
Chapter Thirteen

Michael's POV :)

I drove us to the evergreen restaurant Dads favorite place to eat. Dad dined at this restaurant whenever he came to the city. I chose this spot as it is perfect for the news to reach dad at the blink of an eye. I rented the place out for my dinner date with Carmen . She wore a beautiful black dress, it wasn't sexy just normal and she slayed it with her heir styled up in a bun. I could see her pretty neck... dirty thoughts shoo.

"Have you talked to your parents about it" I stood up and hugged her as she got to the dining table arranged specifically for us at the mid point of the restaurant.

"Yeah they were a bit taken aback by it as I haven't brought you home and now I want to marry you...it was kinda shocking for them"

"So what are you gonna do ?"

"I convinced them and showed them a picture of you and they liked you so much and I must say Mr Michael, you've got quite a charm"

"Yeah that's what they always say" I reply with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah whatever" she said rolling her eyes that later broke into a smile.

I had ordered before hand so when she got here the food would be ready quickly.

The food was brought minutes later and lobsters were looking massive and fresh. I hoped she had no allergies and when I asked she confirmed she didn't.

Mid way through the food I brought out the diamond ring I had, burning a hole in my pocket the entire time I talked to her. I was nervous for the first time in my life. I spent my night browsing and watching videos about how proposals were done.

What if she splashed me her wine ?well she couldn't...could she? Although she isn't aware of my proposal plan she was aware of our deal together... a deal she has agreed on though we haven't legalized it.

She was cracking the hard shells like a professional and eating it...it felt so good watching a woman eat to her fill. I hated seeing wasted food, it brought back memories I should suppress...

I fumbled with the ring for a while...I should kneel and propose but my pride got the better of me and I took hold of her hand that a fork was grabbed on. She stared at me with those beautiful eyes and dropped her fork on the plate.

Her hand was soft and I held on to it for a while with our eyes locked. The ring was in my other hand placed on my laps and concealed from her view. I opened the box, then brought out the ring and her eyes widened in surprise. Placing the ring at the tip of her finger, I stared at her with a piercing gaze...I need a sign right now !.

Should I do this with her ? Should I trust her ? Is my trust for her not clouded with lust ? .

Her face relaxed from the little shock and I pushed on the ring and it easily slid in. I still held on her hand...the ring looked as good on her as I thought it would. Dad had given me this ring and apparently it held a lot of meaning to him. Maybe it was his mother's ring but he wasn't willing to share the story behind it...he was a man who left lots of my questions and curiosity unanswered.

Her lips curved as she adored the ring and I stretched forward to her side and kissed her. I gave myself a taste of what should not have hungered me this evening. Lips locked I tried to unleash my tongue on her but her lips were shut right and her eyes closed. Shit...I just had to get an erection at this moment...Camila is a sin, I have dirty thoughts when I'm around her. I'm very sure once I have her ... these feelings would flush out of my system and she won't even look attractive to me again and I can go back to being the sex conqueror.

"When am I getting the ten million dollars" she surprisingly asked.

"After everything?"

"What !"

"Yeah baby...in the meantime I'll settle your parents debt that is after our successful marriage then once you do your own end you'll get yours" I stated to her.

"Oh...yeah that makes sense" she said and went back to eating.

"I have a question to ask"

"What is it" she asked taken aback like she had a secret to hide. She even stopped chewing.

"Chill girl...chew"

She slowly did and my eyes followed the pace of her lips chewing.


"Did you get your body done ?"

"No ! of course not ! this is all natural" she said.

"I thought so too but your throw back pics look entirely different...you had a massive change"

"Never ask a woman her beauty secrets" she replied and went back to her food.

"Okay !"

True though. Women hid their beauty secrets just like they hid their age. She doesn't know i saw a picture of her in front of the hospital.

After dinner she had me take her pictures and I did. At first I thought she was like those girls that whenever they went to fancy places they just had to take pictures but she made me realize it was for the google cause of our deal.

"Leave your car here...I'll drop you home !" I said as we got out.

"No !...why not leave yours and I drop you home " she countered with a smirk.

"Okay...fine by me...let's go" I say and hop into her car. She was surprised by my reply and action.

"Hmmm you still got the new car smell" I observed.


"Did you just get it ?"

"Nah ...I've had it for a while "

"This model was recently released though...I was about to order but changed my mind" I shared. I had too many cars now that I hardly used so I stopped myself with a great deal of self control.

"I got it recently from a guy...the guy that is now my ex boyfriend" she said .

"Oh...sweet good bye ride

"Can you stop interrogating me ?

"I will...if you let me drive"

"You wish ...you aren't driving my baby " she sad hugging he steering wheel before powering the car and reversing out of the parking lot.

"Girls...." my phone rang and I brought it out to see a call from My best girl friend.

"Hey miss Sharon" I joked.

"Michael ! "She warned

"Sorry babe...I just wanted to tease you"I replied and the car was now in steady smooth motion.

"You weren't even worried about me ?" She whined.

"I really was...I even asked Logan"

"Why would you ask him when you could ask me directly "

"Where have you been? "

"Home...avoiding mom as much as possible "

"You're really stressing her"

"Hey ! You should be on my side "


"You hosted a party Mike and you had the guts to not invite me...I'm so pissed at you"

"Your phone was switched off girl...I know no way to reach you when that happens " I say. At times she just decides to ghost people for days.

"Shit ! so If I go on my escapades and something were to happen to me no one would know where to search from" she questioned the obvious.

"That can't even happen" I assure her.

"Yeah I know so what's up with you ?"

"I just got engaged" I share.

"Really that's cool man...your father would be so happy but who is she ?" She said knowing how much dad wanted this to happen.

"She's mysterious" I said and the car zoomed so fast my phone nearly slipped off my hand.

"Hey...drive gently babe" I say to Camila.

"Hmmm seems you got a wild one" Sharon says.

"It appears so" I say staring at Camila.

"I'll hang up now I gotta hit a bar with my girls" she said. She just loved doing all the things her mind hated. Rebel !.

"Okay have fun" I cut off the call.

"You almost killed me back there" I said to Camila.

"Thought your insanely good looks and sweet talk would save you from death" she said.

"Ha ha funny..."

"Where is your house?"

"Park avenue and I don't live in a typical house baby"

"Then do you stay in a shack" she replied.

"Geez girl think big" I laughed. This lady keeps undermining and doubting me. Michael Jenkins in a shack ?.

"Okay Uhm...a condo ?


"What about the place you had the party

"That was just one of my many mansions

"Hmm...i guess you stay at a penthouse then"

"Guessed right.."