
Love like petals, Chapter 11: A day at Rachel's home

I woke up at 7:16 this morning without any numb hands today but I was still on my bed and it was 7:35 already.

I was thinking about tomorrow's encounter with Liam and how I was acting like a foolish creature in from of him. "AAH!! So EMBARRASING!!!' I thought to myself while hitting my pillow on the bed and then soon laid back down on it again.

I continued to think about all of the events we did yesterday, and the memory of my hand touching Liam's hand flashed in my mind, it made me blush a bit. After that the memory of him sharing the chocolate biscuits with me flashed in my mind, at that time he said to me:

" You know these biscuits are too delicious to be eaten alone and I know you wanted them! So here have some!"

It made my heart flutter, as my voice still won't come out, I whispered thank you and took a few biscuits. Even though I had eaten these kind of biscuits before but the one shared by Liam were the sweetest biscuits that I had in my life and I didn't hated them, They were sweetly delicious… I was still thinking about Liam and couldn't notice Ace calling me in the background.

I heard him when he screamed to mom:

"Mommy!! Sis is daydreaming!"

And then my mom replied:

"Xia! Come out to eat!!"

I still hadn't washed up so it took a while to get out of my room.

Everyone had already started to eat at that time so I joined them. We had omelette rice (omurice) for breakfast.

After eating, I went back to my room and started to complete my assignments.

After a while, I received a text from Rachel:

"Hey! Whatcha doing?"


"Man! They are pain in the ass"


"Wanna come over my home?"

"Sure, come and take me"

"Fine! I am coming! Why do I always have to kidnap you?"

"I was just kidding, Don't come"

" Too late, Am on my way."

Few minutes later Rachel was in front of my house, mom went to open the door and exclaimed:

"Oh! Its Rachel, Hello dear, how are you?"

"Morning, Mrs. Willson. I am doing great! How about you?" Said Rachel.

"Oh I am fine dear!" mom replied with a chuckle.

"Oh and you look pretty as always!" Rachel said.

"You flatter me dear!" Mom said with a laugh.

Before Rachel could say something else she saw me peeking through the door watching their conversation and waved at me, I just continued to stare at both of them.

She whispered something to mom and then came to my room and said:

"Pack up bestie, you are staying a night at my place!"

The next thing I knew I was in front of Rachel's house. Lively as always.

Mrs. Grace opened the door and was happy to see me. She is a petite and vivacious women. She has beautiful black hair and dark brown eyes. I have always seen her smile and laugh whenever I'll meet her since young age, I have always thought that Rachel got her cheerfulness from her.

I greeted Mrs. Grace and came inside the house, while Mrs. Grace said:

"How have you been doing? And how are your parents ?"

"I have been doing good and my parents are also doing well." I replied.

"Mom Xia's staying here for today!!" Rachel shouted.

"Oh wow! Make yourself comfortable!"

I smiled and nodded 'yes' as a reply. As we went further inside her home I saw Mr. Grace sitting on couch with laptop in his hands. He looked at me and said:

"Oh its Xia! How are you dear?"

I bowed to him and replied:

"I am doing great Mr.Grace, Hope you have been well too"

And he smiled at me.

Mr. Grace is an amiable person. He has big round brown eyes and black hair. He is a respectable man.

After some time as I was heading towards Rachel's room, Rachel's sibling 'Elora' came in the way and said:

" Oh my god!! Sis Xia is here!"

Listening to this the other siblings Oliver and Iris rushed out of the adjacent room and stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"OH MY GOD! ITS REALLY HER!!" All the three of them shouted.

Rachel had 4 siblings : Elora, Oliver, Iris and baby Amor (5 siblings in total including Rachel). Elora is 5 years younger than Rachel. She is really energetic and likeable. Elora and my sister Alora were born in the same day, and as my parents are in good relationship with Rachel's parents they kept the names of their children that sounded alike.

Oliver is Rachel's younger brother and is 4 years younger than her. Even though he is young, he is quite charming among the other kids of his age. He is shy but enjoys it when other people accompany him.

Rachel's younger sister Iris was 4 years younger than her. She is a bit like Rachel, really active.

And the star of the show is Baby Amor, The most adorable creature. He is healthy and chubby. Most of Rachel's family members say that he likes me because he can't just go into anyone's arms, and I didn't knew what to say. I mean I used to carry Alora and Ace when they were babies, so it was natural for me.

Currently Elora, Oliver and Iris were circling around me and were asking:

"Sis Xia! Let's play hide and seek!!" said Iris.

"Noo! Sis Xia will play with me!!" Said Elora.

"Ummm… Sis Xia will… play with… me?" Oliver said in low voice. Before I could say anything, Rachel said loudly:

"Xia's not playing with you guys today! She'll play with me! Now go back to your room and don't disturb Amor!"

"Boooo, your childish Rachel Sis." Iris said.

"Who the hell is childish-" Rachel exclaimed when Mrs. Grace shouted:

"Rachel! Take Xia to your room!"

"You heard that! ノ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ノ)" Rachel replied to her siblings with an expression of contentment.

Now we both entered Rachel's room and Rachel with a sigh of relief said:

" Well, don't mind the noise out there! We can still do our stuff."

Its not like I was uncomfortable there, it felt good to meet Rachel's family in a while, but keeping this aside, I was curious about what Rachel said to mom that she allowed me to stay a night at her place. So I asked Rachel:

"Hey, What did you said to my mom to permit me to stay a night at your place?"

"Hmmmm… Nothing special just this and that, you know." Rachel replied.

"This and that what?" I asked again.

"Oof! You really wanna know?" Rachel asked.

"Yah." I replied.

"Ok then I told her that You were staying closed in your room for too long, so I'll just take you in my home for a day to enjoy the world outside your home and school" Said Rachel.

"You really said that?" I asked.

"Yah!" Rachel replied.

"That's all?" I asked again.

"Yah!" Rachel repeated.

"Ok then" I said.

We started to talk about tteokbokki-kun's new release 'Text back'. It was also a good song. The beat and the vocals and everything was just so good, that the song soon became popular. Soon Rachel interrupted the topic and started to talk about Ivan:

"Haaahhhh…. Its been a while since I have seen Ivan, You know he is really good looking! But it's a shame that he doesn't has much fame in school, Though! We do have a secret fan club of him in school! And guess what I am a part of it!!!" And then she started to giggle and took out her phone and said:

"Wanna see the chat group? Here see it!!"

There were a bunch of people in that chat group and I thought to myself that If this is what you call 'a little fame' then how famous is Liam in the school.

Rachel then continued to appreciate the beauty of Ivan like:

'Oh! You don't know how beautiful his fair skin is, his long lashed eyes and an example of elegance! His lean body and charming face are heart throbbing! It's like he is the prince of divine beauty and I'll be the dame princess of XX kingdom and will come marry him! His beauty this that bla bla bla….' Was a never ending description of him.

Does Ivan even know about her obsession with him? Anyways soon Rachel's mom called us for lunch and I was saved from Rachel.

We had Rice, curry and salad for lunch. After lunch Rachel decided to visit the nearby park just for some fresh air. I agreed on it and we went outside after informing Mrs. Grace.

As we were walking through the park, we saw a cotton candy stall and purchased 2 cotton candies. Then we walked further inside the park.

While we eat the cotton candy, Rachel started to talk about the mid-term exams that were soon going to start after summer breaks:

"Man! First these assignments! Second those midterm exams! I am going to sue our school authority!"

"Yeah sure" I replied.

"And another thing I need you to help me with my preparation of midterms!"

"Ok, your most welcome to come to my house anytime."

"Leave this shit about school! Tell me about Liam! I know your interested in him!!"

"Stop it Rachel, I really don't have any interest in him!"

"You can no longer hide anything from me! I saw your reaction when he gave you those biscuits!"

"I told you it's just-"

"Nah-ah girl! Hold it right there.I know you more than you know yoursel-" Rachel stopped in the middle and was staring in front of her, I also looked in the same direction and saw a boy with long hair enough to cover his eyes in baggy black pants and a black t- shirt with some accessories.

"What happened?" I asked

Rachel still remained silent and soon after sometime asked:

"Do you see him? Or am I hallucinating?"

"See who?"

"The boy in black"

"Yah I do."

"You do?!!" Rachel exclaimed and turned her head towards me.


"Wait, what is he doing here?!" Rachel exclaimed again.

"Who is he?"

"You don't know him?" Rachel asked and I nodded a 'no' for reply.

"Xia! Which world are you living in?? I have like talked about him so much and you didn't knew who was the person I was talking about? He is Ivan!!"

"Oh." I replied.

"Wait! He is Ivan?!" I startled.