek.

   "I’m going to go get more drinks for the table, love. I’ll be right back.“ He quickly got up out of the booth and headed towards the bar.

   "C'mon (Y/N)! Let’s let loose and go to the dance floor!” Linda smiled, completely buzzed.   "Well Linda-“

   "Yeah your always by Lucifer’s side, let’s go dancing!” Chloe smiled and the two women dragged you out of the booth. You tried protesting but they pulled you into the crowd of people and started dancing. Your (e/c) eyes dart in panic, you could never handle huge crowds like this one without Lucifer. You begin to hyperventilating as Chloe’s and Linda’s hands left your forearms, leaving you in the large, drunk crowd. Tears welled up in your eyes, you were frantically looking for an opening to get away.

   "Let’s go upstairs, dear.“ Luci’s comforting voice was in your ear as he wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you carefully out of the crowd and up to the penthouse. The music from the club was muffled down once the both of you reached the top. His arm never left your waist as he guided you the couch.

   "Th-Thanks, Luci…. for getting me out of there.” You mumbled.

   "Don’t mention it, love. Here, get in my lap.“ He sat down and allowed you to sit on his legs and snuggle into his toned chest. "Why did you go in that crown? You know they make you anxious.”

   "Chloe and Linda dragged me in to dance, despite me protesting.“   "I’ll make sure to have a word with them.” He said sternly as he wrapped both his arms around you tight and placing his chin on your head. “I’m just glad you aren’t hurt at all.”   "Yeah, I have my Lucifer to protect me.“
