
Love Death Cemetery

Lug is a young and anxious man, he doesn't have a passion, nor a goal in life, all he wants is to be left alone. His dream comes true when he finds a job as a cemetery caretaker. But when he gains the ability to see ghosts, the quiet life he dreamed of gives way to chaos. A new chapter every two days!

JACKart · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chap 9: The city (part 2)

Lug had a bag in his hand, you could see flowers sticking out of it.

He went to the supermarket to buy the Coleslaw, last step before going back.

He only had to walk a few minutes.

He took care to avoid the crowd and entered the large supermarket.

The automatic doors opened to a vast array of shelves, all clean and modern.

Lug rushed to the prepared food aisle, grabbed the first jar of coleslaw he could find and headed for the checkout.

This time, he had thought of taking small stones, it was part of his decision to not to talk to anyone until he had checked the density of their bodies.

As he passed through the candy aisle he saw a wagon pass a few inches from him at super speed.

It was abnormally fast.

Three children were playing, two inside the cart and one pushing them.

From the speed of the cart, Lug realized right away that these children were not alive.

"One of them materialized a cart? I thought ghosts only materialize objects they cared about while alive..."

This trip to town was giving Lug a lot to think about.

He finally bypassed the candy aisle, which was far too dangerous, and went through the delicatessen department.

He stood frozen at the entrance of the department for a few seconds.

A cow was there, right in the middle of the aisle.

It was the first time that Lug saw the ghost of an animal.

He decided to go through anyway, bypassing the cow.

In doubt he threw a small stone to make sure he was dealing with a ghost.

The stone went through the animal, Lug was reassured.

At this point, Lug had started checking out everyone he passed.

He was throwing his little pebbles around like the Little Thumbling to find his way.

« That's a ghost, another one, another one… Another one… Oops no, sorry for that! »

After throwing a pebble at a living person, he decided to leave his hand in his pocket.

When he finally approached the checkout, he saw a long, very long line of people waiting.

The people were close to each other, standing up straight, the line didn't seem to be moving.

Lug knew right away that they were ghosts.

"Are they stuck or something? They're not moving, how long are they going to wait like that? Is this what hell is like, an endless line?"

This strange scene was fascinating as well as depressing.

"What kind of life could they have led to stay haunting a supermarket? »

Lug continued walking, lost in thought.

Once in front of the cash register, he looked at the cashier, she looked normal and alive.

In doubt he wanted to throw a stone at her.

But at that moment the cashier stood up to give a receipt to someone who was passing by.

« Ok, she is alive… I think… » thought Lug.

"Hello!" Said Lug with a little apprehension.

"Hello." Replied very normally the cashier.

Bingo, she was really alive.

After paying and walking out of the supermarket, Lug felt lighter.

He vowed never to go back to a supermarket unless absolutely necessary.

He didn't go through the avenue to get back to his bike, he took another route, longer but quieter.

He deserved this after so much effort.

In the middle of the street he stopped at a bench on which an old man was sitting.

After a few minutes the old man called out to him:

"Are you coming from the supermarket?"

"Yes, it was tiring..." replied Lug.

"Oh yes... I can't stand supermarket ghosts!"

Lug froze when he heard this.

He looked around, no one was there.

"Old man, are you a ghost?" whispered Lug.

"Well, yes, I guess so. Freshly dead. I have no sense of time, but I'd say it's been a few months."

"Oh... Sorry."

"Don't be, I was afraid of death and now I realize that everything is not so different. I have the same habits as when I was alive. I watch people go by, sitting on this bench."

"Yes, I guess death isn't so scary after all. Say, how did you know I could see ghosts? »

"I saw you move aside to let that couple of ghosts pass by, over there." The old man pointed to the place where it happened, around the corner.

"That couple, were they ghosts? I really can't tell the difference when people behave normally..."

"Ahah, you're a funny boy, seeing ghosts and looking like you want to avoid them rather than take advantage of this ability. Are you afraid?"

"Afraid of ghosts? I guess at the very beginning yes, now I'm used to it. I just don't want to look like I'm talking to myself."

"Aaah... Yes, insecurities, how beautiful it is to be young."

"Beautiful, that's not the word that comes to me first, well anyway. I have to go."

"I understand, I advise you to avoid the cinema, the hotels and especially the swimming pool, if you don't want to see ghosts."

"Thanks for the advice, have a good day!"

"Thank you, it's going well" said the old man smiling.

It was the only pleasant encounter with a ghost of the day.

It didn't take Lug more than 15 minutes to get back to his bike.

He put all his groceries in the trailer, got on his bike and started the return trip, which would prove to be more difficult than the driveway because it was all uphill.