
Love Unrehearsed

A famous rockstar. Attractive, talented, rich and a playboy. He falls into someone's loathsome scheme because of his careless act. An innocent girl. Naive but feisty. She works for the rockstar and eventually saved him from tainting his name. They find themselves needing each other. They find themselves falling for each other. Will their love survive the crazy entertainment world? How will he protect her from the dangers of being famous? And how will she cope up with his fame and Casanova image?

Noona_D · 現実
8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Nasty Scheme

It was a hard day's work. The members were exhausted after the band's whole day rehearsal. Their much awaited concert is coming in days and they are all working double time, with no margin for error. Jackson can't feel his fingers. The fifteen songs they are going to perform stiffened his hand, he cannot stretch it. Being the band's lead guitarist and main vocals is one tough job. He needs to put his best foot forward everytime they hit the stage. He had to lead the band and satisfy the crowd.

"We're going out for dinner. You want to come?" Aaron asked him.

He shook his head fast. "No, thanks. I'll just call Grab. I need to make some revision on the first track. The intro is a bit jumpy. You go ahead.

"Alright then. But I didn't see Nathan today. Do you want me to call Grab for you?"

Jackson sighed and stood up. "Nathan's no longer working for me," he replied frugally.

"Really? Nathan's out? So, are you planning for another fun tonight?" Felix teased.

Jackson scoffed and shook his head fast. "Nah. I don't want to wake up again with a stranger in my bed."

"You know what, Hyung? We have nothing against you being the leader. You are very effective and you carry the band outstandingly. But you got to be careful with too much partying especially now that Nathan's out. A stranger in your bed is quite alarming. What if she's a hater trying to nail you into a controversy? You don't know how these people minds work sometimes."

"Aaron's absolutely right. Mr. Lee warned us already. Shutterbugs are everywhere especially now that we got the spotlight. And haters are eager to find something to screw us all out."

Jackson knows they're telling a fact and couldn't agree more. His mates concerns all are valid. But he can't stand serious conversations especially with the two. Jackson rests his arms up as he speaks. "Okay, enough! You both sound like my Eomma."

"Were just concerned, Hyung. And we're just being careful. We learned our lesson after what happened to Tom."

Jackson clenched his jaw and remained silent. The once four man band is now three and his responsibility as a the group's leader was put into compromise. It is the first time they'll going to hold a concert as a three member band and quite honestly, he's worried with the outcome.

Losing Tom puts the band under pressure. But keeping him will lead to the band's downfall. They need to choose what's best and just or all of them will fail.

"Knock, knock. Am I interrupting something?"

A girl's calling that came from nowhere made them all surprised. The band room is strictly prohibited for visitors but it wasn't the case for Tiffany. She's also the company's artist but at the moment, she went on hiatus. Seeing her there is quite a shock and what's more intriguing is the box of pizza she's holding on her hands. Jackson didn't feel comfortable with her being around. What they did a long time ago is definitely over and strictly work related only. He didn't pursue her in any ways and not planning to do it at all. Hooking up with a co- artist is a red buzz. It's not his game.

'Tiff, what are you doing here?" he lamely asked.

"Can we talk in private, Jackson?"

"I think we need to go now. Carry on, Hyung. Nice seeing you again, Tiff," Felix uttered and went ahead and Aaron followed.

They were left alone and Jackson regretted declining Aaron's invite for a dinner. Being with Tiffany in the band room is quite choking. She's a drama queen and until now, Jackson's quite pissed on himself for accepting an offer to be in that reality show program where he played to be Tiffany's boyfriend for 90 long days.

"We're on rehearsal. Visitors are not allowed, you know that," he coldly stated.

Tiffany laughs a little. "Agnes let me in. And don't be so mean. You should be thankful I dropped by. There's no need for you to call Grab. Here, let's eat."

Having a conversation with Tiffany is senseless and whatever reason she had for coming over, he's not interested in any of it. At that moment he realized the importance of a special PA. Nathan is quick to turn down everyone everytime he's having rehearsals. That's the rule. Nathan knows he hates being interrupted during a hard day's practice and Tiffany is not an exemption.

Jackson quickly grabs his cap and slid on his jacket. He's sober now and flirting is not in the game. He's serious about his craft. Mr. Lee wanted perfection. It's all on him now that they lose one tail.

"I don't want to be rude but I think I need to go catch up with the guys. There's something I forgot to tell them. Just go straight with something you want to tell me."

Tiffany gave him a vile smile and walks a little closer, almost touching him. Jackson was stunned for the sudden aggressive move. She move a little more closer, with her lips to almost touching his ear. Jackson felt a little cowered, he almost push her back.

"I know what you did last night, you naughty, naughty brat."

Jackson's eyes narrowed in confusion. He straightened his body to meet Tiffany's sloppy gaze.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" he uttered insolently.

Jackson thoughts quickly scattered from what he had heard. He's in the middle of being confuse and furious. What he did last night he cannot recall and someone is trying to take advantage of the situation. He didn't know Tiffany so well and he refuse to believe she's trying to pin him down into something he's oblivious about.

"C'mon, Tiff. I don't know what you're trying to play here. Let's quit this nonsense," Jackson tried to act chill.

But he's wrong. His fear heightened when he saw a grim smile appeared on Tiffany's face. Her lip curved upward giving him an insane grin. She took her phone out and opened a clip right in front of Jackson's confuse eyes. And what he just saw rocked him so hard he couldn't move.

It was him, knocked out, helpless and clueless as hell. It's almost a 60 second clip of him in his bed and what followed next answered his questions on why there's someone in his bed last night. It was that girl from earlier. He saw the stranger took off his clothes and then she followed to take on hers. The video ended with the lights turned off.

But it didn't end right there. Tiffany showed him the pictures of him and the girl, both naked on the sheets, and will suspectedly passed for a scandal. Jackson wanted to smash himself for being incautious. He couldn't believe he allowed such a detraction to happen.

"I got you, playboy," Tiffany fiendishly laughs.

He never heard such a wicked laugh coming from someone he once trusted. They were colleagues. They were once rumored to be dating but Jackson was always quick to deny it. He wasn't that interested on Tiffany and back then, he's dating an actress but never confirmed it until that relationship ended.

He swallowed gently and tried to calm his pounding heart. It's just a girl trying to pin him down. No way he's going to allow it.

"I don't know what you're trying to tell me, Tiff, but what's the purpose of that video?! Are you trying to release that?! What for?! I didn't touch that girl and I know it!", Jackson bravely insisted.

"It's true. How can you when you're squandered like a wet kitty," Tiffany uttered back. "But you know, that girl, Arianne is my friend. The after party last night was a blast. You're having fun, we even saw you flirt with that DJ in the corner. And then I thought, what if? I made Arianne the bait and without a doubt, you took the bait!"

Flirting, yes. Jackson will gladly admit he'd done that. But the next things that had happened is still a blur. The last thing he remembered was Nathan gave him the last drink. But he didn't listen and got another two rounds of tequila. After that, he woke up the next day with a girl on his bed.

"That's right, Jackson. Arianne is that girl's name. Of course you don't know her because you were never introduced. She's only an accomplice. We put something on your drink when you're busy flirting with the DJ. That's why you can't remember the details after that."

"Damn it, Tiffany! What exactly do you want?!"

"What do I want?" she teasingly asked back. "It's not that difficult, Jackson. I want you to admit to the public that we're dating. In that case, I can have a higher chance to regain my status back. We still got fans from the reality show we both starred before. They'll be thrilled to know that we're really a couple. And you're not in the position to say no to my plans. Because I got something here that will cause your downfall," she continued and waved the phone up in the air.

"Jesus, Tiff! Seriously?! What did I wrong to you?! We're once a team, right?!" Jackson was furious he couldn't hold any longer.

He was so pissed that he's thinking of strangling her right then and there. Tiffany has a dark side he'd never seen before.

"Of course, we're once a team. And right now, we're a team again. You're helping me with my comeback, I'm helping you too with whatever you want to do. Still a win for you."

"How the fuck can you say that?! You're blackmailing me and you tell me it's a win-win for both of us?! You will gain something from me but it's not the same thing for me, because you're holding something that would risk my my name, my band, my reputation! God, Tiff! I couldn't believe you're saying this to me right now! If you want a good comeback then work hard for it! I won't fall for this nasty scheme!'

Tiffany laugh again. But it's a kind of laugh that would make your body tingle. Jackson never heard that laugh before. Tiffany move to place herself freely into a chair and swiveled it like a child. She looks at him enjoying the touch of torment she is giving him.

"Then this picture will surely hit the headline first thing in the morning!" she warned. "If you're not going to help me with my comeback then you better go down too!" she yelled.

How quickly her reaction changed. It's so cringy he was frozen to where he stood. Then a sad reality hit him, so hard he could move for seconds. The irrational mood swings, the disorganized thinking, the unpredictable or inappropriate emotional responses and even the torment she gives that's causing him pain and emotional distress. She don't play by the same rule book as the rest and she wanted to win with ease. No morals. No restraints. It's like her other brain is controlling her and she can't fight it.

"Tiff, listen to me, you don't need to do this. I can help you but not in a way like this," Jackson gently hushed.

He gets it now. She's unstable. Unluckily, he's the one who stood out to her to take the bait. And he was negligent of his actions and now the consequences are slowing bringing it's power to take him down, and worse, under a crazy girl's hands.

Jackson stared at the phone. It was held loose onto Tiffany's hands. Strong and swift as he is, he could take it away that easy if somehow he could distract her. He glanced fast at the monitor, hoping that Agnes can see the commotion happening inside the band room. But strangely, Agnes is nowhere in sight.

"Are you thinking if you strip this phone away from me, you'll come clean? Do you think I didn't made duplicates? And Agnes has gone home already, Jackson. She's not going to interrupt because I already told her we're a couple. But of course, that's still our little secret. I don't want to spoil the big news to the world yet."

"Damn it...," he mumbled helplessly.

Tiffany's so smart for a schizophrenic. From that very moment, he came to understand the importance of a special PA. If Nathan was only there, none of that will happen. Jackson wanted to bang his head on wall. He's a hand tied idiot and looking like a scared cat and how he hates the idea of it.

"And yeah, Nathan. I almost forgot."

Jackson's eyes went bigger hearing her say Nathan's name. He never had the slightest notion that Nathan's sudden quitting is also her doing. He was flabbergasted even more.

"He's now working with the Kims. I recommended him. You know, our group's former member, Gayle, wanted a bodyguard. Her husband can pay triple than what you can offer. And the Kims are not pains in the neck like you, Jackson. I guess Nathan's loyalty is not as strong than you think it is," Tiffany amusingly laughs.

His mind shouts in disbelief. How confusing for a girl to put him on pause and be covered with fear he didn't dream he'd ever feel. But the world moves on and so is his life. No other girl can break it apart, so he decided to play along.

Jackson breathed in slow while trying to think straight and outsmart the opponent. How can you defeat a crazy enemy? Simple. Act crazy too. He'll cross the threshold of Tiffany's twisted and sick alternative reality. And when he got that small chance, he'd strike back. It's just a matter of timing and speed. He'll make sure he'll win against her crazy antics.

"I'm on," Jackson bravely stated and made a strong eye contact. "But let's do this fair and square. Surrender to me that video and all of it's copies after you laid out your plans. Can you do that?"

In that moments of eye gaze, Jackson saw Tiffany smile like a champ. He took his eyes off and curse himself in silence. The sudden turn of events is insanely frustrating. He is now trapped into someone's loathsome scheme. He couldn't fathom the thought that he was blackmailed.

"Why are you so in a hurry? The video is safe on my hands. The deletion will come, Jackson, but right now I want you make the starting move. You do the confirmation. Tell the press we're dating and I want it on live broadcast."

"But Tiff, what you want is not easy. We'll be holding a concert in two weeks. Give me time to sort this all out," Jackson retaliates.

"Fifteen days. That's your run down. Don't make me wait or else.."

From Tiffany's face comes her true state. The more he retaliates, the more she'll gets upset. The harder it is to turn the tables down.

"I'll do the confirmation after the concert's done. I promise," Jackson let the last world sound like a hush but fair enough to let her hear it.

"Deal!" Tiffany joyfully exclaimed.

The next move didn't prepare Jackson from what is about to happen. Tiffany moved out of the swivel chair and moved closer to him, so fast that he was perplexed, and without any word, she banged him hard on the wall and took his cap off. Jackson was flabbergasted with the sudden blow. He opened her mouth to speak but she devoured his lips for a long, devious kiss. Jackson was deeply stunned and inert. Her breathes smells like a booze. It was the worst, skanky kiss he'd ever had.

"Damn, Jackson! I didn't know your lips tastes like fine wine. You know, I dreamed of doing this before but I just couldn't take my chance," Tiffany chuckled and was in awe.

She starts to press her hand down and slowly getting her fingers to slid inside his pants. Jackson jumped as his thoughts crumble in panic. Tiffany's so aggressive he couldn't understand why. And no way he's going to take advantage of her like that. He don't know how her thoughts functions. It might be another trap. He vigorously shove her away as he breathlessy muttered.

"Tiff, stop. This is enough. I already agreed to your wants, right? Let's call this a night, can we?"

Tiffany licked her lips like she didn't have enough. She again attempts to kiss him but that unexpected calling saved him from another peril.

"Mr. Jung, this is security. Are you still there? I didn't see you walked out the building with your band members. Is everything okay?"

Jackson didn't believe that angels exists but in that instance, he thank heavens from sending one. "I'm still here, Ahjussi. I'm about to come out. I'm sorry for not informing I'd be staying late. My apologies."

"I think we need to do this again in private. Drive safe, Jagiya. I'll see you soon," Tiffany whispered on his ear, so soft only him can hear.

Enough is enough. He can't stand it anymore. He pushed Tiffany forcefully and to let himself go. With gritting teeth, he greets her accursed stare with a much raging gaze. It's much like a warning, but shamefully more of a begging.

Jackson never thought that, at a time in the past when he used to know that person, he didn't have such a thought but, although he trusted her then, he'd one day fall into her nasty scheme.
