
Together Again

Chloe shot Lucifer a glare as she help get Trixie ready for back to school night. He simply gave her a smirk in response. Trixie insisted that Lucifer went since Dan couldn't make it and although Chloe was not happy, she couldn't say no to her daughters pouty face. Now he was acting cocky as all hell.

"What are these back to school nights like?" Lucifer asked.

"You're not gonna like it." She smirked and handed her daughter her folder. "There are going to be children everywhere. Alright monkey, it's time to get going."

"Yay!" She cheered and ran out the house while Lucifer had an internal battle about actually going or not.

Lucifer, despite all the children, was having a decent time. He was especially enjoying all the attention he was getting from the middle age women and even some of the teachers. Currently, he was sitting in a classroom while the teacher droned on and on about the syllabus for this year. He felt a tug on his sleeve, which came from Trixie.

"You should go and visit Ms. (L/N)." She whispered.

"Right now? Why?" He muttered back, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"She is super nice you will like her, just go. Her room number is 27." Luci rolled his brown eyes but decided to just do what she said. Besides, this teacher kept a boring voice, he'd rather go off and have some fun than keep sitting here. He discreetly excused himself from the classroom and wandered down the hallway, his eyes peeled for the room number Trixie told him.

Lucifer stopped at the classroom where this Ms. (L/N) was. Something about that name sparked something, it was a familiar name but he couldn't place where he remembered it from. He opened the door, revealing a classroom similar to all the other ones. Off in the corner, he saw the back of the teacher Trixie wanted him to meet. She was currently speaking with a parent so Lucifer decided to just lean on the wall and wait.

"Okay, Mrs. Johnson. I'll make sure to give Timothy some tutoring after school." That angelic voice. 'No...it can't be...' Her voice sounded much like his wife's voice; oh how he loved her voice. The woman gave her a thank you before scurrying past Lucifer and out the door. Ms. (L/N) sighed and turned round, and they both froze in their spots.

"(Y/N)?" He was shell shocked to see his wife, standing in front of him after many years.

"Lucifer, it's really you-!" Her hand covered her mouth.

"Wow, you're still as beautiful as I remember." He felt tears ting his eyes as a lump started forming in his throat.

"And you're still a big flirt. I cannot believe I've finally found you!" She quickly ran over to him and they both met with an embrace. It was like a spark in his chest was reignited when his arms pulled her into his body. Oh how he missed her warm embrace.

"Wait, what do you mean you found me?"

"Well, after hearing you were thrown from heaven... I chose to fall. I went searching for you and tried many, many times to get into hell but I couldn't reach you. I heard from Amenadiel that you abandoned hell for Earth and I went searching once more."

"You... fell for me?" He ask astonished. "How did I not hear about this?"

"Amenadiel and God, they wanted it secret from you to keep you in hell."

"Those bastards... And I am the evil one?" (Y/N) and him shared a chuckle. "I've missed you so much, my love."

"I have missed you as well."

"Shall we share a kiss my dear?" There was no need for him to ask twice. His wife put her hands onto his shoulders while he pulled her closer to his body. Lucifer slowly leaned his head down and his lips connected with hers. The same spark he felt when they hugged exploded and coursed through them; they were connected once more again.

"Oh my god- Lucifer!" Chloe's voice broke them apart. "You can't go and kiss one of Trixie's teachers."

"Don't worry, Ms. Decker; he is my husband." Chloe looked quiet shocked while little Trixie was ecstatic.

"But your name is (Y/N) (L/N)-"

"My name before I married."

"You never said you were married-"

"We've been married for a long time, before I was sent to the hot room downstairs." The detective simple just stared in disbelief.

"Yay! You can come to dinner with us as Lucifer's date." She giggled. "Wait do I still call you Ms. (L/N) or do I call you Mrs. Morningstar or-"

"Ms (L/N) in school but if I do meet you outside of school then (Y/N) is just fine."

"W-Well Trixie and I shall go to a different classroom to let you two uh... catch up/" Her and her daughter quickly scurried outside the classroom, leaving the two love birds alone.

"Now let's pick up where we left off." Lucifer purred and practically dipped (Y/N), completing it with a loving kiss.