
Love Is•

"One is incapable of love if they do not understand its true meaning." √

Lu_Grace · 若者
10 Chs

Love Is Chilling

"I probably shouldn't have said that," I murmur under my breath seeing Reeve's distraught expression.

"Care to explain?"

"Sit with me."

I lead him to a nearby couch.

"I... Bated Vivian into coming here."

"Bated? ... Do I wanna know why or even... How?"

"Just so I could do a little... Interrogating."

His gaze is unblinking on me, as if silently asking me to continue.

Right then, as if on cue, 'Isabella' walks in, her mouth stuffed, and a bowl of cookies in her hands.

"That's how." I say, my gaze on the young woman.

Her eyes travel from me to Reeve, and she instantly lights up.


The incredulously flirtatious grin on her face makes me narrow my eyes.

"Hello." Reeve's quick and apathetic reply brings a small pout to her face.

Her scanning gaze remains uncomfortably on him, and I decide to intervene.

"Hey there Isa. Finished ransacking my fridge yet?"

"Don't call me that!" She snaps, her gaze turning fiery. 

"Right right. Uh..." My face scrunches up in profound confusion.

"Remind me your name again?"

"Are you serious right now?"

"I'm not kidding. I actually did forget... Unfortunately."

She doesn't look ascertained by my obvious lie.

"Kara." She spits then walks off without another word.

"Lili?" Reeve's voice pulls me back from my thoughts.

"Reeve, listen, I was hoping you could maybe... Make a few delicacies before you leave? Maybe a few bagels? Please?" 

"So you brought me here so I could... Cook for you?"

"I'll pay you! I promise. Plus, there are all the ingredients you'll need."

Reeve appears amused for a second.

"You realize I have a job, right?"

"Come on Reeve. I thought you started between ten to eleven AM!" 

"I do."

"Then why?"

"I just want to know the real reason you asked me to come here, Lilith."

I knew he'd instantly see through me, but still, I'll never know how...

"Okay fine. I'll tell you, but I really do need you to prepare something since I'm sure Kara's probably consumed everything by now."

"Alright." Reeve stands and I follow after him.

"Just promise me you'll tell me everything after?"

"I promise."

"Are you looking for a job? I could certainly use a personal chef such as yourself." Kara leans her elbows against the kitchen aisle, intently watching Reeve use a mixer.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I already have a well-paying job, Miss."

"Why so formal? Besides, I'll pay you double." Her almost predatory stare is unnerving.

"Excuse me for a minute," I say.

"Take all the time you need sis." Kara shrugges me off listlessly.

I roll my eyes grudgingly, swiftly walking out of the kitchen, a single bagel in my hand.

My steps are consciously loud and imposing as I walk down the basement stairs.

"Hello, birth-giver." My voice echoes ominously in the dark, vast space.

"Or should I just call you Vivian? Maybe Ann or Vivi?"

I resist the urge to laugh at those ingenious nicknames.

Vivian gives me a stare so deadpan, I almost back away.

I give myself comfort by the fact that she's in chains, a good distance away.

"What? You're not gonna yell at me? Insult me? Tell me you're disappointed for the trillionth time in my lifetime?" I pause, shaking my head knowingly.

"Honestly, I kinda did expect that from you though, being a psychopath and all."

Her gaze remains on me, unmoving as she speaks.

"Do you know why I named you 'Lilith?'"

I inwardly flinch as the sound of her voice reminds me of those endless days of verbal abuse from her. She would always do it in this low, and monotone voice. Her words would generally be strained, just to make certain I heard every detail.

"Your name... It means 'night monster.'" A chilling smile is on her face.

"Or some variation of a female demon."

I fail to see the point of telling me all that, but I assume she looking to emotionally scare me, like she's used to.

Ignoring her remark, I take a few steps closer.

"Look here, Vivi, here's your souvenir." I hold up the baked potato that's already gone cold.

Vivian's eyes grow wide, an expression I've never had the privilege of witnessing my entire life. Her legs seem to move on their own as she scurries further from me. She curls up in a corner, eyes transfixed on the snack in my hand.

"What? Not a fan of bagels?"

"Was it shocking?" I ask stepping closer to her cowering figure.

"To learn that your so-called perfect daughter is... Well, she's non-existent."

Amidst my blithesome laughter, I sense someone standing atop the basement stairs.

Reeve stares down at me with a complicated expression. His teeth are clenched and so are his fists. I can't tell what his thinking, but I know for sure he hates me now.


Our staring contest goes on long enough for Vivian to sprint toward me like I was her prey.

The loud clanks of the chains are my only warning, as I quickly move out of her reach, dropping the bagel in the process.

The chains reach their limit and Vivian is not able to get to me. I sigh in relief but as I turn toward the basement entrance, Reeve is no longer there.

Instead, I find Kara, her arms folded, with a somewhat despondent expression on her face.

I leave the cold bagel on the floor, briskly walking up the stairs.

"Don't give me that look," I say, promptly locking the basement door.

She follows me into the kitchen, her arms still folded. Her accusing gaze is peculiarly angsty.

"You know, from the moment I saw you, I just knew you were going to be f*cking insane little b*tch."

"Is that so? So you're a seer now? And aren't you forgetting something?" I raise a brow.

"We, are related."

Kara sighs. "It is an unfortunate fact."

"Point is, as damn crazy as you are, what you just did today was straight up— just f*cking heartless."

"You may think that, but I just think— I know, I did him a favor."