
Love through swords

Set in ancient India, during the decline period of Indus Valley Civilization and the starting of the period of Vedas, this epic tale follows the saga of the war between the Aryans and Dravidians. In this story, Devsena, the daughter of Chamundi, lead the Dravidians in a war against Aryans. However, she meets Varundeva and falls in love with him in the battlefield, despite the knowledge of him being a Dravidian.

my_tiny_booktique · History
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24 Chs

The Other Side of the Saptasindhu

As per the orders of the chieftain, the group prepared themselves for the fight. They were fighting near a cave in somewhere top in the mountains. They hid themselves behind the rocks present in up of the cave.

The Lenjam group arrived. They were grosser than even the wild animals. As they saw the footmarks of humans near the cave, they entered into it. The Aryans jumped and killed 3 from behind. The mouths of the Lenjam got watery seeing so many humans. Without sparing even a second, they prepared for the attack. There happened a fierce battle. The white snow started turning bloody. As they were continuing the fight, Sivaan warned," The sunset is going to happen soon. We have to complete it as soon as possible ". Hearing Sivaan's warning, Varundev got a idea. He bought the rope they have came with for climbing the mountains and tied one end of it to a rock and the other end secretively around a group of Lenjam, and pushed the rock down the mountain.

After completing it, when he turned around he saw a Lenjam member have attacked Kayasth. As he was about to help he too was attacked from behind. It took some time for him to free himself but between than Kayasth has been stabbed at his left shoulder and right thigh and a Lenjam has lifted him up to threw him. He threw a dagger which directly enter into the throat of the Lenjam and Kayasth was found holding the edge of the valley to prevent himself from falling. Varundev went and lend him his hand. A Lenjam caught his leg from behind and started scratching it by his nails which is just like the nails of a carnivore.

Other Aryans have almost completed the other Lenjam. Sivaan noticed the sun was about to set and gave the last notification. Kayasth meanwhile pulled the dagger from his left shoulder and stabbed it in the lower abdomen of the Lenjam left as Varundev pulled him up. Sivaan sounded the Saankh[1] as the sun set behind the mountain peak. The Aryans formed the fire and everyone praised Varundev's presence of mind. Sivaan prepared ointment for the injuries.

Suppressing his pain, Kayasth spoke, "Saptasindhu! The sweet water of Saptasindhu. I have spent my whole life looking for the Saptasindhu and today being so to my goal too I ---". As he was to say something, Varundev interjected," Don't say like this Chieftain. With an incomplete goal, neither will I die nor will let you die. You will taste the water of Saptasindhu for sure. This is my promise to you ".

Looking the firm look in his face, Sivaan said, " The route we are taking will almost need two days to reach Saptasindhu. There is a short cut which can get us to the Saptasindhu before the sunrise, but we need to climb a very large mountain which Kayasth will not be able to do in this condition". Hearing this Varundev said in a firm tone,"One who backs off by the fear of risk is not an Arya. I have promised Kayasth. So, I am going to cross the mountains carrying Kayasth in my shoulders".

As Varundev was carrying Kayasth in his shoulders, impressed by his attitude Kayasth said, " You have again made me a child. I remember my father carrying me in arms just like this when we went for the search of water". Kayasth shared with him the story of his childhood. His father was carrying him in his shoulders. His foot was already burnt and he was tired as well but he did not stopped. If they hadn't got water they should have died then and there. At last they saw water. His father dropped him and he went to the water and drank it. He took out his leather bag, filled it with water and went to his father. But it was very late. His father was taking his last breaths and with his closing eyes the only thing he said to his son was to go way from the desert to somewhere far. Very far. After the desert there is the land of Saptasindhu. The place where no one dies of hunger. No one dies of thirst.

As the sun start to rose, they could see the faint scenery of the Saptasindhu. Varundev dropped Kayasth near one of the rock and went to the river and bring the water in his leather bag. He helped Kayasth drink the water. As soon as the water went through the throat of Kayasth, only one word came out of his mouth ' Amrit '. After being satisfied by the divine taste of the water, he continued, "In the other side of the Saptasindhu there is the governance of the Dravids. We have to defeat them and have to establish the Aryavarta". He then ordered for his sword which Sivaan handed to him. Taking his sword in hand he said," You will get my sword. Sivaan convey my message to the Arya Chieftains and Leader that I have the right to choose my successor and my successor will be a person who can risk his life for the sake of other's life. And my successor will be Varundev ". And the last word he said before closing his eyes was ' Aryavarta '.


On the other side

Northern side of the Himalaya

The Dravids Kingdom ----

A woman is walking in the throne room towards the Throne. Their is a sword and a crown placed on the throne. She touches them and as she was about to sit in the throne a voice echoed in her mind," Dayalini you can't sit on the throne. It don't belongs to you ". In an irritated tone she said that," 15 years have passed to this incident but the sound keep on repeating in my ears".

15 years ago -----

In the throne room there was a bed where a dead body is kept. She is Maharani[2] Chamundi. The elder sister of Dayalini. To her side was standing her husband, Anvamundan holding their daughter Devsena.

Dayalini moved towards the throne and as she was about to sit, Hahuma, the soothsayer and protector of the Dravidian throne said,"Dayalini you can't sit on the throne. Our Maharani Chamundi is not alive now but her daughter Princess Devsena is alive. This throne belongs to her". Nodding her head, Dayalini said,"Yes! But she is the daughter of my sister. These are the days of her jump and play. I don't want to put the responsibility of this large kingdom upon her tiny shoulders. I can't steal her childhood ". Hahuma continued," But the rules of the Dravidian kingdom says that up to the time Devsena becomes an elder, husband of Maharani Chamundi, Anvamundan, will complete all the responsibility on her behalf. You will help him but not sitting on the throne. You will help him as a Seshrani". Hahuma then placed the sword and the crown on the throne.

Present Time ----

As Dayalini was staring at the throne, Thangam, a ruthless warrior and chief knight of Dravids, was passing by but stopped at the sight of her and said,"Rani Dayalini, what do you always thinks about watching this throne"? Dayalini smiled and said,"I just thinks that who hates whom the most? Me to this throne or this throne to me". Smiling evilly, she said,"Your Highness! This throne can't hate you because this throne also know that no one can love this throne more than you". Sitting in the sit of the consort, she said,"What should I hide from you Thangam? You know that what things I have done to get this throne. I have also tried to kill Devsena. My own sister's daughter. But now she have been grown up and can be coronated any day".

Scratching a bit her wicked head, Thangam said, "You have tried everything. But one trial is still left. Whether she should be the queen or not depends on Hahuma. If Hahuma only--". " Hahuma is the teacher and soothsayer of us. We Dravids. She only does those things which our clan goddess says her to do and besides that she loves Devsena very much", interjected Dayalini.

Making her understand Thangam said,"I know, Your Highness! But you are wrong that Hahuma loves Devsena. She only loves Dravid kingdom. The last 150 years are the prove of this that when the question of the goodness of the Dravid Kingdom comes up, she doesn't sees anything. If we put up an concise in the heart of Hahuma that Devsena is not good to be called the queen of the Dravid Kingdom. Then? Hahuma will only do the things that will be good for the Dravid Kingdom. After that you will be called as the the queen, Maharani Dayalini".

She then moves up to her and whispered something in her ears. Dayalini excitedly said, "Very good Thangam. Very good. Why didn't you told me about this beforehand. I will not face a tiny bit of hardship too to make Hahuma understand this. I will only be called the queen". After Dayalini left, Thangam again showed the wicked smile of hers.

Meaning -----

[1] Saankh - An musical wind instrument made of shell used in the ancient India during the starting and ending of the battles and wars.

[2] Maharani - The queen consort.

[3] Seshrani - The wife of the king who don't have the right to sit in the throne.

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