
Loving Mr. Weird Guy

I will love you even if I have to travel miles. I will love you until infinity. But are we really meant to be?

Amaia_Sy · 若者
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Dumbfounded

After the break. Everyone settled down in their permanent seat and waited patiently for the result. I looked at Ryle and saw him napping with an earphone. There are four long white tables in the classroom wherein each table caters five students. During the activity, Ryle and I are the only ones in the last table since the three of our table mates were assigned to different partners. I look at the huge board where everyone had their eyes on. A minute later, a video presentation played. I cant help but admire the editing team. The moment the first word popped I know what the video is all about.

"Wow! Math Club is the best!" exclaimed by the awed Terrence.

"Let's see who gets to get in the Club this year." Brianna said proudly.

The video started representing the school. Later on, It directed to the Math Club. It showed a two- story modern-designed building. Unlike the other school buildings, the Math Club building seemed to be the one with the real definition of classy or so I guess. The whole ground floor is a huge convention hall and the second floor is where the offices of the Mathematics Club are. The advisers' office, the Club President's Office and The Club Officers or Meeting Room. Afterwards, the video introduced the former Club officers and I was in shock after seeing Ryle's face in the monitor. He had been appointed as the vice- president in his first year. I looked at Ryle and directly caught his eyes that are already looking at me. After the video, Mister Luis came in with a big smile, along with the head and other staffs of the school. I can sense a greater tension in everyone. Before we stand up to greet them, the dean instructed us to settle down.

"Good morning" said one of the staffs. Before I know it, there are already a lot of students who were outside the classroom waiting for the announcenent. At first, I thought that they go in every classroom to congratulate the passers but while I was lost in my thought I heard someone from the outside said,

"Woah! This means that the president and the vice is in this section?!"

While Mister Luis is still talking, I wrote something on the sticker note and slid it to Ryle's table. He noticed my hand and held it for a few seconds. After he let it go, he raised his head and smiled at me. He read the note and get his pen to write something and handed it to me in secret. The note says,

" You're not listening to Mister Luis, are you? Be ready. " I was puzzled as to ehat he meant but as I am still figuting out what it meant I heard Mister Luis' saying

"Now, let us see who gets in to the Math Club. Are you ready?" No one responded but the tensed face of everyone is more than enough to tell they are quite impatient already. Seconds later, all the sound system in the whole school sounded a drum roll with an announcement. Slowly, one of the staffs inside the classroom picked up something and spoke.

" Everyone please proceed to the ground. The set of new math club officers and members will be announced." He slid the "thing" to her pocket and looked at us.

"I guess you already know why we paid you a visit, right?" The dean paused for a while and scanned all our faces.

"The two top scorers for this year is on your class. Out of ten questions each student receives they both got a 100 percent. To whoever that is, you will find out later." After the dean's words we all stand up and followed them towards the ground area. I am next to Ryle and I am also the last student in the line-up but Ryle pushed me lightly and make me line up before him. "What a gentleman, thanks" I said while looking at him. He simply smiled and winked at me. I can feel my cheeks heating up.

The moment we arrived in the ground, there are already chairs lined up for everyone. Ryle sat next to me and beside him is another guy probably from other section. Ryle realized I am looking at the one beside him and instantly blocked my eyes with his face looking straight at me. I was a bit shocked on what he did but I got his signal and instantly shifted my gaze.

"Don't go staring at every guys face. You can look at me instead. I'm even handsome." I was dumbfounded at the moment. I don't know why I am feeling guilty. Brianna who is sitting right in front of me caught my reaction as Ryle slowly went back to his phase. She looked at me with a cold eyes. I glared back at her and let my eyes connect with her. After about ten seconds she let out a fake smile and turned her head back to the stage.

Everyone have already gathered and the school faculty and staffs are already in the stage. The program started.