
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · ファンタジー
76 Chs

Chapter 44: Who Are 'They'?

Sheea's POV



(Kyle looked at me with wide eyes, making my consciousness twitched as I almost screamed 'You also used this crystal in another time line, stupid' but I couldn't.)


(Kevi asked with a frown and a serious face)


(Jemin asked in monotonous voice as he tapped his fingers on his thigh. Deep in thought.)


(Len will be Len. Always overdramatic for which he got an eye roll from me.)

"You mean that it's a crystal made of blood to bring destruction and bad luck?"

"Twenty years! This takes twenty years of nourishment and care with fresh blood?! It's so... I don't know the proper words to say I'm feeling."

"And what's more! That bloody hell of a thing needs a group of five to six people to curse daily on it. This sounds so disgusting and creepy!"

"And what's more.. that is made from the blood of three ancient beasts? You mean any beast like us?! What were they thinking when making such a thing?!"

"Of course they were thinking of destruction or what else? But still I can't believe it! If someone touches it, he'll go berserk and will lost his rationality?! Does anything like that even exist? Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, why will my mate joke with you? This is a serious thing! My mate is serious."

"Shut up, Kyle. I wasn't doubting our mate. I was just stating my confusion."

"Who are you calling 'Our Mate'? Sheea hasn't accepted you yet! Get lost, Len."


"Be serious. You can continue your squabble later," Kevi said in a slow serious tone, making both the guys (I mean Shans) stop.

For the first time I had seen Kevi serious like this. Even when he's sitting opposite to me at the moment, I suddenly felt so little in front of him. His aura, his demeanor had long changed into a monarch like appearance, the moment I disclosed the secret of Tana.

Moreover, this cave felt so little in his presence.

"Will you explain everything in details once again? I still couldn't figure it out if this thing is really as bad as you're saying. Because this is something leaders of the tribe came up with and we can't just ignore it. And the process of making it is so messy and troublesome," Jemin said in all seriousness.

Kevi slowly nodded his head as he looked at me straight into my eyes, "Yeah... I think so too. If anyone wants to destroy something, why will they go to such lengths? Can't they just attack the tribe and loot? Won't that be easy?"

"Yes! That's the point! And another point. If this thing is that bad, why is that crystal trading taking place in the first place? And there's no news till now that those who bought the crystals are losing their rationality. I think you don't know anything about- ow ow ow ow! Hey Kyle, are you crazy? Why are you hitting me?"

"You're the crazy one, Len. I didn't hit you!"

"That punch was from me."

All of them turned towards me with round eyes having a big question mark. Well, I could understand their concerns. Afterall, how can someone who is sitting in front of you, hit you at your back?

Hehe... but I'm a human evolved to witch! My brain works more than my other body parts.

I looked straight into Len's eyes as I placed the other half burnt wood back to the fire. Earlier I had picked a long burning wood that broke to two in instant. I showed them the wood intentionall while placing it back.

I gritted my teeth, "Don't doubt me. I don't have false information with me."

"Ohhh!" Len said as he rubbed his aching back.

After he finished, all four of them looked into my direction with the strangely same gaze that I thought that their eyes would dig a hole on my body.

Well, I can understand it. Afterall, it's too much for them to digest at the moment, even though I didn't give them the complete information.

I took a long breathe as I looked at the stoic bear who kept on tapping his fingers, "Jemin?"

I called out and as soon as I confirmed I had his attention, I continued, "Actually, I think you shouldn't proceed with this mission with Len. I don't feel anything will come out from this mission."

And almost instantly I heard Kevi's voice, "That won't do. If he backs away, they will take it as he's betraying the tribe and that consequence will be brutal."

"They? Who? The leaders?"

Len shook his head from side as I felt Kyle's hands on my waist tightened.

"Hey? What's up? Who are 'They'?"

Now I'm curious of this existence.




Len was about to say who are these 'they' when he was stopped by both Kevi and Jemin.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Now what's up with this secrecy?!

If there's anything in this world that I hate the most is this 'Secrecy Type of Things'. But I also know that I shouldn't pry more into this matter which is making both Kevi and Jemin serious like this. So I could only divert the topic back to it's starting.

"Hmm... then what are you going to do now? Proceed with the mission?"

I saw Jemin and Len stiffening, then looked into each other eyes before shifting their attention on me.

"No other choice. We need to go."

"Ohh! Then... when are you leaving?" My voice unknowingly became a soft whisper I couldn't understand why.

"After eight more days. We need to prepare our guards for this mission."

I didn't know why but I suddenly felt upset. Too upset.

Maybe because now I know the cause of their disappearance and don't want them to repeat the novel plot.


"You look quite upset."

Kyle pointed out to Sheea who had sighed for the 19th time now.

She slowly looked at him and then again her head drooped down as she sighed for the 20th time.

Kyle made a tsch sound with his tongue and inner cheeks before laying his head on her lap and said in a softly coaxing tone, "You know what, Sheea? You can tell me anything that you want. I trust whatever YOU say."

Sheea pouted as she brushed her hands on Kyle's soft hair and forced a smile.

Strange! Why is his hair so smooth and silky even when he doesn't take care of it?



"I'm upset."


"Very upset!"


"You don't care about me anymore?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. You aren't paying attention to me. You aren't sharing anything to me either," Kyle said as he buried his face in her stomach and nuzzled it with his nose, making her twitch in tickled.

"It's not that simple as you think it is, Kyle. And stop it. It tickles!"

But instead of stopping, Kyle nuzzled more into her as he voiced out, "No! I'll do Nuzzy Nuzzy! I'll only stop if you tell me what's bothering you."

"Oh! Then I'll-" Sheea didn't finish but her hands started to tickle Kyle in his sensitive spot making him chuckle and twisting on her lap.

"Hey! Hey! Shasha stop it! Or I'll... or I'll..."

"You'll what? Complete it!"

"I'll..." Kyle flipped as he pinned her down and stared at her with unhidden possessiveness and 'hunger', "Devour you right now."

Sheea gulped as he stared back into his golden eyes as she fought the urge to bite his face. Gosh! Was she a dog in her previous life or what?! Each time Kyle does something, she wanna bite him.

And he slowly brought his face closer to hers, her heart thumped louder as she raised her head to bring her face closer.

But instead of lip to lip touching, it became forehead to forehead touching as he whispered softly in a pleading tone, "Please open up to me, okay? I don't want you to keep everything within you and suffer alone."


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