
Loving Is Difficult

Jennifer Morgans is a successful 26 year old woman who had gotten her heartbroken in three previous relationships. She was about celebrating her third year anniversary with her current boyfriend Dave, when her heart got broken for the fourth time and that was when she concluded that love wasn't for her and decided to give up on love. She became very cold and rebuilt her walls, vowing never to let any man into her heart again. Andrews Zander is a multi-billionaire and well known notorious playboy . He happens to run into Jennifer at a night club and had a bad encounter with her. After that night he strikes a deal with his friends to get even with her by getting her to date him and then dump her when she least expects it. What will happen between them? Will Andrews plan work? Will Jennifer ever open her heart for love again? Find out in Andrews and Jennifer's story.

Blackberry1234_ · 都市
13 Chs

A Dreadful Encounter

Arriving at the entrance of the club, I came down from my car and gave the valet the key. I was about entering when Jane's call came in.

"Hello. Miss Jen, have you arrived yet?"

"Yes, I'm about entering."

"Okay, we're at the VIP section." They must really be going all out for them to book the VIP section.

Entering the club, I was welcomed with loud music and shouts. Some people were almost having sex right there on the dance floor. I almost puked at the sight.

Strippers could be seen on different poles entertaining their customers while they threw money on them.

After series of pushing and contact with different sweaty bodies, I found the staircase that led to the VIP section. Reaching the top, I scanned for any sign of Jane but couldn't see her. I was about bringing out my phone to call her when someone tapped me from behind.

"You care for a dance?" I turned back to see a slightly drunken guy who kept swaying from one feet to another. No, I take back the slightly, he looked really drunk and could hardly stand properly.

"No, I don't" I was typing Jane's name on my phone when this guy suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

His breathe smelled, coupled with the fact that he already had a few drinks. I scrunched my nose at the odor oozing out from mouth. Doesn't he brush?

"Leave me alone!" I pushed him away from me holding my phone tightly. He didn't seem to take the hint and tried reaching for me again.

"I said I don't want to dance!" I landed a slap on his cheek breathing heavily.

What have I done? He looked really angry and was about attacking me when someone quickly intervened.

"Back off bro. She said, she doesn't want to dance" He slightly pushed the guy. The guy sized him from head to toe before reluctantly leaving.

"Are you okay?" He turned to look at me.

I lost my voice for a moment. How can one be this fine. He was at least 6ft tall. He was dressed in black slacks and white polo that could hardly contain his broad chest. His black, long, curly hair was begging me to touch it. His face was a sight to behold, large eyes, medium nose, strong jaw, wide cheekbones and full kissable lips.

I imagined my lips on his. Kissing, sucking and tasting the flavor of his lips. My imagination was shortlived when I was brought back to reality.

"Hey, are you okay? Still in shock?" The stranger asked with a look of worry on his face.

"No...Yes, yes, I'm fine..." I said a bit dazzled.

How could I just loose myself like that. I feel like a sex starved woman.

"OMG! Miss Jen, I've been looking for you" I turned to look at the direction of the voice only to see Jane walking towards me. Finally! She shows up.

"I couldn't find you. Was about calling" I waved my phone at her.

"Thank you for earlier" I turned to the stranger giving my thanks.

He was about saying something when I walked off with Jane leaving him hanging. No matter how much of a hunk he is, I'm not falling. I'm not going down the path of heartbreak again. I already promised myself that.


Jane led me to the table were the rest of the team members were having fun. The moment they saw me their faces fell, they looked uncomfortable with my presence.

"Welcome ma. Good evening ma" They stood up greeting as if I just arrived in a conference room.

"It's fine. You all can relax. Feel free to dance and have fun. You guys deserve it" They glanced at each other not knowing if they should follow my instructions. Okay, this was getting awkward.

Few minutes later, they were able to relax and converse freely. I zoned out of their discussion, sipping on a glass of cocktail. I looked around, and my eyes fell on a guy trying to talk to a girl at the bar. The guy kept trying to touch her but the girl got angry and threw her drink on his face, leaving him in shock.

I laughed out loudly, choking a little on my drink. Serves him right he should learn to keep his hands to himself.

"What's funny?" Jane shouted over the loud music. I faced her only to find both of us left here.

"Where are the rest?" Did my presence finally chase them away?

"They went to the dance floor. That's what you do in a club. Not sitting here moping around" She shook her head at me like I was a child she was disappointed in.

"I'm having fun sitting right here. I even laughed at something" That's part of fun right?

"No way! We're going to dance. Come on!" She stood and pulled me up. She poured tequila into two glasses and handed me one.

"Drink up. We need some motivation if we're going to get crazy tonight" I chugged it down in one go. We had two more shots before making our way to the dance floor.

I chased away most guys that tried to dance with me. I might be a little tipsy but I wasn't going to give these horny guys a chance. Jane was nowhere in sight as a guy quickly whisked her away immediately we hit the dance floor.

"Hey" I heard someone whisper behind my neck. His breath fanned slightly on my neck and I shivered slightly at the action.

I turned back only to see stranger that helped me earlier.

"Hey, yourself" I said keeping my face devoid of any emotions.

"Uhm... It seems boring dancing by yourself. Can we go talk at the bar?"

"Sure" I agreed since Jane already ditched me.

We arrived at the bar after a lot of struggle. The crowd here was something else.

"Do you care for a drink?"

"Yeah, I'll have an Earl Grey Martini" I said to the bartender.

"Whip me sex on the beach" He said slipping him a twenty.

"So what do you want? I believe I already thanked you for you help earlier" The quicker this conversation ends the better for me. I could hardly keep my hormones under control in front of this guy.

"Woah, calm down princess" The bartender gave us our drinks and I quickly took a sip. I raised my eyes at him to get him talking.

"I've been watching you on the dance floor and I must say you are hot. And I think you'd be hotter without these clothes" He smiled and came closer. He smelled my hair while playing with it.

Who does this guy think he is? Do I look like a slut to him? Is he okay?

"Will you get the fuck out of my face you imbecile. I can't believe I actually followed you here, sat down, only to listen to the rubbish you just vomited. Do I look like a slut to you?" He looked a bit taken aback by my outburst.

"Come on, don't act like you're not attracted to me. I know you want me and I'm ready to give you what you want. You should be happy. Many women in this club would like to be in your shoe right now."

"Then they should come and wear it. I can't believe I actually thought you were sensible. You stupid man whore. Since you can easily get other women in your bed then go ahead, because I'm off limits."

"Was this why you helped me earlier? Or did you set him up so you could come play knight in shining armor? So you'd come save the day and be a hero, then I'd smile at you and do whatever you say? You know what? Fuck it."

I stood up to leave but he dragged me back. Doesn't he understand what rejection means? I can't believe I was even attracted to this douchebag for a second.

"Do you even know who you're turning down right now?" Geez! Men and their ego. They can never take no for an answer.

My eyes went to the drink on the table and I smirked at my thoughts. I quickly grabbed the glass and threw the drink on his face. I hope the no became clearer.