
Love You Now and After

Anna an orphan all her life does not know what it means to be truly loved. When she gets to know that she has only six more months to live due to cancer, she decides to spend the remaining time with her only friend since childhood and moves in with her. To her utter horror, she realizes that her best friend's boyfriend is falling for her and so she tries everything in her power to avert the catastrophe that might tear her friend's life apart. With the help of Jayden Strum a self-declared playboy and an impossible rogue, anna hatches a plan but never would have guessed the cost to be so heart-wrenchingly painful. (The world is similar to ours but not the same. The current year is 703. The country is called Norwok)

AraWhesto · Urban
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3 Chs

The beginning of the End

----Anna POV----

I have known all my life that this day would come eventually, but like everyone, I hoped it would be later than this. Alas, it can't be helped.

I was diagnosed with AML(Acute Myeloid Leukemia) at the age of 13 and had been in and out of the hospital since then. Now I have finally got the diagnosis that would have been inevitable. I have had one too many remissions and now I am at the point of no return. No cure, No hope.. I am now at Calstadt City Hospital a week after getting the final verdict.

"Six more months of me harassing you doc", I say to Dr. Sanderson. He has been my doc since the initial diagnosis.

"Finally getting rid of you", says doc, but I can see the tears that he is trying to hide. "Have you made any arrangements, I have told you to come and stay with me, you know Michelle asked you and you didn't want to come. But I want you to consider it again please Ana".

"I know doc, you have asked me before and my answer's the same. Please doc let's not go into it again. Moreover Cat wants me to stay with her, like our good old times in Maple House". "Have you told her yet", he asks. "Not yet", I say.

Before I go any further let's go to the beginning. Not the beginning of times, just mine. The beginning of my life was quite tragic if I have to be frank. My name is Anna Marigold. I was born I don't where to I don't know whom. I was found on the steps of an orphanage for girls called The Maple House on 01.08.683 and I have lived there for most of my life. At least they left me in a very good orphanage, otherwise, my story might have been quite different indeed.

I wouldn't say that life in Maple House was all sugars and roses. It had its ups and downs, but I had Cat, or Catherine Rose to be more precise. She is older than me by two years and my sister in all but blood. We had a very good education as there would be professors from different fields teaching us due to their mandatory service according to law. We could have chosen a public school, but we loved it here. Everything was going well until all of a sudden it wasn't.

I was 13 and in a top university called Carlstad University studying sensor technology for three years. Some call me a genius because of that, but to me, it is what I am. It also helped that I had access to genius professors in school to learn from them. I had just received an award for inventing a cost-effective handheld sensor to analyse a blood sample within 6 seconds to know all its contents. It has revolutionized criminal investigation and medical diagnosis. We were celebrating it with everyone in the orphanage. We danced and played games until late in the night. Our caretakers were also relaxed today and we had their permission to sleep late as an exception. We were all exhausted by the end of the night and slept late.

The next day I couldn't wake up. I had a very high fever and fatigue. This day became the worst day of my life. My life took a 180-degree turn that day. That was the day I was first admitted to the hospital and there began the journey of my battle with AML. Thankfully I had amassed some money from the success of my invention which helped in my treatment. Some good came out of this though. I met Dr. Jared Sanderson, my doctor who is more like a father to me. I finally found a family with him and Michelle his wife, who is this sweet maternal person who showers me with so much love that I don't remember not having any before her. They both mean the world to me. I think they would have adopted me if not for my invention being so big. It became impossible to be adopted by anyone anymore due to all the legal disputes and technicalities. There are always two sides to a coin now isn't there? Anyways in our hearts, we know what we mean to each other.

Now coming back to the present I can see doc is still worried and wants me to stay with him and Michelle. But I know it will be very painful for them and especially doc, he would beat himself up for not being able to treat me every day he sees me.

"Don't worry doc, I will be alright in Hope City, it's only 6 hour's driver from Carlstad and I could come back anytime I want", I convince him.

"Fine if that is what you want. You must miss Cat too and it would be good to spend some time there as well. Promise me you will be careful of your health and don't forget your meds", the doc says.

"I promise", I say.

"Let me know when you will be leaving dear we would come to help you pack"

"Mostly in a week doc, I will call you about the day"

"Ok take care now". I leave the hospital with a heavy heart. I haven't told Cat about remission and about getting tested again. I don't think I can tell her just yet. It is still a lot to process for me.

Six months is all I have and I don't know what to do next. I have been in limbo since I got the results last week. I finally decided I wanted to spend some time with Cat before it is not possible anymore. I only mentioned to her about taking six months' sabbatical from work. I think it is better I tell her in person.