
Love You Now and After

Anna an orphan all her life does not know what it means to be truly loved. When she gets to know that she has only six more months to live due to cancer, she decides to spend the remaining time with her only friend since childhood and moves in with her. To her utter horror, she realizes that her best friend's boyfriend is falling for her and so she tries everything in her power to avert the catastrophe that might tear her friend's life apart. With the help of Jayden Strum a self-declared playboy and an impossible rogue, anna hatches a plan but never would have guessed the cost to be so heart-wrenchingly painful. (The world is similar to ours but not the same. The current year is 703. The country is called Norwok)

AraWhesto · 都市
3 Chs

Catherine Rose

----Anna POV----

I have everything packed and set to go now. Doc and Michelle helped me pack and are driving me to the airport. I will be meeting Cat in another 3 to 4 hours and don't have a clue how to tell her. I bid my farewell to doc and Michelle and they wish me luck and ask me to come back and visit.

I finally arrived at Hope City. The city I fell in love with during my previous visits to Cat. It is surrounded by lush green forests, waterfalls and streams. As compared to the concrete jungle back home I love it here. Cat is waiting for me at the entrance wearing fitted green jeans and a pink t-shirt that says Cat with a small picture of a cat. I take a look at her standing there at 5"4', with long honey-blond hair and hazel eyes. She is beautiful, she always was. She is the kind of person that attracts everyone's attention in a room. Wittingly or unwittingly everyone takes a look at her. I call out to her and she runs to me and gives me a tight hug.

"I missed you, my dear Anna. How have you been, took you long enough to finally stay with me", and she kisses me on my cheek.

I hug her back. "I missed you too. But you know how it is for me, my recent invention took a little longer to finish and I was caught up with it"

"Look at my little genius inventing stuff left and right. I am proud of you An".

"Ha ha no way, It is just my third invention so far", and mostly my last I think to myself. I guess I knew somehow I might not survive much longer and there was this drive in me to leave a lasting mark on this society.

----Cat POV----

I look at An and I am just barely holding back my tears. I had missed her so much. She is my best friend and my little sister and I was worried to move here four years ago leaving her behind. But she convinced me not to give up such a good opportunity for her sake and make her feel guilty for it. I finally relented. I still don't know if that was the right thing to do. I sometimes wonder if I should have found a university closer to home. But then I would never have met Andrew.

I carefully analyse An if there is anything amiss. She looks like she has lost a little weight, but otherwise, everything seems fine. She is wearing our shirt too, a pink t-shirt which says Ant with a small picture of an ant. I knew she would wear it. We have a lot of Ant and Cat stuff including small replicas too. That was a standing joke between us. When we were little and An started calling me Cat, I would call her Ant in return, although this would mostly happen during our fights as kids. It somehow stuck and we started giving each other Ant and Cat stuff like hats, mugs and such. She always says I am the beautiful one, but she doesn't realize she is very beautiful. Not in a strike-you-dead kind of a way, but more subtle, with her chin-length burgundy hair and large green eyes. She could make anyone do her bidding just by looking at those doleful eyes if she so chooses to do it.

I can sense that something is bothering her and I just hope it's not her health again. I asked about her health last week and she told me all is well and good. Could be that she is not used to taking time off work unless it is her treatments and that has her worried. I pray to God that, that is all it is.

We drive back to my place and she tells me all about finishing her latest project and I tell her about my recent work at FinTech, as a financial advisor. And the topic finally comes to my boyfriend.

"How is Andrew, I am dying to finally meet the love of your life. You have told me so much about him that I think I already know him. Let me tell you now, if he ever hurts you in any way, then I would have to invent something for him to suffer in pain for all eternity", An says.

I laugh, " I will let him know about your threat my An, but he is great and I can never imagine him hurting me ever. You will love him just wait and see".

By some strange turn of events my best friend and my boyfriend have never been able to meet in person. They always miss each other during her or my visits. This is the first time and I am really looking forward to it, but I am a little nervous too. I really do want her to like Andrew.

We finally arrive at the house. It is a small two-floor Victorian-style house with a front and back yard nestled among the trees and the back yard leads to the forest and a stream.

----Anna POV----

Wow, I couldn't believe my eyes. This is the most beautiful cosy house I had ever seen. I could hear the sound of water running in the stream nearby and the smell of forest with rain-drenched trees.

"Yeah I know right", she sees my reaction. "I still sometimes wonder if I am really staying here. Me the skyrise apartment girl, but this was Andrew's one condition. I knew you would love it here, the tree hugger you!! " I just smile and enjoy the surrounding.

The front door opens and out comes Andrew. I have talked to him before on my regular video chats with Cat, but he still says "Hi, I am Andrew Lewis, nice to finally meet you in person". I laugh at that and shake his hand saying "Hello Andrew, I am Anna Marigold, pleased to have made your acquaintance". He smiles and his whole face lights up with it. I can see what Cat was raving all about. He is an extremely good-looking guy. He was around 6"2" I guess, with a strong and athletic build, hazel eyes and full lips and a killer smile. I am happy for Cat, if he is as good a person as Cat has told me, then I don't have to worry about her being alone after me.