
Love Death Cemetery

Lug is a young and anxious man, he doesn't have a passion, nor a goal in life, all he wants is to be left alone. His dream comes true when he finds a job as a cemetery caretaker. But when he gains the ability to see ghosts, the quiet life he dreamed of gives way to chaos. A new chapter every two days!

JACKart · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chap 7: The commander

Lug found himself on the ground, bent over in pain, the spear stuck in his belly.

One of the guards rushed and removed it right away with a sharp blow.

They didn't even give him time to breathe, they took him by the underarms and pulled him towards their camp.

Lug's head was spinning but the pain had quickly disappeared after the spear was removed.

He lifted his shirt to check his stomach, there was nothing, no marks, no blood.

He almost thought it was a dream, but the small pain that persisted was real.

He looked towards the two guards who were pulling him and said :

« What happened? Why am I still alive and uninjured? »

One of the guards replied :

« We take you to commander, you interesting. »

Lug did not even try to resist.

He let himself be dragged along, he didn't want to risk being pierced again.

After pulling him for a good two minutes, the two guards put Lug in the largest tent in the very center of the camp.

They left him slumped on a beautiful red carpet.

The tent was richly decorated and much bigger than his house.

There were fabrics embroidered with gold, the lanterns hung on posts were also golden.

In the middle of the tent, there was a large carved wooden table with maps and pawns on it.

And just behind it, a large chair that served as a throne, with a man sitting on it.

He was sitting, his elbow on the armrest and his fist against his cheek he looked bigger than the two guards.

He was a titan dressed in silver armor and a large thick fur covered his shoulders.

He had bright fiery eyes, a long beard and long hair.

His face was marked with many scars, it was easy to know that he was the person in charge here.

He did not move or say anything, Lug did not move either, sitting on the carpet at the entrance.

And then, after some time, the commander began to smile, for no apparent reason, and said :

« My men told me that you impaled yourself on their spears willingly. What are you, a living that wants to die, or a ghost that is trying to feel something? »

Lug, who had not moved until then, put himself in a more comfortable position on the carpet, and said :

« I accidentally fell on the spear. I'm just the cemetery caretaker, I wanted to go to the city to buy some things, that's all. »

The commander laughed loudly.

« I don't know if you are trying to lie to me or if you are just lying to yourself, well, whatever… Half-ghost, tell me how is the outside world nowadays, it's been a while since I've talked to someone like you. »

Lug struggle for words, that man's presence was too overwhelming, he couldn't look him in the eye.

« Hum… I… The world is alright… Like… People are quite down, most of them don't like their jobs, that's maybe why, I don't know… »

The commander frowned.

« Our people are… Down? They are losing the war… What a pity »

« I… No, I mean… We are in peace time, there are no more wars! »

« Half-ghost, listen : we are always at war, it's human nature. The worst war is the one that does not say its name, those people you are talking about are losing the war without even fighting because they think they are at peace…. Peace… What a joke, nobody is born in peace, peace cannot be won, peace is obtained, it is never acquired, it deserves a constant fight. You half-ghost , you are losing your war, throwing yourself on spears, you thing this was an accident? Ha! Accidents do not exist. There is a demon in you that makes you think you are worthless, that it is better to die… Lies! You need to fight that demon, and many others… »

The passion burned in the eyes of the commander, he had risen from his throne. But his speech was cut off by a guard who called out to him at the entrance.

« Sir, sorry, maneuvers, the enemy. »

The commander's face suddenly closed. He put a heavy cloak on his shoulders, a sword at his side, and dropped a few words to Lug before leaving.

« Duty calls. I will tell my soldiers to let you go to town, don't hesitate to come back, I am very interested in stories from the world of the living. »

« Thank you, sir. » said Lug soberly.

He stood up and returned to his bike.

As he passed, he noticed the many eyes on him.

Being the center of attention made him uncomfortable.

When he finally got on his bike, he checked his belly.

There was nothing, but a small pain was lingering, this wasn't a dream, it really happened.

He hesitated to go home.

But the commander's speech came back to his mind.

He couldn't just give up.

It became obvious he had to go through with his mission.