
Love, lies and a Billionaire.

Carmen a fierce lady whose dream is to be an actress finds herself in facing possible jail time. To keep her future reputation intact she accepts a contract she didn’t read as her situation was desperate. Michael a billionaire playboy...every woman’s dream man needs to get married for his father’s sake. Charles a genius mastermind is able to bring these people together for his own secret selfish reasons. Watch what happens as the story unfolds.

Brizzidi · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Carmen POV :)

I waited for Michael to get out of view then I called Charles.

"If Michael asks where I stay what should I say ?" I asked Charles.

"You stay at the hotel obviously where else would you say ?.

"Yeah I totally remember that "

"I hope you didn't make him suspicious " Charles questioned.

"No I didn't I'll be at the party on Friday night"

"I'm at the hotel hurry back"

I begin my walk back to the hotel and surprisingly my legs got tired coupled to the fact that I ate my fill. The burgers were really good damn good...but why would a billionaire eat at such a small restaurant...I wonder why ?...maybe I'll ask Charles later but Charles would say "Carmen ! Don't ask something that's not relevant to our cause" he'll say something like that I guess.

I enjoy the scenery of the environment before I'm back to the hotel...these days I miss Tiffany but I can't call cause she'll be hell bent focused on writing and reviewing scripts. I can't distract my friend...I'm glad she landed a good job but our relationship strained a bit.

I arrive at the majestic Mage hotel and go straight up to my room.

Charles and Mark were in the room when I arrived, like they owned the place well Charles technically did.

"Why did you waste so much time ?"Charles snapped.

"You realize I walked down from Bibi's right"

"And how far is that ?" He asked.

I snubbed his question.

I went to the bed and laid, then Mark left the room.

"I've booked you a spa and wax..." Charles informed.

"Wax ? For what" I questioned jumping off from the pillow my head was on.

"Shit will definitely happen tomorrow night and you need to get ready...he'll be like a lion ready to devour you and you should be a lamb and let him...hopefully you'll get pregnant or he won't get enough of you and would want to see you again"

"Charles ! Hopefully...I should be a lamb for him and the keyword here is hopefully " I ask in disbelief.

"So you'd rather do what? "

"He's attracted to me already" I replied.

"That's not enough Carmen...he's getting suspicious of you !" Charles replied.

"How do you know that ?"

"You need to act right Carmen...tomorrow night is a key part of our plan mess it up and your life will get ruined"

"How ruined can my life get...I can't recall getting anything from you"

"You'll find out when shit goes down...get ready to be at the spa tonight then wax tomorrow noon" Charles said then he exited the room.

My skin crawled as Charles left...should I regret now or later...how can he expect me to just sleep with Michael like that..I should have known this was coming...

I went to the spa and had a full body special. I wasn't the only one there and in as much as I was in a separate room I could overhear conversations.

"....really good though, my husband could never have that much stamina I tell you " The First Lady shared.

"The guy I met online was muscled and toned but he was a big scam..ran off with my Jewelries after I paid him for his services. " The second replied.

"Guys are turning wild these days I swear to god...mine was so adventurous...my husband came home unannounced and the guy had to fly out the window ..." The first said.

"Jeez that's hilarious " The second lady replied.

These women were probably married and we're laughing and discussing about their extra marital affairs. They sounded like sugar mamas.

Well they entertained me very well. Sorry for the guy who flew out the window though...hope he still has the stamina.

My muscles were eased after the massage and I left the spa place stretching as I walked to the elevator. I had a good night rest.

The next day I had to wax everywhere except the hair on my head I looked like a Sphnyx kitten everywhere else. The waxing session was painless though and I wonder why cause my skin turned pink.

Michael called me that noon when I was lazing around watching movies and munching popcorn.

"Hello baby " Michael said. I'm sure he gives that endearment to all the girls he ever hit on.

"What's up " I replied popping popcorn in my mouth.

"Called to remind you of the party and to check on how you're doing"

"Can I miss it ?" I asked knowing fully well Charles would kill me if he heard that.

"You better not !" Michael warned. Does this guy think he can control me too...there Charles is calling me a puppet which I am...shamefully. Then Michael wants to do the same...hell no!...I'll be in charge if shit works out for us.

"Okay I'll be there Michael" i replied sweetly, cause I know if you succumb to someone's wishes they will fall and let their guard down and when you get close enough you just reveal your true colors. That is the tactic I'll use for them.

"Uh uh uh I love the way you call my name"

He flirted

"Oldie Michael" I joked

"Camila why would you say that!" He faked sounding annoyed, I'm sure he was pouting those sexy lips of his....jeez Carmen what is wrong with you ?.

"Slip off the tongue" I chuckled and cut the line. He was a cool person to tease.


At the party I was so nervous to get into the house. Earlier Michael had sent me the location of the house and I drove over. Party was in full swing with just one security who wasn't doing any security measures, he just stood...watching...giving off that eerie feeling. I went into the mansion which was huge...who would have thought a grand mansion would be surrounded by the woods. Is Michael a werewolf cause if he was he could freely roam around on these grounds...changing and transforming as much as he wanted. Hmmm if he was, my blood would be sucked dry then...no those are vampires, the bloodsuckers...I don't know I'm nervous...why am I though ?...am I attracted to Michael ? well he was really charming like those looks are illegal man !...sincerely speaking he was the hottest man ever but the man my heart beats for is ....MARK, my cold ice prince. He hardly comes by these days. I just love him so much.

I knock on the door and obviously due to the loud music blasting through nobody would stand up to open it, they'd just feel the person on the other side was stupid...if they even heard the knock. I open the door and I'm greeted by smooching it two people...Hmm interesting party. Michael never actually told me what the party was for. I stepped in and scan the area looking for him, the lights were flashing blue and red so it was pretty hard to recognize anyone in this state. A guy approached me and I thought he was Michael as he had a similar height to him and all . But when he spoke i immediately realized he wasn't the one...he didn't have deep voice like Michael did.

"My name's..." the guy said when Michael stepped in.

"What's up.." he patted the guys back and said " Baby...you're here " the guy walked off then Michael pulled me in for a hug and my head rested in his hard chest...he scented all male...exotic...I love Mark though ! Or do I ?

We got to a corner and he got me drink.

"What are you celebrating?" I curiously asked.

"I believe there doesn't have to be a reason to celebrate...just be happy and see beautiful people in the same space" he replied with a smile.

"Wow...so you host these parties like everyday ?"

"Seriously Cam...everyday ? How? "

"You are energetic after all...the crushes of all women ...the staring man with the sexiest eyes"

"Oh my gosh Camila?.." he chuckled " I can't host parties everyday...I do it when I feel like it and I've got to be energetic enough too...physically and mentally" he replied.

"That's cool man" I said staring at the people dancing and drinking.

He held onto my hand and was steering me off the party and into the hallway.

"Where are we going to ?" I asked. Scared that the lamb and lion story was about to commence.

"I have something to say to you in private" he said and the look in his eyes were serious and I trusted him then...at that moment.

He told me about his proposal and my heart kept on thumping. How was it possible that Charles plan had worked or was all these a scam ? Starting from Charles approaching me with a deal to Michael offering me one...is there a secret camera watching me to know the length people go for their dreams well if it's so

I am an inspiration or am I not !.

My baby !

I could never do that !

Michael I'm sorry but I'll pull a fast one on you concerning that !

After all my mama has taught me about the importance of children and the many many soap operas I've watched I will never leave my child behind. Even if I did achieve my dreams I'd never be satisfied knowing my baby is growing up without me...something my mama never did to me. Thinking about it...picturing my self in that what if scenario...I would be cursed by the goddess of fertility and my child would never forgive me. I just have to secretly get myself those internal stuffs that prevents pregnancy...without Charles knowledge of course !.

Ten million dollars !

I'm not after money but the sum was tempting. I could use that money and support my real parents and family in Mexico. I'd attend college online and get myself a capable agent and soon enough I'd start getting movie deals. I could even ditch Charles stingy 500 dollars.

Carmen Lopez has hit a jackpot...a large one.

I smiled !