
Love for Yandere!

After dying from the hands of a yandere , Kim Joon was transported to world which he only read in novels . The world filled with dangers of dungeons will help Kim to uncover his new side and ofcourse dating several yandere waifus along the path. __________________________ A/N: I wasn't able to add Yandere tag as I use my phone to write stories but don't worry there will be yandere characters in the story. The potential love interest are: 1.Momobami Ririka- Kakegurui 2. Yuno Gasai- Mirai Nikki 3.Zero Two- Darling in the franxx 4. Cha Hae In - Solo leveling 5. Not decided... Note: All girls won't become yandere and it will take time for them to fall completely for our mc but it's not going to slow the romance. Drop a tip... https://ko-fi.com/svneighter40560

Svneighter · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs

Encounter ~ 1!

Momobami clan. One of the renowned clans in Japan, majorly known for political and foreign affairs. Even after the dungeon eruption, they continued to maintain their reputation by recruiting the best of the hunters as their personnel. Despite, the leader a non-awakened, his offspring Ririka Momobami, succeeded in awakening her mana, making the leader and clan elders relieved about the next successor belonging to the true bloodline of the Momobami family.

Lots of sacrifices were done by the next successor to become a person worthy of being the next head of the clan. Friend, family, hobbies but most important her emotions. Living around people whom she hates the most in her life, she had to endure a lot to not show how disgusted and hatred she felt against them. During these years her mask did the work hiding her emotions but due to a certain person, she sacrificed that too.

Even after that, she was able to put an act and shroud herself in a facade, to not show how much detestation she was carrying right now.


After lunch, academic classes for all the first year's were held altogether in an auditorium, as it was important to educate students about common knowledge and basic comprehension.

All this time Ririka never separated from Subaru, and to her happiness, Subaru never looked toward any other girl, just some glances toward Yuno otherwise only paid attention to her.

But deep down her anger never subdued. She very well knew whose scent Subaru was carrying and adjoining it with the gaze of him during the sorcery class, she was sure that whom she had to meet.

When the class ended, it was 4 in the evening. Everyone was walking back in groups toward their cottages. Rirka and Subaru were walking side by side without any third wheel.

"What do you think about the school? Do you find it interesting?" Subaru asked as they took the turn around the fountain.

"Yeah, I think I underestimated the hunter school but now I can see why you were eager to come here". She responded in the most cheerful tone she could muster. She couldn't allow to let him know about her inner rage. She was very well aware of his personality, and with that, she knew he won't let her even meet Natasha, let alone kill...

" Ririka. Should we spend some time there?" He gestures toward a park that was on the way. Ririka was startled but nodded vigorously anyways.

They both walked inside the recreational park which had lots of strange beautiful flower beds. They both sat on the grass with flowers all around them. Since the perimeter was rounded with bushes, they were not visible to outsiders.

Ririka wasn't used to sitting on the grass but seeing Subaru being so natural she somehow managed to not let her facial expression change.

They both sat within a close range while glancing toward the ground. Subaru was thinking aimlessly, while Ririka stealing glances at him every now and then.

After a brief moment of complete silence, Subaru broke the ice.

"Ririka, I never asked but do you have any siblings?" Subaru suddenly recalled that there was a twin of masked girls, who always acted and kept the other one in shadows.

Suddenly Ririka's whole atmosphere changed into a darker one before it returned to normal.

"I had one twin sister..b-but some-something.." Subaru realized that he asked something rather sensitive.

"It's okay you don't have to say it. Just remember I am not a person who judges anyone by their past so I am always here whenever you need me kay?" He held Rirka's hand firmly before reassuring her.

Ririka looked toward his eyes for a second before nodding.

Another round of silence fell across them but this time it was a little bit awkward. Subaru saw the faint sadness on Ririka's face and concluded that the matter was extremely touchy for her.

He sighed and pulled Ririka in an embrace, wrapping her whole body with his own, and place her between his long legs.

She squealed cutely but before she could realize it, she was already in Subaru's grasp.

He landed his head on her left shoulder after tucking all the free fell hair strands behind her ear.

Ririka's face was getting hot and body stiff due to sudden 'skinship' but she loved it a lot. She didn't say anything just closed her eyes, even she didn't know why?

Subaru really likes the cute antics of Ririka, although his mom was the cutest in the world for him, he never compared any of his women to another one. He had an innate ability to always think about the person with whom he was at that moment.

(A/N: Harem protagonist be like...⇀‸↼‶)

He was clasping Ririka's abdomen and was surprised how soft it was even she did so many workouts. He slightly lifted her top and slid his hand inside, enjoying the smoothness of her belly to the fullest.

Ririka was getting terribly fuzzy in her mind, with her eyes still closed and felt like she never felt before. However, she liked the fact that Subaru was attracted to her body but still getting love dovey in public was too much for her brain to handle.

Subaru chuckled at her before taking out his hand and embracing her body tightly again.

"You should stop getting embarrassed all the time around me. I am a really clingy boyfriend you know". He bit her ear lobe seductively after saying.

She bit her lower lip with her hand gripping Subaru's forearm.

" Or would you have liked a shy boyfriend?" Ririka instantly opened her eyes as soon she heard his voice and replied immediately.

"I would only like you as my partner, no one else". Subaru was happy to hear it to the point that he wanted to kiss her right now and so he did.

He adjusted their bodies and after placing her on his lap, he lifted her chin to match her gaze.

She obliged even she felt having a heart attack several times now.

She didn't get that much time to prepare before she felt a foreign warmth on her lips.

She tightly closed her eyes, and just felt his breathe hitting her face and lips connected to hers.

Subaru sucked on her lower lip as well on the other one while rubbing his thumb on her ear where he bit before.

Her lips were cold yet sweet making him kiss her more passionately. Her lips were just perfect to his liking and he knew that he would become addicted to it.

He was aware, that she would probably faint again if he was to go next level, so he restrained himself and pulled back.

Looking at Ririka's red face and breathing heavily, he couldn't help but to kiss her again and for the third time too.

Very onlookers who came to the park, following these two individuals were confused because as soon Subaru lifted Ririka, they both disappeared from the spot, making the audience quite frustrated.

These onlookers belonged to both genders. And to surprise, most of them came here for Ririka. Even it's only a few days passed since they saw Ririka, her beautiful face along with her peculiar platinum hairs adorned with her ojou sama arrogance, she undoubtedly had attracted a lot of students belonging to both years.

But they valued their life more than their curiosity and lust which fortunately helped Ririka to be isolated along with Subaru most of the time.


After a short after-class date, the love birds went back to their respective cottages, happily chatting and flirting on the way. Subaru sent off Ririka before returning to his cottage. He was already happy to see Sasha after so many days and the way Ririka reacted to his advances made his day perfect.

Since it was only 7 in the evening, he thought to wait before meeting Sasha as she might be in a teacher's meeting or something.

On the other end, Ririka was grinning ear to ear, as she entered her room, remembering the unforgettable moments she spent today with her better half.

But, as soon the darkness of her room covered her eyes, her whole mien changed. The previous calm and cute beauty have taken another form like she had a split personality or sort. She has a really deadening habit of holding a grudge and so she did. She didn't forget about Natasha's ploy and her rage was still alive, the same as before.

But never in her wildest dream, did she imagine that her 'prey' would be waiting for her, inside her own territory.

As soon she lit up the lights, she saw Natasha sitting on her study table cross-legged, looking continuously toward Ririka's eyes, devouring her alive with her mere gaze.

It was an undoubted fact that Ririka was a little bit scared now, as she didn't receive a single ounce of mana inside her room, and more to it, passing the security which Ririka personally installed inside the room was a feat that only elites could achieve.

She knew that Natasha would be strong or she won't have been teaching here but still looking at her confident and life-ripening look, made Ririka shiver a little.


" You sure know how to lay hands on someone else's property". Ririka had a clear meaning behind her words and the amount of killing intent she was releasing stated that she wasn't talking about her place.

"Hoh..not bad for a runt to possess such magic power~". This was Natasha's turn to release her killing intent and she didn't held back.

Ririka's eyes went wide in a fret when the intent touched her. She felt her soul was sucked out and satan itself came to erase her existence.

If Ririka's presence was considered as venomous mamba then Natasha was like Jörmungandr itself.

Ririka knew she won't survive but her state of mind always shakes up when Subaru was at stake.

Even she was sweating from head to toe or her entire being screaming her to run away, she held her ground and said with a grim expression.

"I hope your spells are as good as your whoring skills". And with a snap, they both disappeared from the cottage as well as from the island.


(A/N: Grammar is a little shaky in this chapter. It will improve from the next one. Drop a comment if you are liking the story so far;)