
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · ファンタジー
76 Chs

Chapter 47: Her Jealousy And Dominance

Sheea could understand that why Kyle was looking to so many female beasts of the tribe. Yet, at the end, he still got rejected by them. After all, after reaching the age of mating, it was necessary to find mates, especially for the males who are numerous in number.

So same went for Kyle who wanted a place in the tribe and lived with his head raised.

The novel didn't focus on Kyle's life before he turned to the villain as its main focus on Sofia and her mates, so Sheea didn't know much about Kyle's struggles and desperation to find a mate.

So, at the moment, when Sheea heard those Hulabalus saying that Kyle proposed most of the females in the tribe, a part in her burnt deep down. That slight tugging pain was so sharp that Sheea felt like her heart was taken out forcefully from her after squeezing it severely.

So, she couldn't help but grab his fur tightly in her hand. But the moment, she found her shaking under her, she relaxed.

After all it was normal. And what's going on with this stupid d*mn jealousy of hers?

The past never matter anymore. What matters is the present and future.

Kyle is hers now. HERS!

With a deep breath, she calmed down as she softly rubbed the place on Kyle's back where she hurt him earlier. And she only stopped when he stopped shaking.

But it would have been more good if the buzzing sound in her ears, could be stopped.

She shifted her attention from Kyle's and stared at those three buzzing hulabalus whose origin were God-knows-from-where with a lazy eyes as if they were a bunch of dead meats.

They were still insulting Her beloved mate in front of her. The Nerves!

[Kyle, ignore them. They're stupid fools born with no brains. Let's proceed with our exploration, shall we?]

Kyle had initially thought that Sheea would be angry if those b*stards with foul mouths kept on tarnishing his reputation in front of his mate and hence, he was already planning on how to silence them permanently and silently. But when he heard her voice in his mind, a smile bloomed on his face.

(Sure. Let's-)

"You ugly b*stard, are you provoking me, Bura, with your ugly smile, huh? D*mn you!"

So before Kyle could finish his sentence, he was brutally kicked from somewhere.

Fortunately, Sheea's reflexes were sharp and she landed safely from his back and even stopped his head from colliding with the nearby rock.

Earlier, she was too focused on Kyle's reply as she was afraid of his mental damage, that she was momentarily distracted.

Thankfully, she was still prepared. But, she sighed in her mind with disappointment.

After coming in the beast world, because of lack of practice and too much of mental distraction on pleasure, her skills were getting deteriorated.

And moreover this pushover wolf.... She needed to do something with him.

[Kyle, from tomorrow onwards, accompany me. I need you to play a game with me.]

Kyle, who was planning to castrate some beasts with dark eyes, immediately gave a smile to his mate and licked her right cheek a little and nodded repeatedly, 'Well, the process of castration can wait. Pleasing my mate should be the first option.'

After coming to a conclusion, Kyle stood up with Sheea's help. And only then did she notice the sharp end of the rock. There was a slight scratch on her right hand too which she used to catch Kyle from falling.

Her expression immediately darkened.

If she wasn't fast, wouldn't that rock have... She shuddered with the thought as she glanced at Kyle and looked at him with heartache.

Kyle... he's really the epitome of attraction of bad luck.

Sheea asked some questions if he was alright or hurt anywhere ignoring the scratches on herself which were already noticed by Kyle. But, she didn't give a option for him to speak other injuries.

On the other hand, a crowd had already gathered near the five people (Sheea, Kyle and the three hulabalus).

At first, those bystanders were looking at the scene where three strongest Shan beasts were fighting with Kyle, the weakest and ugliest Shan of the tribe for the Heavenly beautiful Shasha (none knows Sheea is a human except Lisa).

But later it changed to an exciting and awe sight from the moment she jumped from Kyle's back for protecting herself to protecting Kyle. Her moves were so smooth and flawless that everyone present at the place were dumbstruck.

All had one question in mind: Was that even possible? Or our eyes were malfunctioning a moment ago? Why don't we see Fish swimming in sky and Birds flying in water? Hmm? Hmm?

But the excitement had just begun.

Without caring about the mental damage that she had given to others, Sheea started to head towards the group of trio who kept on insulting Kyle and even attempted to harm him.

With each step, her aura started to go the freezing point, making the trio stepped back.

It was only after five steps that they realized what they were doing. They abruptly stopped and looked at each other.

When Sheea was just five or six steps away, Bura shook his head and smiled smugly.

In his mind, Sheea had finally realized what 'mistake' she had done by accepting such a weak and ugly mate like Kyle in her harem and how strong and good Bura was.

"She might come and propose me now. Hehe! At first, I'll play hard to get, then I'll accept her," he thought as he adjusted his facial expressions, without realizing that his companions had long stepped back from him.

Bura was the third strongest and proud Shan beast of the Wolf Territory. But he's weakest point was that he believed whatever he thought the situation.

So, his fantasy only broke the moment a harsh punch landed on his face instead of the proposal that he was waiting for.

He was dumbstruck for a moment before he realized what happened.

He looked at Sheea, and then at Kyle who was standing beside her. Thinking that Kyle punched him till his nose bled to prove his mascularity in front of the beautiful Shasha, he roared as he shifted to his beast form (tiger) and launched an attack on Kyle.

But before he could touch Kyle or reach near him, he was pushed back harshly.

Sheea's movements were fast and decisive. Without thinking much, she attacked Bura's not-so-vital points but would make him feel pain in the worse ways harshly.

With each of her punch, painful roar filled the market, scaring the hell out of everyone, even Kyle.

He swiftly changed back to his human form and borrowed an animal skin from a nearby shop to wear, after casually tossing a crystal to the shopkeeper.

"Sheea, Sheea, stop it. If you continue to hit him like that he'll die," He screamed.

But his voice drowned down in the series of cheers of the crowd who were enjoying the show.

At first, they were shocked but later they got excited. It was not a everyday thing to see a 'weak' Shasha beating a Shan, is it?

So the roars became like thunders, echoing everywhere.

"Yeah, yeah, beat him."

"Go on beautiful Shasha, you're beating him so badly. C'mon keep it up!"

"Yes! Yes! Beat him like that! Yes! That way!"

"Try his stomach. That's his weak point!"

"Oh my God! She's so beautiful when aggressive!"

"I think Bura will not survive this. Does anyone want to bet with me?"

"Who's that Shasha by the way? Never seen her before!"

"Hahaha! Do you see that? Bura is using all his four to escape!?! Hahaha! So funny!"

"Heh! So till now this guy had been showing off his strength to us.. Was it all a joke? Even a Shasha can beat him up! Hahaha! Look at that face! I swear even his parents can't recognize him anymore."

"Shame on him! He himself is so weak and yet was mocking Kyle, the wolf leader's son. Good for him!"

"Am I the only one wondering who is this female who has the guts to beat a Shan without getting injured?"

All kinds of voices and questions rang in the surroundings. Sheea heard them but didn't care much.

But it wasn't the case for Bura. While grimacing in pain, he screamed internally, 'Why don't you all lo*fers come and try one punch of hers and see if you can still spit out a word from that bl**y mouth of yours? If I had known that such a dangerous thing was hiding behind this angelic face and figure, I would have never approach this psycho, much let desire.'

After giving three more brutal attacks, she let go of the trashy guy. But not before giving a warning, "If I ever find out you're badmouthing my mate again whether in front of him or behind his back, I'll let you taste the tortures of hell by then."

She swapped her gaze across the crowd who all took back a step unconsciously. Specially the two lackeys of Bura who took three steps back.

Then, her words that sounded like the voice from hell, rang in every beasts' ears who were present at the moment, making them gasps in horror and disbelief.