
Love through swords

Set in ancient India, during the decline period of Indus Valley Civilization and the starting of the period of Vedas, this epic tale follows the saga of the war between the Aryans and Dravidians. In this story, Devsena, the daughter of Chamundi, lead the Dravidians in a war against Aryans. However, she meets Varundeva and falls in love with him in the battlefield, despite the knowledge of him being a Dravidian.

my_tiny_booktique · 歴史
24 Chs

The Beginning

There was nothing but darkness in the beginning. Lightening strike it. Striking and bumping has been the most important reason of the deterioration and change in the world. When the rocks started to bump into each other many sub continents formed. One of them was the Indian sub continent. If there was anywhere heaven on the Earth, that was here. On one side of the mighty Himalaya, next to the Saptasindhu[1], was the kingdom of the prosperous and powerful Dravids and on the other side there was another civilization. The civilization of the group of great warriors who are known by the name of Arya. They have been trying to get the control of the Dravids from many years, and they have almost reached to the Saptasindhu valley. It's not only going to be a war but it was going to be the starting of a very large permeation.


Arya camp ------

The head priest of the group, Agnimitra, was chanting a prayer in their ritual stage. As soon as his prayer over, he looked up in the sky and found a unicorn of white cloud formed on the dark night sky, which disappeared in a split of second. His wrinkled face formed a smile and said, "The God of Thunder have given his signal. The land across Saptasindhu, which is destined to be called after the name of Aryavarta, should be founded out as soon as possible. The God of Fire has also successfully accepted our sacred sacrifices. This is only the signal that our group will be successful in their search".

He moved towards Veer Kayasth, an Aryan chieftain who bowed to his leader, and said," Your courage have always earned respect for Aryans. The group which will complete the wish of God of Thunder, is going to be lead by you". He delightedly said," Leader Agnimitra, I might have been alive only to hear this one sentence from you. This order of yours may have been a good luck to any Aryan, but to me it's like every wish of my life have been fulfilled ". With a face full of pride, Agnimitra said," Go and find the land where the rivers of milk and water flow. A land which can turn a dead seed to life. Go find it because that will be the land where Arya will set up its civilization. The mighty warriors of Veer Kayasth, go do your responsibility and make your father and friends proud". They all bow to the head priest as he leaves the hall for his meditation.

Everyone else leave to their own tents. In the discussion of a group Varundev said," Sivaan! You know these routes and mountains more than anyone else. You are going to be selected for sure". Another member of the group said, " Varundev! What do you think, who is going to be selected other than Sivaan"? Varundev said, " Who knows? You want that you should be selected in the team and I want that Veer Kayasth would come and tell, Varundev! my group is nothing without you ".

As they were chit chatting, Veer Kayasth came. Everyone one made systematic rows and stood up. After that, Veer Kayasth said, " According to the orders of God of Thunder and the wish of Purohit Agnimitra, from this halt I should be taking a group with me for the search of the Saptasindhu land. This work have both risk and problems. So, I want some warriors who can play with risk and fight with problems. We have to leave now only. So, go and make preparations ". After that he selected the group and as expected Sivaan and Varundev were selected.

As they were about to leave to make preparations, Veer Abhrook, another Arya chieftain came and said," I think Veer Kayasth made a mistake of thinking the child of a donkey, a child of a horse". As he went away, Varundev was about to do something, suddenly a hand on his shoulder stopped him. His father came and said," He is envious of you. If you really want to get revenge word is not enough shut him up with your success ". Varundev said," I don't mind him mocking me but I can't just hear you being insulted ". His father said like a teacher that," Courage and tolerance are like two faces of a coin and warriors are made from the alloy of the coin.


In the mountains of Himalaya -----

The group selected by Veer Kayasth is making their way to the Saptasindhu land. Sivaan is forwarding the group for his knowledge of routes and Varundev is in the front for his fast reflexes to ensure that their is no danger. Veer Kayasth is in the back to ensure as a leader that everyone in the group is safe. As the storm increases he ordered his group to find some safe place to rest.

As the storm came to an end and they were about to start their journey, Varundev signaled them to stop. Surprised by sudden stopping Veer Kayasth asked," What is it Varundev "?

Varundev just replied one word 'Lenjam' and it was able to frighten the whole team. Sivaan said," It is the bandit group which eats the meat of human and human blood is their water. Right"? Nodding to his statement Veer Kayasth asked," How much is their number"? Varundev lost into deep hearing and said,"Approximately 15".

They were just 7 in number and their opponent is twice their number. Veer Kayasth, as a leader stood up and said," We will fight or will give up our lives but will never die in the hands of the opponents. It is soon going to be sunset and Aryans are not allowed to fight after sunset but there is no rule like this with the Lenjam. So, we have limited time. We are not going to die before we fulfill our goal. Our bodies are not made to be buried in snow rather it is made to burnt in fire. So, fill your heart with determination. We have to do this for our friends and for our next generations to come".

Meaning ---

Saptasindhu - A land made from the meeting of 7 rivers, i.e., Sutudri, Parsuni, Asikni, Vitasta, Vipas, Saraswati and Sindhu.

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