

The class went for a total of 3 hours where various basic theories about magic formation and spell enchantment, were introduced by Natasha.

Like the previous batch, everyone became really interested in magic because of the way Natasha was teaching them. Even Ririka started paying attention as Natasha's choice of words made learning a lot easier.

Various practical demonstrations and questions were raised which Natasha answered patiently. It was almost impossible to notice that she was deliberately skipping her gaze from a particular section of the class, but a pair of eyes didn't miss it.

Students were totally dwelled in the studies, well not everyone. Subaru didn't need to study formation as he already was on the monarch level and the formation Natasha was teaching belonged to the beginners level.

He stared at her during the whole period and only waited for the class to end.

"Okay class that's it for today. The formations which I have taught you today will be tested practically in the next class. Until then see ya~" Natasha started walking out of the class receiving all kinds of looks.

"Are you going for lunch?" Theo asked as in between classes a student was directed to eat lunch in the cafeteria which was in the same building where they were right now.

"No you guys go ahead I have something to do". He stood up before glancing at Ririka.

"I will wait for you". Ririka grabbed Subaru's hand hesitantly.

"Then I will return sooner". He kissed her forehead before getting up.

Ririka smiled while touching the spot where he kissed with a tint of redness on her pale cheeks.


" Good afternoon professor".

"Good afternoon". On the way back to her office various students greeted Natasha and she cheerfully responded.

Every teacher was given an office in separate buildings as in the case of unexpected dungeons, there could be at least one teacher at every corner of the school.

This building was only built for sorcery purposes, protected with several barriers as like other buildings. There were various indoor training grounds for experimental and practical tests. Since the semester only started the professors were only focusing on teaching the basics first before the end of the month.

At the end of every month, an exam is taken and the individual points of a student are evaluated. Those who score less than average marking had to take extra classes as well as direct supervision of a teacher from the committee.

Natasha entered her office after walking for almost 10 minutes and locked the door. She had a smirk on her face while she turned the knob.

She walked toward her table and arranged all the files she had at one corner and made a vacant space at the center section of the table.

Just after she finished arranging all the documents, she felt mana circulation around her, and soon enough a person was inside her office.

She turned toward the main door and found cold blue eyes staring at her. Since the room was very dimly lighted the person's face was still in shadows.

The tall figure walked toward Natasha and stopped just a foot apart from her.

" Student Subaru. Entering a teacher's office without prior notice and more to it without knocking is a punishable act, you know that right?" Natasha said while gazing at his cold blue eyes.

"Oh, I didn't know. Will you punish me, Professor?" Subaru stepped forward with one brow raised and a smirk on his face.

"I-If you back off now then maybe I will consider it as a mistake". Natasha didn't step back and stood still.

" Hmm...but I dont have any intention to back off now, you know". He walked a step again, decreasing their distance to only some inches.

His head was little titled downward as even with heels, Natasha was only reaching up to his chin.

"What do you want from me?" Natasha had a faint blush on her cheeks and her voice seemed a little shaky.

Subaru leaned forward and put his hand on the table before sinking his face on her neck. He took a long whiff of her intoxicating womanly smell mixed with a citric fragrance. He loved her smell very much. It always made him calm at the same time drives him crazy.

While his face was snuggling in her neck, Natasha started melting due to the intimacy. She bit her lower lips and somehow managed to resist her moan. After struggling quite a bit she finally stuttered some words.

"Stud-student. Th-this type of re-relationship is forbidden..." She also leaned back on the table with her hand clutching on its edge in excitement.

"Drop it mom. You are too innocent to do this kind of act in front of me". Subaru snapped his finger after standing back again.

Suddenly, the color of her hair started changing as well as her eyes'. Her chocolaty brown hairs took a darker shade, and soon beautiful raven color took its place. Her brown eyes were faded away as she blinked and bright crimson irises were now visible.

" You looked pretty in that disguise but this.." He hugged her waist and pulled her in his embrace.

"..this suits you the perfect." He erased the distance of their faces and connected his lips to hers.

Sasha didn't get the time to even say anything when her illusion got dispelled and now she was totally blank in her mind. She was gripping his white shirt tightly while hugging his back like he would disappear if she let him go even for a second.

She somehow returned his kiss but still, her clumsiness was obvious.

Subaru chuckled inwardly, seeing his mom trying her best, before deepening his kiss to another level.

He made his way inside her mouth with his tongue and found her cute scared tongue still in one place. He started teasing her tongue while savoring her flavor. He lifted Sasha in his embrace and in coordination, Sasha also crossed her legs tightly on his back. Subaru turned his body and rested his butt on the table while devouring her continuously.

They were kissing wildly in heat making very obvious indecent sounds all around the room. Subaru's hand started moving inside her shirt but since it was body-fitted, his hand didn't go past her lower back.

They kissed for a whole minute when Sasha started lacking air before she broke the kiss.

Subaru had an unsatisfied look on his face, ready to go another couple of rounds but seeing Sasha panting heavily he retained his sense and immediately apologized.

"Sorry, mom. I was just really happy to see you". He pressed his forehead against hers.

She closed her eyes for a second before she opened her mouth to speak.

"I know baby and this feeling is mutual, so dont apologize ". She didn't have words to describe how much elated she was, after feeling Subaru's warmth after so long even it's only been only 4 days.

They stayed silent for some seconds, only listening to each other breaths. Sasha was the one who separated her face from his and looked toward his eyes before she spoke.

" When did you notice?" She asked with a cute smile. She knew Subaru would catch her and she was contented about it but still, her illusion was caught so easily, hurt her mage's ego.

"The moment you entered the room. And seriously your disguise was so perfect that even Theo didn't recognize you, it's just.." He closed the distance of their faces again before he spoke.

"It's just, I love you so much that your mere presence makes my heart pound wildly, so how can I not recognize you". Sasha's face took another crimson shade before she hid her face in his chest.

" Mou~ baby. You really know how to make your mama happy ". He chuckled at her cute antics and hugged her back.

Briefly after, he checked the time and found that it was almost 30 minutes since he came here.

" Mom I will be going for now". He patted her back lightly. She was snuggling in him like a baby as she always behaves.

He liked Sasha's cute behavior that she only shows to him which make him helplessly, spoil her even more.

"Mmm". She gripped his shirt with more rigidity, not wanting to be separated.

" Don't be like this mom. You know I am weak to it. I promise to meet you tonight okay?" She finally let him go after showing buckets of displeasure. Subaru stood up and patted her head to soothe her before disappearing from her office.

Just a second after Subaru left Sasha's office, her whole demeanor changed and darkness started enveloping her. Her face was totally different now. Unlike before the innocence and cuteness were nowhere on her face, only a scary smirk was visible.

"I think it's time to finally meet you".


Back in the cafeteria, everyone was busily chatting majorly about the professor and her lecture while eating slowly. There was a huge variety of dishes available on the counters, ranging from foreign cuisine to traditional delicacies. Subaru spotted Ririka sitting alone at a round table leisurely. He glanced at the whole hall but didn't find Theo.

Ririka also saw him and waved at him with a cheerful smile on her face.

He walked toward her and sat on the chair beside next to her.

" Subaru kun are yo.." Her voice halted as soon she received a scent lingering on him.

"..you done with your work?" She didn't let Subaru realize that her voice broke, and kept a calm smile on her face.

But inside, she was not so calm. Her mind wasn't focused at all but she forced herself not to look different in front of him.

"Yeah.. let's go and grab something. I am really hungry".

" Hmm.. sure". They both got up and proceeded toward the counter. Ririka was clutching her fist tightly in rage while she walked with Subaru.

'That bitch already laid her hands on my Subaru huh. Let's see, how much her magic bullshit could protect her.'

Next chapter