
Love in a place where fingers mean world [BL]

“He was standing at the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the ground. It looked like paradise. Full of trees, lawns, kids playing happily outside. He looked at them with jealousy. Why can’t he be like them? Why did he have to suffer so much? ’I would jump somewhere else…’ A deep voice sounded behind him, changing everything.” Not everyone can live a happy life. The two of them shared a similar fate. They were exhausted from living in such a world that didn't favor their circumstances. One was abandoned, one was abused. One day, they had a sudden meeting at the school's rooftop. At that moment, fate interfered, tying the strings of their destinies. That very fate worked to make a journey that they could travel together. However, their meeting did start off on the wrong foot. They haven’t become friends. Would the plan that fate wove for them be fulfilled when they are destroying each other? Will their relationship overcome all the problems?

Eoli · LGBT+
174 Chs


Yitian with Chao arrived at home, after the, they could say, successful dinner. They had talked to Chao's father about the future of their relationship and about the team. And they talked out all the problems that could affect their future. And it was nice to know that they had someone guarding them behind their back. 

As soon as they opened the entrance door and walked in, Huobai ran towards them with Yixing following him. They stopped right in front of Chao and Yitian and eagerly watched them change into slippers, but said nothing.

"What?" Chao asked. He knew what they were curious about, but still, he needed to be sure. 

"How was it? Did everything end up okay?" Huobai asked cautiously, examining every movement in Chao's and Yitian's faces, every shift of their expression. But they tried to remain calm, their faces impenetrable.