
Love Is•

"One is incapable of love if they do not understand its true meaning." √

Lu_Grace · Teen
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10 Chs

Love Is Tolerable

I leave the house before the sun has a chance to peak from the distant plains.

I assume it's about five AM. Just as I make my way down, I freeze at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

I slowly walk to the living room area, silently wondering how long she's been sitting on that couch.

Not to mention that she's now giving me attention. Not a good sign at all.

"For a walk."

"You're going on lots of walks lately."

It's not a question, so I remain silent.

"Just remember your place."

Her eyes never meet mine when she speaks, her figure looking even more malevolent in the murkiness.

"Yes," I say as I approach the door.

"One more thing."

I turn to face her.

"Bring me back a souvenir."

It's not the first time she's asked for it. I reputed it must act as some sort of evidence for my so-called 'walk.'

I leave without another word, gently shutting the door on my way out.

"You're early." Nancy looks interrogatively at me.

"I need to see the footage."

I hurriedly reply, walking past her into her 'working space.'

"Someone's in a hurry." She comments, clicking away on the imposingly sizeable keyboard.

I don't say anything as my eyes scan the many screens in front of me.

"I knew it," I murmur to myself, gazing intently at a specific screen. 

I feel Nancy's disquisitive gaze on me.

"So what do you plan to do now?"

"I'd rather keep that to myself," I respond, eyes still glued to the screen.

"But don't worry too much. I know he's family. I'll be gentle enough."

Nancy scoffs, almost indignantly.

"Where'd you get the idea I wanted you to do that? He's clearly a f*cking sociopath."

A bit astounded, I shift my gaze to her, an involuntary smile on my lips.

"I always knew I liked you."

"I'm very honored." She grins caustically. 

"What?" Nancy queries on seeing my severe expression.

"I don't know if I'll have time to pay you back this week... Can we reschedule to—"

"That's not necessary." She cuts me off.

Doubt flares up in my mind. She must want something else...


"Meaning I'm doing this for free this time." She clarifies.

"But only this time."

"May I know why?"

"Because I like you too honey."

She winks slyly.

"I'm... gonna go make a phone call," I affirm already walking out.

"Alright. Just close the door on your way out."

I take hurried steps to Nancy's room, silently trusting that 'Isabella' is doing her job correctly.

On entering the familiar room, I head straight for one of the bedside drawers. I smirk at the sight of my secret cell phone. I internally thank Nancy for keeping it for me. There was nowhere I would keep it in my house that mother wouldn't eventually find. Besides, I wouldn't be able to use it in the house anyway.

I call Isabelle's phone, which rings for a few minutes without an answer.

{Hello? Who is this?}

I can't help but sigh in relief.

{It's me.}

{Yeah, I figured.}

Her uninterested tone is not surprising.

{Where are you?}

{I'm at my loving mom's house of course.}

I sigh, having seen that reply coming, but still feeling offended.

{If you play around enough, I might just let you stay with her.}

{You can't do that. I'll tell her about your master plan then.}

I can almost feel her premature smirk through the phone.

{I wouldn't have said that if I were you.}

The line goes quiet for a short minute after my warning. 

{If she does learn about my plan, do you know what will happen to you?}

I laugh at the thought.

{Yes, I might not be able to come back to that house, ever, but you on the other hand sweetheart, will have to stay with her. Whether you want to or not. Unfortunately for you, you're almost a carbon copy of her late daughter, and she won't let you go so easily.}

{I was just kidding you know...}

I smile on hearing the fear in her voice.

{Sure sure.}

{I'm on my way to the other house.}

She says.

{That's perfect.} I smile satisfactorily.

{See? That wasn't so hard now was it?}

{I have to go. She's probably already tracking this phone now.}

{Alright.} I say but recall something else.

{Oh, and one more thing.}

{Make it quick would you?} She spits impatiently.

{Don't mind the bulky men.}


Confusion is laced in her voice, but I hang up the call.

I promptly send a quick text to Reeve, before fleetly walking out of the house. 

"Who's house is this?" Reeve wonders, gazing questioningly at the deluxe Villa.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was my secret lair?"

Reeve laughs amiably.

"Really? Is this you kidnapping me now?"

"Well, you're not the first boy I've lead in here."

"Is that so?" Reeve folds his arms.

"Yes... But Reeve, I need to know something."

"And that is?" 

"Did you by any chance talk to Nancy about the 'payment?'"

The look in his eyes instantly answers my question.

"Why?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"Because I care about you, Lili. It just... Didn't feel right to me for her to be exploiting you like that..."

"You shouldn't have meddled in my personal life like that Reeve."

Reeve sighs dramatically, taking my hand in the process.

"I know, and I'm sorry if I upset you. Prosecute me if you want to, but I don't regret it." 

"I already told you to stop trying to save me. I'm too far gone."

"It's a good thing we don't think alike then." He beams.

I find myself laughing pleasantly.

"You don't know how good."

A loud thud ostensively coming from the basement is heard.

Reeve gives me a questioning glance.

"Is there someone else here?"

Instantaneously, an idea forms in my head.


Reeve raises a curious brow.

"May I ask who?"

I smile, deterring my gaze.

"My tolerable birth giver."